Why do Americans talk in such cryptic ways?

Why do Americans talk in such cryptic ways?

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*Why do 77 year olds with dementia talk in such cryptic ways?

because american leaders are either lizard men OR robots

I need to hear this.

>Trump's waffle vs Biden's dementia
will it be kino?


Based and dementiapilled

Why will we only elect people in their 70's now?

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Plenty of memes ahead

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he really be malfunctioning

Revenge of the boomers

That's silly

>is either this or some orange fatso with the vocabulary range of a child
Damn, well I guess the president of USA is just a symbolic figure, the real leaders are the megacorporation and the jewish cabinet

biden > sanders

I can't wait for the debates

Sanders is out, you can't use him as an argument anymore

>the real leaders are the megacorporation and the jewish cabinet
the jewish cabinet ARE the megacorporations


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imagine this nigga debating Trump, shit's gonna be brutal

some are straightforward to a fault

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Revenge for what? Revenge against the world they were born to for not making them immortal and infinitely wealthy like they depravedly wish to be?

Joe Biden is America's Konstantin Chernenko and I'm all in for it baby

>sander doesn't have a big nose and a david star on him
Is this an edit?

Is Ben an anti-vaxxer?

imagine actually having to decide who of these 2 will be the next potus
what has the world come to in the past 10 years?

He better fucking win, a retarded president would be pure kino

typical jealous anti-semites

What in tarnation

The United States is in terminal decline

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This isn't sanders, that's dr. Doom Fauci

why couldnt bernie have just fucking won bros why did he drop out

When the neurologically atrophied boomers die out they'll only be replaced by postmodern zoomers, which is arguably worse.

God, so who’s our Gorby? A reformer who aims to save the system but ultimately accelerates its collapse.

Biden will never beat Trump. I hate this fucking country. I hate American politics. The average person cannot wipe their own fucking ass let alone realize we are living in bullshit.

I hope coronavirus will glass my lungs and I fucking die of ARDS

He needs his grand daughter to suck his dick first so he could get that brainpower flowing.

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what oh what did he mean by this


semi-based, but not fully

the system is rigged against him to the point they've convinced the average american that universal healthcare, higher education, and a living minimum wage is a bad thing so they choose someone who literally voted on a war that cost the country trillions instead.

he has zero chance of beating trump anyway so who cares. at least the debates will provide some entertainment. hope biden picks hillary as vp for maximum butthurt from conservatards.

>this idiot or trump
the absolute state of america
no shit

It would have been Bernie Sanders but his moment is gone and he's likely retiring soon, my bet is on Mitt Romney in 2024, being the only guy still trying to do bipartisanship and no one likes him.

>the system is rigged against him
reddit please
He got completely bee tee eff oh in most states against Biden. He consistently got 25% fewer votes on average this year than he did in 2016. His "movement" was nothing more than anti-Hillary sentiment.

what is it with America and picking absolutely decrepit boomers for presidents?

jesus christ

Wish there was an isolated place where vaccination isn't a thing, we could send all anti vaxxers there and watch them die

The American people made their choice dude.

We respect our elders here thank you very much

surely this is not a commom place in any developed country?

people literally want all those things, it's just that Bernie is a fucking retard that goes around praising the USSR and saying Denmark is socialist which makes people relate those things with communism

why can't they just find a normal fucking person to defend those things

the media kept fearmongering about his policies destroying the country and claiming he was unelectable when he is literally the only candidate who could've beaten trump. but they'd rather lose with biden than win with bernie so they can have 4 more years of "orange man bad" ratings.
i hate america so goddamn much just die already.

Because all of our normal politicians are bought by big business, so only crackpots are left to advocate for that stuff

When I stammer like that the cashier at the grocery store gives me a nasty look

yes americans are fucking retards who think getting affordable healthcare is only for communists.

drop your pants next time to assert dominance

I probably would do the same in her place, there's a healthcare crisis stop trying to flirt with people who are risking their lives to keep what's left of the economy intact, get your shit and get out

>seething this much about some other country's party elections
You lost your life savings to the loser, didn't you?

I think you're forgetting how assblasted bongs and burgers were about our elections on this website

>the two candidates for the 2020 presidency are corporate ass lickers

oh no who could have seen this coming

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trump literally made the right wingers in this country take over and took away any chance reformists had of actually changing things.
if khamenei dies while trump is still in office, we'll get another beef supreme leader that we have to wait out because america will still be the "enemy". because trump is a moron who doesn't know what politics is.

I'm seriously thinking he never meant to run as president, he is just a fluffer to get your attention and then point you to the real candidate.

>vaccines bad

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Antidepressants and various other drugs.

i hope he wins, though.

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I'm frankly a little worried about what would happen if Trump loses. Some of his supporters could chimp out badly if that happened

Yet another argument that USA is a third world country.

I have never seen a single Canadian election mentioned once on this website.

>the two candidates for every US presidency in the last 50 years are corporate ass lickers