
belle edish

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She looks like a tranny


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The thing is

I would batter that mouthy Irish middle classed cunt in a fight.

you guys don't think you actually won ww2, right?

i miss her so much
god i wish i was stuck in lockdown with her

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didn't even realise she was british until recently because i'd only ever seen meme pictures and soundless webms

>german guy pretending he is a proxy he is that ashamed

A mealy-mouthed response from a N1EC3 molesting coward

>/brit/ completely toothless when they can't regurgitate banter based on flags like always

She'd be pregnant thrice over I can tell you that

I know we did

only found out when I heard her accent on her house tour on youtube

>debating online about ww2
what an interesting and original conversation this will be

Why do people hate Belle? She was a self-made millionaire at 19.

bore off

bizarre webm

Is getting cucked by your former colony considered "winning" to you?

Only USA/Russia actually won. Everyone else lost.

Rat eaters, middle class, hard men, drugs. Will the whole lot of ye little mongos shut up. No memes, no irony. You’re all soft as shite. I’d slap any one of you into the mouth and you wouldn’t do a thing about it. Fucking little nerds thinking they’re gangsters because they wear trackies, eat smack out around the roads in their air maxes with their little poofters handbags. A gang of little chavs. Embarrassing fools

Um sweetums... hitler would have won the war if he didnt produce such extravagant and elaborate tank designs... don’t you know that?

Extremely frustrated incel seething.


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3 weeks off the beer is cancelled
3 weeks off the beers is cancelled
i've had about 6 tins

>Germans are proxies
>Aussies are British
>Brits are pakis
>Dutch are wogs

I've met women who were in a long term relationship all the way until they were 35 and their lives are just as depressing. Can't blame them for fucking around while they can.

>fuck around with as many men as you can and enjoy yourself until you hit the wall
>get into a series of committed relationships until you hit the wall and pray that you don't get dumped

Pretty shitty deal either way tbqh

cooor phwooar de lads
cant get enough of tied up women

Australia came out of WWII with more Independence from Great Britain, actually

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if someone compiled all the /brit/ threads into a big book would you buy that book?

YIKES. Just heard Belle Delphine's voice for the first time. Certainly kills the whole loli persona she's built up.

I wrote this in the previous thread, but everyone left. I just had a code-switch problem, I misread "eye contact" as "contact lenses" and I was just looking at the blue-eyed girl's webm you guys sent like "Are her eyes brown? I can't tell" Lol wtf

stay at home
protect our NHS

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still amazed how angry everyone on /his/ is constantly

if Yas Forums were a book then maybe i'd finally be able to quit it

Thanks for the contribution friendirino

fair point

needs to be deported to saudi arabia

no dude. Go out. Practice some of that HERD IMMUNITY.

good post

Was ambivalent when she was just a biz meme until people started shilling her when she started doing nudes and ended up being posted by thirsty fanboys and patreons instead of happy memers and shitposters
There’s a change in context that just made her unlikeable by proxy because her fanbase was so very unlikeable

what's worse? eternal lockdown or the highest peak we can get

Imagine all the patients just sitting in those dark rooms wondering if the power to their ventilator is still on



N1EC3 molester ITT

update: still watching people eat burgers

she has nudes?


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found a cool website

Quarantine ain't that bad when you live in mom's attic and haven't left the house in 3 years anyways.

clearly a premier inn not a hospital though mate pahahaha

house every weekend!

thick cunt

writing words and names backwards was a common encryption method for religious and political groups for many centuries as a way of avoiding persecution from the authorities


i got something better than jewfeed videos

Active on 3 dating apps and match with very few profiles I actually fancy enough to speak to
The ones i have done end up not replying or ghosting after a few messages. Why was tinder so much easier 5 years ago
I'm just fucking giving up on all departments during this lockdown

Don't want to live anywhere near:

main roads
flight paths
rail lines

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didnt care last time

extremely fortunate not to have moved out before all this. i would not be doing well in a shoebox flat on my own right now

yeah it's always the same shit lol
two sides shilling their own politics

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Yeah a lot of them
She was being orbited when she was 16 too and basically started doing nudes the day she turned 18 which is another reason people hated her because the vast majority of her fanbase were actual nonces

You little fucking freaks are genuinely deluded. The majority of the people that post here are middle class. It’s quite apparent when they complain about how hard their lives are due to university or their cushy little office job. Then you have a couple of working class lads. That’s it. In what world would any of you people be considered hard men. Drop the cringey shit talk you little muppets

cooor could go for a beefeater


What makes you think I care? Fuck off you little spastic


Seethe on shoeshiner.

got the city on lockdown

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maybe for a massive sperg like you
I get to stay home by myself with absolutely no risk of getting sick and still have freedom to do whatever I wish

there's a lot to unpack here

neck yourself bogtrotter

kek this is me
still preferable to being stuck in the house with my mum though

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Who’s even speaking to you, you dirty subhuman egg man looking mongrel bastard. Go back to the Jew that took your foreskin you simple bastard

never seen a single Belle Delphine full nude and i have looked!

I unironically live in my mums attic and lost my job because of the quarantine. Basically living the dream right now.

do you know any gnostics irl?


Didn't ask, didn't read. Get back to work gringy.

Commie cunts

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Damn mikey you’re a savage today bro, you woke up with the intention of POUNDING some yank arseholes, didn’t you?

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highest peak, fuck it the world could do with a few less million people lets be honest

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if aliens landed right now i reckon they'd want to talk to jeff bezos before trump . it's unlikely that they would recognise any human cultural convention but it's probably a higher chance of respecting richest man than elected officials

is the natural progression to love your parents as a child, then hate them as a teen, and then grow to become slightly resentful and contemptuous of them (internally) as an adult?

yeah I'm mates with Alan Moore

he lives down the end of my road in a piss-stinking cardboard box, doesn't answer to his name and speaks slovenian but i'd recognise him anywhere

this slag lol

imagine permanently bleaching that into the Earth, and future archaeologists have to figure out what the hell was going on

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women shaking their fat useless arses like monkeys

need a brit mommy desu

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just found this on the dark web

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listening to the ricky gervais xfm podcasts for the first time and they're just as good as they're hyped up to be
mental the things you could get away with saying live on radio in 2001
British culture has changed so much in less than 20 years

You’re literally living pay check to pay check in your rat infested dog box of a home you stupid cunt.

i stabbed someone once when i was 16

Already a done deal

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Holy shit it’s really him

According to the ICL models, the highest peak would see 250,000 people needing ICU (5000 beds available) and 13500 dying every day

No, I'm living in my rich parent's attic on allowance money. Quite comfortable thanks.

>Why was tinder so much easier 5 years ago
didn't have ELO and hypergamy wasn't as bad then

Im harder than paul sykes and the guv

Has anyone given a thought to pikeys during this pandemic? How are they holding up?

I find that very hard to believe. You wouldn’t know what money is you malnourished half starved imbecile.

>Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.

what's it like living in an attic

The parents have convinced me to go to Cornwall with them. I'm still not happy about it

like other minority groups they are probably ignoring all the official advice

for me, its the opie and anthony show

You remind me of that guy in Pulp Fiction, the gimp.

You're right, I don't, because it's no figure to me. I buy what I please and dad covers the expenses. Keep slaving on in the sweatshop wagie.

>According to the ICL models

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it peaks in series 2
that whole run of episodes is gold

pretty sure electric light orchestra were a thing 5 years ago

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.

my pronons are car/ling

Stay the the fuck out of Barnsley, shit dick. They O'shannessy boys know what you're up to and they are NOT happy.

Why are POC dying at higher levels in multiple western countries?

Comfy, spacious, only thing is if I want to bring a girl home I have to walk her all through the house and up 3 flights of stares to get her to the love shack.

they are being failed by the racist political leaders


the hosts aren't funny though its all about the guests

Because literally every paki thinks the virus is 5g or summit

Mikey no chill


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if gang pull up
are you gonna back your bredrin?

You may not want to live near rail lines but a walk to a railway station is nice

fucking hate birds wearing fishnets

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for me? patrice oneal

it wouldn't make any sense though since rich people dgaf about the world

Ok mate. A good feed of grub would kill you

ant is hilarious when hes on a roll

the EMF next to a substation transformer makes my jaw ache

hope you all get fined

hate patrice
love black phillip

what's wrong with europeans

Were people much thicker back then?

Would raescac llik really have confused them?

wypipo's fault

Houghton festival is one of the best festivals in the UK but bet 190 hasnt even heard if it, he would pick going to see Shy FX and he thinks he knows about UK nightlife lmfao

What does that even mean


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but it would be shortlived as opposed to eternal

i'd prefer a genocide to lockdown forever

continentals beside italy and Portugal need to be destroyed

in the US it's been known for a long time that blacks suffer more from heart disease than others

his childhood stories are good

roast guy
never heard of him apart from that which gives me the impressions hes shit



imagine the smell

Inverness - Scotland

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can't believe Yas Forums was most racist towards blacks and sand people when you should have been focussing on chinese

Some of the girls from my gf's modelling agency want to come over for drinks. I'm not really sure it's a good idea with all the social distancing rules.



Hope the police turn you around on the a30

>she went to bed in time and woke up early
>she had a breakfast and got herself full of energy
>she did a hour of make up prior of doing is video
>she prepared and scripted and recited and trained days beforehand
>all for the boys and girls of Algeria
Thank you for your effort Betsy, We appreciate that.

Lads, remember the golden generation of England's team at WC 2010, they did 0-0 with our team fresh out from the great hooligan war of CAF 2009 Egypt/Sudan.

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got some now with some crackers. going down a treat

haha yeah fuck the system
*gets sick*
oh god please can the system save me

I know you are but what am I xP

yeah but you got people more at random
now the ELO algorithm throws you in the uggo pile

podcast videos of him laughing and not being funny
