Do americans really

do americans really

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they cant possibly be actually like this....
.... can they?

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i hate irish and irish americans

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I find it kind of cute to be honest. It's often cringy (sometimes extremely) but I take it as a compliment and always test whether there is something behind it. I find German-Americans to be way more reasonable than "Irish Americans" or "Italian Americans" on average. It depends from case to case.

>I think Ireland is too near to Britain
>with not a pint of Guinness in sight

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Based. I was shocked when I realized how few Bruin fans there are in Ireland.

Why are you guys so mean to your diaspora? Chinese people aren't like this. I don't speak Chinese but all the Chinese students at my school are always like, "Are you Chinese??"

why you bully your countrymen kraut?

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>Bruin fans

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alri the singular bradleyposter

I feel embarassed reading this


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You're not our diaspora, silly, you're yanks.


They stopped being German the moment they left the continent

Would you happily open your arms for alamancis acting the same?

this is how I feel about people saying they're Irish when they don't speak Irish

alm*ncıs are in another level of stupidity, not even americans can beat them on that

Tell us more, we already know you dislike them, but I'd like you to elaborate on that if you don't mind.

you have much of them just check outside, i won't waste my time to describe quarter-human

Well, maybe.
But at least sometimes it feels quite weird when reading another wall of text about ancestral connections and stuff by these.

I wanted to hear from your perspective. We hate them because they are obnoxiously "proud Turks" but haven't seen Turkey apart from a two week vacation once every two years or something, refuse to integrate up to a point where it's almost hate towards our own culture and are shockingly pro-Erdogan but vote left here.

Can you people just go back to /r/shitamericanssay since its obvious that's where these are coming from

Pretty much this.
"Irish" Americans are LARPing faggots but so are "Irish" people

Americans realize they'll never be called "europeans" so they stick to "western" cause it makes them feel better.

>We hate them because they are obnoxiously "proud Turks" but haven't seen Turkey apart from a two week vacation once every two years or something
Satellite disks and the internet recently does wonders. Go to Youtube, turn on the proxy to Germany and look for the "trending videos" in here. Guaranteed you will see the word "Bölüm" two or three times for all the operas the almancis and their parents are looking at.

He knows the Guinness family were prominent unionists, right?

he's right

He is getting angry now lads

>literally have never lived in the same country
What did he mean by this?

I was planning to go to the US and set up a cult that panders to these kinds of mutts. I'd be a combination of Rajneesh, L. Ron Hubbard and Varg Vikernes.

oi thanks

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At least post different ones rather than the same 3 retards.

But the Irish language is almost dead, people don't even speak it in Ireland

You forgot Joseph Smith.


You're right, I'd likely be more similar to him than LRH.

That's the point, the Irish people have been thoroughly Anglofied and any attempt at Celtic identity is a LARPfest

Joseph Smith is basically a copy of Muhammad, I'm fairly certain that he thought of his religion after reading about Islam

>not posting the classic

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>so i don't speak swedish
i'm giggling like a retard

the cringe is unreal

>Also I really like dunmer for some reason

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Based France

This guy is fucking based

>Another thread of swallowing obvious bait
Is there a lower form of life than the non-American on earth?

Yeah, the american

fucking outmanouvered

fucking outplayed

>I don't speak Swedish

>Lmao british?

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That's a huge mistake of your part.
All these german-americans could be incentivated into supporting your country, even with subsidies.

You'll be famous as fuck

No one lives in the German areas.

That's what I'm saying, modern "Irish" should be called Hibernians or something

>Lmao British?

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fucking lol

Truly potato chose people.

This, just look at how Erdogan has managed to create an army of personal supporters all throughout Europe, or how Japan has managed to get tons of cheap workers of Japanese heritage from Brazil.

I was in my German class the other day and included a picture of Manfred von Richthofen in my presentation. After I was done presenting, one guy came up to me and claimed that he was Manfred von Richthofen's great grandson. Instant cringe.

>nobody has posted THAT one yet


Should had done it on Mannfred von carstein

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