Who wrote the constitution of your country?

Who wrote the constitution of your country?
For us it was a bunch of religious fags and commies.

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Who cares? We didn't sign it.

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He was a right wing liberal. Just like the people who rule our country today.

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Literally the same.

Reverse Finland ?

That's a nice painting

Initially they wanted to ban catholics from power in the Netherlands, because they had allegiance to the pope.

Which one lmao

A dalit supremacist who wanted 2 countries to exchange people

The Allies


First constitution and still the best.

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All kinds of deepshit, right, left, americanboos, euroboos, commieboos.
Many of our problems are caused by poor choices made at that time.

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generational minds that had seemingly super humanly big brains

Michel Debré
Dunno much about him though

James Madison

gods that put us mere mortals to shame

The socialists did, but they tried to get consent from the other parties, and they pretty much did.

It's a good constitution desu.

>First constitution and still the best.
We changed our constitution a few decades ago but until then we used to have a constitution older than yours.

san marino was first

The Dutch constitution also doesn't mention political parties, because Thorbecke was against the existence of political parties.
Every politician was supposed to make his own decisions.

But the socialists kept voting along with each other anyway. And so did the catholics. So eventually the liberals started doing it as well.. And so political parties were born.

Literally LITERALLY some catholic right-wing neoliberals DURING the dictatorship.

Yep, we're still under that one.

Éamon de Valera
subsequent referenda have made it subordinate to EU law though LOL

Our 1814 constitution was mostly written by civil servants working in the state aparatus of the former Danish-Norwegian union.
It was heavily influenced by the ideals of the French revolution, and written very hastily, due to an impending Swedish take-over of the country in the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars.

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based man

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Aristocrats, and with the way the company has turned out, it should be obvious.

A few commies pretending they're not commies anymore. We should burn it down, it's a convoluted mess nobody really understands or cares about.

a jew

Same. Socialist parties and layman church representatives were the only organizations that were still existing in some form and non-compromised after the war.

We had an anti-immigrant faction in the 19th century who had similar concerns

(the last one that is. Michel Debré)

Three centre-right politicians, one social-democrat, one right-winger, one communist and a Catalan regionalist. West Germany's constitution is said to be the biggest influence.

It was made by a guy from Quebec. His son is now your PM.

A 190 cm tall military dictator and a bunch of commies too

See Catholics, Muslims, Atheists, Calvinists, Baptists etc. are still banned from becoming king of Sweden. That position is only open to those belonging to the true Augsburg Evangelical faith (Lutheranism).

What a meme lol.

Liberal Republican wealthy federalists, so James Madison

>The Dutch constitution also doesn't mention political parties, because Thorbecke was against the existence of political parties.
How would elections work in that case? Even Switzerland has parties

some old pedo-looking gringo cock sucker faggot (literally) with other gringo cock suckers

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Ha, that's funny, we have the exact same law in Norway.

In Belgium members of the house of orange are forbidden to become King lol.

we dont really have a written constitution just layers of decress and laws

It's a fucking mess. The president was never supposed to be the actual head of government but just an overseer according to De Gaulle's lies at least.

No. Educate yourself. First commie in office was in 1981 and they did nothing

They tried so hard to impose parliamentarism. The people never accepted this idea.

But that makes sense, considering I'm guessing your king is the head of a the Church of Sweden.
I'm pretty sure the King of Britain has to be a member of the Church of England.

James motherfucking Madison, one of the most based humans to live wrote ours

why change it?

Technically you vote for a person here. With 0,67% of the votes young get into parliament.

Why are you posting photos of a sieve?

Yes sure overseer is totally a position that exists

Polk was the best president.

Sounds like a mess desu

Therefore murder of Queerbecois should be legal as they should not be protected under the charter or fights and freedoms.


High five. Bavaria didn't vote for it as well.

Of course these days all excess votes go to the rest of the party list. In order from top to bottom. Unless someone gets 25% of 0,67% of the votes. Then he breaks the list and goes in first.

But chileans told me left wingers are cringe and Chile is the most developed economy of south america because of right wing policy

Chile's economic boom started after pinochet tho

So to get into parliament with priority you need at least 0,1675% of the votes.

So if you make a song on youtube asking people to vote for you, then you're basically in.

Those "Chileans" are:

1. Rich spoiled kids that don't know shit about the reality of the 99% living on this joke of a country.
2. POOR right-wing bootlickers, literally worse than subhumans. They think that working hard they'll be able to get rich. No, they're delusional, insane, they're mentally ill.

YES, Chilean economy has been doing good, but people are not being benefited from it, just rich people. No sane Chilean person would tell you that our current system is somehow good, unless they're rich.

A bunch of corrupt assholes. They still run the country though

That painting is for the declaration

Madison was still based

The finest and smartest political philosophers in the whole British Empire, and by extension the world. They founded a nation of Liberty, Federalism, and White Nationalism. And look where it got us--the single richest country in GDP/c in 1880, less than 15 years since the end of a bloody civil war which wrecked the South's entire economy, and took large tolls on the north's human capital.

praise and dog bless Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Hamilton, Adams, Paine, Jay, etc.

based, very similar to the US.

He was a gaulist and therefore a massive faggot.


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But why Chile's economy has been doing generally better than Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru etc then?

american lackeys