Aisha is cute and brown Edition
The only people crying and saying human lives > economy are the people falling for Jewish tricks. Do you know who gets fucked the most when the economy gets hit like this? It's the middle/lower/working classes. This doesn't put a DENT in the bank accounts of any of the rich cunts out there. Who's losing their jobs right now? The lower class. The executives are still out there making millions. Don't fall for it.
Oh fucking hell it's nearly a month and you're still going on
>manager says job is safe if i isolate for 12 weeks because im too valuable when we open up properly again anyway
>not really needing the pay right now anyways
feel like an arse if I take the time but everyone else seems to be innit
every single last chink on earth MUST be punished for this
never seen a tripcunt post something funny, interesting or intelligent
Fuck the Chinese
Rancid trollop, wouldn't fuck her with yours desu
Is Boris dead yet
Hong Kong is China.
One country, two systems.
How am I wrong, cuck?
imagine after 12 weeks toilberg sacked you lol
Just played pro clubs with some old schoolmates and I couldn’t relate to them or their jokes at all. Feels a bit shit desu
worst sue pic ever
billionaires want you back toiling even if it kills you
Taiwan is China.
One country, two systems.
was well ahead of the curve on /brit/ regarding how coronavirus is being exploited
Yeah she's fucking perfect and super trad
>knew about it in november
that right there proves you're a fucking retard
now go back to your bernie subreddit
mad how white male/white female couples don't exist anymore
wtf does "trad" mean
>leftypol when 4 more years
oh no no no no
he’s a zionist scumbag but still watching this guy make liberals seethe is unreal
would rather die of rona than live in in poverty in a post rona civilisation
i dont know why more people dont get this
Chinese people should be _______
Can't wait for America to go to war with China
China is winning on economy, it's winning on trade, it's winning on culture subversion, it's even winning on international approval vs Trump, but China will never win a war with America.
Can't wait to see that entire continent turned into the world's largest microwave and all those lil bug fellas into billions of hot pockets while neo-fascist America rises as revenge for what they did to the world.
no idea, think it's a shitty gimmick he's trying to push
news for you
most people want to get back to work, because amazingly most people aren't fucking retards like every single "progressive" leftist
fuck shitaly
any deranged narcissist that takes images like these is not trad
basically anything short of being a literal prostitute
She's not cute.
Can you really call yourself a man if you've never folded a Pringles lid in half and used it as a pretend boxer's gum shield?
3 of the last 4 US Presidents were born in 1946
now thats a bulk
how can i get a gf?
I’m enjoying him taking swipes at china, hope he gets reelected for that alone, the tears will be the cherry on top
women shaking their fat arses like useless monkeys
What's /brit/'s opinion on delicious brown?
yeah but everyone else is doing it and they're borderline OAPs with heart issues so fuck it lad
>Chinese: Thank you
>Taiwanese: You Americans hurt our feelings
The virgin wagie and trad NEET
well you know what they say
growing your hair out is less effort than keeping it cut short though
leftypol is in a fucking rage today over sanders
with sanders and corbyn essentially out of western politics they have nothing but the CCP now
>mates want to play xbox all day because quarantine
>after like 5 hours of playing with them I'm just drained as shit
>love them but I can't help being introverted
>they always give me shit when I want a break
these fucking guys don't eat or drink or shower or sleep
mmm arse
The news just came out today. So you might be a bit slow hearing it:
> U.S. intelligence officials warned in November that the coronavirus spreading in China’s Hubei region could become a “cataclysmic event,” ABC News reported Wednesday. The military’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) documented concerns about the initial stages of the pandemic in an intelligence report
You know who probably could have used that information. Our pandemic response team...had they not been fired in 2018.
It would also help if we elected a guy who actually reads mementos and updates about what’s going on outside of Fox News ratings.
>but China will never win a war with America.
Sure thing. Nazi mongs like you also thought Germany would roll over the Soviet Union.
Never understood Yas Forums‘s hatred for Zionism. You’d think they see it as a good thing. The sooner Jews identify as Israeli and move to Israel the sooner their influence in Western countries diminishes.
Some billionaires do, others dont, as with all recessions, the elite will be ring fenced tighter and an even smaller amount of people will hold all the wealth when its over
>wants to be a women
>puts zero effort in
>why aren’t I getting results?
A tranny and lazy, utter state
for me? cory chase
you mean "doesn't have borderline personality disorder"?
don't any of you work
the sis and her friends :-)
>everyone who isn't a chinkmong is a nazi
really just not going to engage with your strawman
>if you dislike china you're a nazi
oh fuck off zhang you tankie wanker
>American warfare capability
lmao they couldnt even beat a bunch of mud hut gooks
nah loads of "trad" thots that Yas Forums worships are the same old bpd whores just with more clothing on
boomer tier
>Can't wait to see that entire continent turned into the world's largest microwave and all those lil bug fellas into billions of hot pockets while neo-fascist America rises as revenge for what they did to the world.
hmmm yes
a vicious riposte
The eternal boomer
What a sunset
There’s so much wrong with modern society that I frankly can’t be bothered to even try
Depends on the goal though
America could NEVER take over china. They are totally incapable of beating Guerilla warfare. They could wipe them off the face of the earth, dismantle the government, install a puppet state. They could do it all pretty easily too.
tbf no one in the west took action until shit actually started to hit the fan
GOD i wish that were me
He’s Jewish in everything but name.
>Nazi Germany was Fascist
what the fuck is wrong with you?
funniest tweets ive ever seen
Back in your box
Don't understand
why so many jf’s tonight?
The BASED gimmickers
The CRINGE yankoids
The AUTISTIC real answer to a troll question
>what the fuck is wrong with you?
Meanwhile, Madrid’s regional government said more than 4,200 people in care homes in and around the capital had died from coronavirus or while showing associated symptoms since 8 March. There are growing doubts over the way authorities in Spain are recording deaths, and fears that the country’s true death toll may be far higher than has been recognised.
willy has swollen to the size of a cocktail sausage
its not even the chinese people that are bad, its the communists. its the same with the russians when it was ussr
communist = extremist absolutism, the aristocracy/""""party members"""" lose all grip on reality, indeed their reality becomes a tangled web of propaganda, saving face and lies, all of them squirming around in constant paranoid terror that theyll be the next to be eradicated. and as a result the country is run like shit
this but china
need to enhance that profile pic to decide whether this is a mild kek or HOWLING
Bojo never downplayed it though did he
Dumb cunt fuck off
Not really. Dude went on TV saying it will go away “like a miracle” and that he’s taking no responsibility for the deaths. It was only after that he realized playing ignorant might hurt his election next year did he actually pretend to care
If /brit/ was a room then I'd be the cleverest guy in the room (by some distance)
pretty solid take
still hate chinks though but in general dont hate the people for the government works
Aren’t most places doing that?
Even the news here only reports hospital deaths
is this a joke?
what? a guy jumps on a car and some bitch goes mental over it? what's so funny?
musing on a conflict between the United States and CHAYNA
for me? it's the united states
could be worse
could have the bollock the size of a coors can
good post
leave this place and talk to W O M E N
Conspiracy mongs are gay contrarian teenage spastics
You have no idea how communism works and it shows lad. Just stop
The Chinese are to blame. Fuck off.
Hate commies
Hate chinese
In that order
box office
not a room though is it you dumb twat
Yeah don’t get me wrong Trump had a very delayed reaction, hence the state you are in with this virus.
I just meant it’s stupid saying he should have listened in November seeing as absolutely no one else was
Chernobyl and Covid 19 - both the result of unwarranted communist arrogance
remember to do many cooms so you don't end up with a giant bollock
>hello while neo-fascist America pug
Do you like Trump?
yeah nobody said they werent you dumb cunt
Well they were wrong weren't they because it isn't becoming a cataclysmic event
Dislike this word, recall my English teacher back in secondary would go on autistic fits any time someone used it. "It's not cleverest!!! it's SMARTEST"
China and Russia together would flatten the United States, I doubt China alone though.
Not really
As an outside observer it's very funny to watch and I like some of his politics but in general I find him despicable (though not for the reasons that most do I'm sure)
Ah yes our pathetic response to this shit is china's fault like they were remotely trustworthy to start with
VERY good
from the start the government have been saying thousands if not tens of thousands would die
If only there was some kind of team to handle pandemics that Obama created...that didn’t get fired
didn't ask your opinion though did i
I don't think he wants a gf to 'talk'
Do you think your government would have listened?
I’m sure other governments in the west have similar teams and clearly none of them were listened to
>hmm yes, excellent work, erm, dr. shaniqua? Is that how you say it?
wouldn't click this with a 6 ft pole
wanted to fuck shadow SO BAD in that show FUCK
Mistaken trust in the WHO is the culprit. Sadly all the letters to my MP telling them not to trust that shifty wog Ted went ignored.
Not sure
You're English teacher was clearly an illiterate mong
you mean the pandemic that didn't exist according to the WHO?
>My NAME is Dr Tinson
Okay Dr Tin, my mistake, but please don't call me Son
first it's the talking, then it's the touching and then it's the P E N E T R A T I O N
pound shop amber rose
You're retarded as fuck dude
My hair? Shave it off. The little bits that remain? Dye those blonde. Yes. Perfect.
Ok Chang
amber rose is the pound shop amber rose she's more like the pawn shop amber rose if you catch my drift
do you actually live in a fucking fantasy world?
are you that fucking far up your own retarded ass?
shit edition mate, hang your head in shame
yours truthfully,
Do you think Russia is the most respectable opponent?
alri marshall