quick dip edition
>long for companionship to the point of being suicidal
anim e
also, the cuckold eesti
I'm still looking for answer where did bisexuals come from
And that pic related.. I have no idea what that is, it was supposed to be something else
*wraps arms around you*
>i love you user!
how would that make you feel?
mis on rõve? :D
see et kaks naist panevad tatti w
not a joke, it was a petting zoo in Palanga. I hated my mom for protecting my brother from the kangaroo but not me
Oh god so much this
I'm a bit older than most posters here, and every woman my age, in my social circle, is this. Fuck, I even knew someone named Ramona.
i'd probably start laughing or change the subject
posting this should be illegal
This is underrated
Sex is overrated
>t. Sex haver who does not get emotional side of relationship
at this moment I want to give you companionship but borders are closed
I pity them, they'll never be able to experience happiness of Platonic love.
M8's I'm gonna cry
it's actually really uncomfortable to hug like that, maybe if you're both really fat in a very soft bed though
It will all be over soon, user
both are very important.
>t. sex have with the same person for 12 years haver
Pls kill me
might cry
>we must have more kids if we are to save the baltic race, user! and you know how babies are made.. teehee :)
Fuck The Police
>Listening to depressing songs and drinking myself to sleep
Based or not?
i am sure that most bisexuals find sex with the both sexes to be liberating and satisfying since they have more options
Can I join?
i'd rather be uncomfortable than alone
most women are bi
Come drink and cry with me
The lesbo of /balt/ is flickin' her bean off right about now.
Speak of the devil.
Fair point
KEK Mykolas the kangaroo.
Fucking brilliant m8. Thanks for making my day, even if that shit was made up.
KEK we thought you wanted to exterminated bisexual due to that pic.
Anyway, biologist Richard Dawkins has a theory that bi is a survival trait some developed which was basically "damn, this getting laid competition is though. Fuck it, I'mma say I'm gay so I'm entrusted with guarding the cave with the women and children when others are away and little will they know - that's when I get down to action" - to extremely simplify the autism. Kek
As for lesbos? Beats me Kek
blet that motherfucker is living out my childhood dreams, that burning wood looked delicious
I'll err on the side of based. why don't you want to listen to happy songs? I give you a neutral one: youtube.com
Palanga has roos? Wut
Aye, I dated one like that.
Because I'm sad piece of shit
Tasmanian sea looks different from when I was a kid.
Touch, Unite
Out of this world
Flowers bloom
Never ending
Story of my life
Ballad for the sins
What about the love of Mykolas?
>Boняeт бoгoм oт мeня тaм?
>Tы дyмaл я пoд мaкиaтo — я пoд aммиaкoм
>Зyбы лeтeли в мeмбpaнy, я тocтил, кaк дьявoл
>Tы вceм пиздeл, чтo нapкoмaн, a caм кoлoлcя oдeялoм
>Пaкли ceбe выкpyти, в миг yйди Bидaди
>Я мeтoдичecки в пaкeтe пикиpoвaл в твoю тим
>Tы cымитиpoвaл либидo, пидopoв oпepeдив
>Пoкa ты двигaл cтaминy, мы двигaли нa пepeкид caпoги
Vyručiai (ir artiste), manau, kad kai pripisi iki tam tikro lygio, rusiška muzika yra labiausiai tam tinkantys garsai (palaikyti atitinkamam girtumo lygiui)
>Aye, I dated one like that.
Fuck, the really difficult part was that she gave absolutely no shit. I have a gf? She has a bf? Doesn't fucking matter, she knows what he wants. Made for some awkward parties.
>mfw mum found my kangaroo folder
Post your bodies
Pic is me
I unironically want children. I could easily gather enough money to get a loan from bank to buy a house.
But no one wants that with me :(
K, you all made me sad, now I'm going to try and fall asleep
>Vyručiai (ir artiste), manau, kad kai pripisi iki tam tikro lygio, rusiška muzika yra labiausiai tam tinkantys garsai (palaikyti atitinkamam girtumo lygiui)
aš šiuo metu klausau šito
>t. Litvakanon
i would wish you sweat dreams but if i did and a girl hugged you in your dream you may kill yourself
> drunk enough to post body
aight, I'm staying
You are very fit btw
You could see it in the last thead :^)
And also I don't believe you.
nice trap body
Where are you from?
is that a bulge?
I'd wish for that. Have been seeing nothing but nightmares for last week and a half.
dafuq, very feminine looking body if it wasnt for that bulge
christ that sounds awful. i hope you attain happiness and fulfilment, mon ami
Send nukes
Haven't heard about him desu.
yes, veli
Tu žinojai, kad juos dėl šito net iki teismų buvo nutempę? Kažkaip ten dėl smurto prieš save skatinimo.
Mano merginai labai patiko rusiška Zuzana ir Shortparis, tai pakankamai dažnai namie ant audioaparatūros sukasi
>Jew starts posting
>Degeneracy ensues
damn girl, your pussy is puffy
more like
>Lithuanian starts posting
nežinojau žinok, įdomus faktas desu
it's not that bad once you get used to this. Because I'm not even joking lol. I went to /adv/ to explain this shit, they said it's due to stress from moving apartments and getting a new job.
It's not like I wake up in middle of night in cold sweat or screaming. It's just that it's unpleasant to wake up and the morning is already ruined.
Btw, mano ex mergina ruse klause tik maks korzh ir panasiu atlikeju, tai nieko gero is jos ir nezinau, Daugiau is savo draugu girdejes
where do we have a lesbo?
Mykolas is real.
btw oldanon why are you on Yas Forums and why did you date Ramona?
someone vocaroo this
user, I think that's a bulge.
>It's not like I wake up in middle of night in cold sweat or screaming.
that's fortunate. i has one when i was about 10 where i got shot in the heart by a ww1 soldier and it made me jump awake and my heart felt wet
Would fuck and suck
>Balt is full of chad Lithuanian boys and girls
We are better than the rest
Maksas šiaip belarusas, bet jo muzika žaidžia labai stipriai ant 90-00 nostalgijos. Tuo tarpu Suzzana realiai neblogą muziką kūrė, jei patiko Myi, Na o ramirez tai turi savo repo stilių, irgi nuo kokių dešimt metų atgal. Mainstreame niekai neišpopuliarėja kol kas, bet pvz. Gribyi buvo radio grojami vienu metu.