Why are southern europeans so fucking lazy?

why are southern europeans so fucking lazy?

Attached: southern-europe-map.png (1700x1080, 71K)

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why not

Because we're humans and enjoy living.
You germanics are literally ANTS.

black blood

>why are southern europeans so fucking lazy?

We work longer hours doing more demanding work than you in far shittier conditions with way fewer benefits
What are you on about?

Seconda forza manifatturiera in europa imbecille crucco

Because work is bad for your health.
There's no reason to break your backs to make someone else rich

I recently worked with a group of 7 Portuguese people and all of them were immensely more willing to work than English workers, who in my experience are lazy pieces of shit.

Yes goy, keep working, you are just another clog

you talk or sleep half of the time of the hours you "work"

>why are southern europeans so fucking lazy?

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Due to our laziness we don't feel genetically superior to anyone and we don't feel up to massacre half of the population for pleasure. Our joy comes through many different ways.

The working class should be physically removed from the face of the planet and replaced by automatons.

I keep hearing that, but I've never seem any proof

Does anyone else sometimes have the feeling that an ant is trying to talk to you?? Am I becoming schizophrenic?

They're enjoying life while you're wageslaving. Who is the real loser?

your dirty country is proof enoough, everywhere you see fat people sleeping

>Germans get bullied by Russians, Americans, Frogs or Anglos
>German response: "yes massa"
How come you only attack the innocent Southrons?

>you talk or sleep half of the time of the hours you "work"

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we have some southern european worker here in my city during harvest time and they always have to be supervised because they tend to sleep or relax during work time.

#1 in life satisfaction in EU is Finland
the ones who say their life is meaningless are southrons...

We have one of the lowest rates of satisfaction and happiness in Europe while all statistics point to us working the longest hours on Europe while being in the top 5 worldwide.
No like actual evidence, no
>Dude, trust me
Bullshit, actual hard proof for your racist claims

>I-I know of a guy
Wow. Irrefutable proof. How will we ever recover

Russia supplies something like 40% of energy to Europe. If Germans get too hostile with them, they get cucked.

Ah yes, the satisfying life in Finland

Attached: I'm so satisfied with my life!.jpg (640x445, 64.46K)

moors aren't black, subhuman. Slavs look like fully grown babies.

Attached: sicily girl.jpg (600x899, 72.33K)


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Anedoctal evidence

Go home, David-kun

Nordics are lazyfags too.
Imagine living in a country where the government pays you to live like a neet

Cool meme.
Suicide rate
>Venezuela: 3.7
>Syria: 2.4 (2016 since no 2020 stats)
>Russia: 31
>Poland 16.2
>France 17.7
>Finland 15.9
>Portugal 14
>Somalia 4.7
>India 16.3

Do you understand?

NEETs are a very small percentage of the population here.

Work is bad, imagine having only 80 years on this earth and spend more than half of it making someone else rich lmao.

90% of your country is this brother

Attached: d1bbb31380dcd6c162fd7cbc083266d0.jpg (266x190, 12.19K)

Shut the fuck up you Austic retard, Finglia is a shithole.

Aspiring to be a slave does not suit the southern european man.

why do you hate meds?

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Is that so?
Damn, then it's really impressive that we are the #1 in Life Satisfaction.


is saying kill yourself in finland considered a genuine suggestion? since it's so common there
in that case, kill yourself

>Is that so?
>Damn, then it's really impressive that we are the #1 in Life Satisfaction.

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Imagine being a Finn, imagine having to desperately claim your superiority by posting meme indexes in every thread

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Autistic* Fingolia*

Brothers, you will not be receiving a single cent.
You have ran your countries to the ground. Should we reward you for it ?

Lol 90% is this.

Attached: metsä.jpg (1280x720, 474.63K)

>Brothers, you will not be receiving a single cent.
>You have ran your countries to the ground. Should we reward you for it ?

Attached: 1578321679930.png (394x360, 139.44K)

You have literally the 18,5% of Spain's GDP. Why are you even here slav

There's always a finnoid acting like they're hot shit. Probably always the same guy.

Spain is western


fuck you krautnigger

Iberia+Italy is the strictest definition of Southern Europe

Spain is North Africa

suck my cock you sandnigger lover!
why not suck Ahmed cock?

Spain is latin america

disgusting kraut pig!!!

Soon will be a failed state like Argentina or Venezuela

My girlfriend is from Helsinki and while she misses her home from time to time, she told me she left because she was super depressed all the time and that this was a common problem. Also her impression is that Spain is a messy country but at least people seems pretty passionate about things. And she ain't even a Spainboo.

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Mexico.. you're becoming just like the US :D
Would you like to be the 51st state?