Light eyes are just a prerequisite for being a normal happy human being

You literally can't have a normal life with brown eyes. It's debilitating as fuck

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Souless x Soul

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Ok now change his skin tone to brown

tfw blonde haired blue eyed jomon

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Well I have dark brown eyes (pic rel) and my life has been alright (except for me browsing Yas Forums rn)

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I think men look better with light eyes and women look better with darker eyes, in general.
Darker eyes give the illusion that they are bigger, so more fitting for women.

If you take someone with brown eyes and make a garbage edit in Photoshop making the eyes blue it will also look strange, because they are not his natural eyes

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go home chinaman

Looks evil af kek

She looks way better. With light eyes it's like she's full of life and inspiring. With brown eyes she looks asleep and just disappoints people who look into her eyes. This is what I mean when I say you can't have a normal life with brown eyes. You just drag everyone you interact with down into the mud.

Brown eyes are an NPC trait just like brown hair.

Exactly, which is why everyone else in Europe except Finns, Swedes and Northeast Slavs are majority subhuman. Confirmed.

She doesn't even look human with blue eyes.

I am home :)

In mmorpgs npcs have inferior stats just like blue eyes are weaker against the light

That's because it's an unnatural edit. Real blue eyes just don't interact with light like that. But the pupil-contrast effect and eye-catching color is already a huge improvement

try having light eyes in a country like mine, it's fucking shit and I have to wear sunglasses all the time

Ful of life? Women with very blue eyes look like witches

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wanted to let you know im balding

Green eyes are better than both

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is it as bad as being a manlet though?

So people weren't happen before 15,000 years B.P.?

That is just her facial structure and makeup. If you gave her brown eyes she would look 10x scarier and more witch like

How I hate this son of a bish, whenever I see him I just think capeshit: the "person"

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I may be hideously deformed but at least I have blue eyes


there're certain blue eyes that simply look like an eye condition.

you'll never see an ugly green eye

But he looks OK with brown eyes. Dare I say, he looks more masculine.

why is it threads about phenotype get so much responds
is this

More like Yas Forumscelism dot org

This site just has a lot of teens-early 20s people. You'll see the most responded to threads on Yas Forums are actually incel shit and not politics

He looks like a thoughtless animal with brown eyes.

The brown eyed Spiderman chad:
>1.132 billion USD

The brown eyed Ironman chad:
>1.215 billion USD

The incel blue eyed Thor cuck even after they had to throw Hulk in his movie just so it would push bigger numbers:
>854 million USD

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>Tom Holland, Downey Jr
>ugly manlets whom women don't give a second glance
>Sex symbol and lusted after by women around the globe

massive yikes

Looks frightening

The two biggest Hollywood stars have blue eyes

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Hemsworth has a based an wholesome family

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You're still wrong about eye color. Facial structure is the most important, then height, then influence/wealth. Eye color is a bonus.

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Chad has both

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Literal cope, normie teens don't talk about this shit, Yas Forums is as incel as it gets

Can confirm, when I go to Eastern Bulgaria or Macedonia everyone calls me "sahib" and they fight between themselves in order to suck my humongous white penis.

HOLY COPE, they were literally posting videos of tom holland doing hand stands all over social media just a few days ago. He will probably go on to star in bigger and better films while every film Chris wasn't boosted through Marvel in BOMBED hard. Proving that his fanbase is solely for capeshit.


This. Tom Holland is the twink chad prince of our era.

i dont get it he looks totally average


Look I'm not a Yas Forumstard but it's well known that hollywood is run by Jews. Holland and Downey are jews so obviously have all the strings pulled for them to succeed. Even with the massive goy disadvantage the highest grossing film Titanic starred a white blue eyed man Leo DiCaprio. He was loved by young females around the world and the king pretty boy for decades. I don't know how handstands are relevant lmao you are very incoherent.


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are you pretending being retarded?

you just denied being a polfag, yet you spout pol buzzword ...

Tom Holland is English and Irish you idiot.

is that the sudanese doctor that posts in here?

mogs me

Incels want desperately to make their autism normie.

It's unfortunate Yas Forums has sullied the word "Jew" but ethnic nepotism is very real regardless of whether it's jews or Indians or any other ethnicity.

you should rather worry about sino-influence, retard

Normal teens don't go mass shooting, true. These are supreme incelmen whining as usual.