/MENA/ - /مينا/

>complaining about his country/region's general
wow so original

Attached: NPC.jpg (205x246, 17.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Bab Al Hara

Attached: Have a (You).jpg (650x487, 44.01K)

The true genuine arabs

Attached: al-Sanadid2.jpg (1200x794, 222.33K)

*Shoots him*

Attached: Shadow_Circuit_05.jpg (640x480, 19.37K)

syria I mean Bab Al Hara is pure of cringe

Attached: What the hell.jpg (1024x683, 87.07K)

hehe they are all dead/in hell

you mad?

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Attached: If i hear you say that say that again.....jpg (480x360, 49.89K)

LOL Based

YOU are based for using my OC

Wow Bedouins took over levant and Iran so success

Loved your mixing with the picture. Had an absolute KEK time. You should do a lot more of those

based 4 digit IQ poster

Attached: hehehe i never wash my hands after eating.jpg (480x360, 49.96K)

What have you done to make mena a better place user

keep seething

Attached: 520px-Largest_extension_of_Islam.jpg (520x411, 36.65K)

I will try but there isnt too much zoroastrian content and inspiration
now however its sleepy time! Nighty night!

عايز انيك

I can see if i can try to find more stuff later on. Goodnight lad. Sleep well

أنا جاهز

Attached: 1556676204425.jpg (634x793, 102.53K)

Why does MENA speak english and not arab?

متفهمش غلط

Attached: 13.jpg (525x633, 27.9K)

diaspora,,araboos,non arab /mena/ (iranians and turks and israelis)

I’ve just run out of my favorite coffee creamer... I’d rather drink my coffee black and bitter than ruin it with the swill my aunt typically stockpiles on.

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يلعن كسمك

nobody cares

I can't sleep
Someone sing for me

Attached: image.jpg (474x355, 14.73K)

It’s better this way lole, using a universal and inclusive language invites more people to visit and participate in this general.

Attached: 24E27141-2EEB-4591-A0CC-6B921AA0E5B3.jpg (617x871, 119.46K)

>coffee creamer
The powder? Oof
Why not use normal coffee cream?

Attached: RK-DJLp3q0XYAAJLtw.jpg (1021x1024, 131.55K)

Destroy him

Attached: أيها الحارس.jpg (1200x771, 100.88K)

تمتص قضيبي

Attached: 1582925758698.png (503x539, 186.29K)

شما به نظر می رسد زیبا ، قبل از اینکه من نظر خود را تغییر دهید ، ترک کنید

Attached: Iranian-Hulk.jpg (711x400, 51.45K)


Attached: image.gif (500x281, 902.46K)

telhass tezze ya chelb :DDDD
you replied, so you care, incel.
pic-related is what I love

Attached: D3A3B9B7-3FEF-4AE9-97F1-149BF601D423.jpg (1000x1000, 58.39K)


يالا نام يالا نام بدبحلك ياهود لتنام

Why listen to Arabic?

Attached: image.png (580x720, 305.35K)

I'm gonna try some more

Attached: image.jpg (500x281, 21.66K)

can't read arab desu

I am singing for you. But why shouldn't i listen? xD

but you should, it’s the language of the land you’ve illegally settled on.


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the size on the right?

She’s not a saudi dumbass

I always wanted to drink him no homo

>Prove to me you're atheist

Attached: 800px-Kurdish_PKK_Guerillas̠01.jpg (800x450, 117.97K)

Wrong pronoun dumbass

A tranny tries to have a bird brain but fails to perfect it

IT is Saudi/American

be nice

Attached: PKK-12317529_1037416796310622_1635273413_n.jpg (501x501, 115.83K)

Apparently a saudi American is a catholic cooking with his mother and aunt for his cousins

eat shit and get out


I know a bunch of you chubsters too in here

Attached: humph.gif (633x758, 15.01K)

you're obese and sick
i'm 80 kg and i feel disgusting and lift daily till i physically can't anymore

اريد انيچ

Wrong general?

Attached: RK4.jpg (396x400, 16.86K)

Yeah Ik I hit depression last year. was in great shape but played professional football and it was over. i still have my lifts but now this cornavirus hit i cant go to the gym

Attached: wojack smoke.jpg (737x758, 74.29K)

in high school i used those 30kg gas canisters

Speaking of bird brain I had to pick up the corpse of a baby pigeon whose head had been ran over by a forklift at work today, brain had popped out and smeared across the pavement.
I swear it was probably that iraqi nigger that couldnt even switch out the battery of a remote that ran him over, that retard must be chewing khat in the toilet stall or something

Joking aside It is a She, that is why she is cooking for the family. If She were to be a He, then 'He' would not be cooking for the family. So it has to be a She.

Of course

I am, building a concrete slab and ordering some weights online. with a bench/squat stand and back extension. I did some stuff today like back did 6 chinups which was impressive and some rows with blocks outside

mini mini bir kuş donmuştu
pencereme konmuştu
aldım onu içeriye cik cik ötsün diye
pırpır ederken canlandı
bak ellerim boş kaldı

Why is there barely any Israelis in here? One seldom sees them post in /Mena/ threads
