/v4/ + frens

Anti Americlap Edition

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The real red pill:

>Be November 2019
>Chinks identify COVID-19
>Lmao it's 1% mortality rate who cares
>Flu 2.0
>They don't care about it. Life is cheap in Asia.
>Christmas sales go very well everything is in order
>Meanwhile the Americans and their Anglo brothers are losing the economic war against China
>The Anglo public is in war frenzy since cheeto man won
>The fists of the free world aka the MSM start to attack China over COVID-19
>Chinese people read this and they are start panicking
>CCP must to do something in order to save face in front of the Chinese public
>Reminder the greatest threat to the CCP is public unrest
>So now the Racist right and the democratic left is attacking China
>So China goes full lock down
>The meme virus spreads to China
>At this point the Western Public is already in full scale panic
>COVID-19 kills a few boomers and sick people
>More panic and the ecenomy gets nuked
The real redpill is that China didn't lie about it's numbers. It's the Anglos who blew this thing way out of proportion and caused this economic crisis.

Literally everybody was incompetent in WW2. It's just Germans were a bit of a less incompetent.

Yes but I can't help but get pissed off when retards represent Rommel as some kind of a military genius, when generally speaking his military career was quite a fiasco.

Yes. Got an issue with that, Poolack?

Life = ruined

none at all, good sir

Blessing this thread

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The real blessing

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both look like shit

World would've been a better place if Germans won

I am an ugly stupid fat incel freak

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Slavs are more annoying. Once I read an article about Kursk. It said that Germans only lost cuz they ran out of fuel. Based on the aerial photos taken during the battle. I was too lazy to save it.

There is not a single soul who disagrees with that.

Please just kill me already.

Ask your gf.

But why is everything Hungary

Cuz you touch yourself at night.

Show me some Magyar qts that I can touch myself to

our new PM is a fucking lunatic I knew he'd be a failure

Life is not worth living when you're below 4/10.

same here thank God our country is ruled by an iron yet just fist of based KaczyƄski


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oti is qt but his look pretty bad ngl

>gf spent the entire evening studying for uni
I hope she's not bored of me already.

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tfw no german gf

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v4 do you like Lithuania?


i dont know what that is


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At least you have a gf.

Why is my fever higher at night? There must be some scientic reason for that.

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You are under blankets

It's just causing me stress. Like two weeks ago we played vidya and she laughed at my character because he got heightmogged by a female NPC. I've been thinking about it every day ever since. Does she also feel the need to laugh at me when I get heightmogged by women IRL?


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take your meds

No I am literally naked and in front of my pc

>we played vidya
Sloni wtf

iktf those animals make you stress
I think you should realise that she is a worthless whore who will hurt you no matter what you do.

Worst of all is that we played Skyrim lol. Apparently Imperials are manlets.

Skyrim ruined the genre of RPGs.

Yes lol, it was too simplified even for someone who doesn't play games. You literally have an arrow telling you where to go.

It's not the arrow. For me it's the open world and the unlimited choices. Open world sucks and it limits game design imo, a well crafted series of maps is much better then the open world where everything is just the same dull boring shit. Also I think in an RPG it's important to roleplay not to become some omnipotent vampire-dragonslayer-mage-thief. Also I hated Witcher 3.

Absolute state of amerimutts

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the most beta post i've seen in a while

>Also I hated Witcher 3.

1 was best

Open world is fucking great. True rpg

Based Vak

Closed map design: everything matters and the map is memorable

Open world: copypaste copypaste copypaste

Wrong. Best rpg like Might and Magic, Baldur Gate, Wizardry are all open world

I played Dark Souls when I was a teen and I remember that I was very impressed by the game design back then because it had so many completely different areas, shortcuts and everything seemed so interconnected but still open. I don't know if I was just easily impressed but I think it was good.


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>I don't know if I was just easily impressed
nah dark souls just has amazing level design
god i love those games

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>philosopher girl got mad at me because of my attitude when talking about countries
Damn I feel bad now.

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You really are a complete autist.

Good night people and Sloni

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I am suffering.

gn user

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that's how sickness is for me every time
>wake up
>feel like shit
>mostly fine by afternoon
>start to think the sickness has run its course
>feel like death again before going to bed

thank you, Poles
i'm absolutely in love with this album
it's so beautiful it could make me cry