Late night edition
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Nah PoK belongs to us and we'll take it.
All of them are north indian.
lmao I've never seen the desi version of that meme
*unsheathes nuke and teleports behind you*
Nothing personnel kid
Ah, what it is to be a /desi/ poster; How noble in reason; How infinite in faculty! In action, how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! A toast to /desi/.
I've gone down the rabbit hole of maratha autism on youtube. Save me bros, I have started to like their autistic language.
hope you faggots made peace with your maker
fuck all you motherchod
i take poo in your mother bitch mouth
my last bottle of whiskey is already half finished
i'm feeling pretty litty bros..
Why do they use devanagari? Every other language, which is different from Hindi in India uses a unique script. Were they too lazy to make their own script?
I want to visit Lahore someday tbqh
I went on the abcdesi reddit it’s like asian masculinity lmao
That's pretty wild. I don't know how I could survive without animal products.
Did you think all meat was disgusting before watching amerifat youtube?
What do desis think about scandinavians?
Heh... reddit? Did you say reddit? I'll have to remove you from the premises now..
Why brooo
/r/indiaspeaks is pretty based tho
Based? Based on what?
Not really abcdesi is pretty normie
Lots of self hating and spineless posters - despite living in the west pretty sad
I have legitimately felt like vomiting after smelling boiled eggs before. I gradually got used to it. Nobody in my my family has had eggs or meat.
ayyy official Afghan edition
Which of the leafs are you?
also i hate fish despite being bengali.
the bengali one , not the asshole that was saying you are going to hell for not being a virgin or whatever
diaspora fags here always bring up norway and sweden when comparing with our own governments to point out how shit america is
I was just messing with him, I'm guilty of the same shit and unless he's trolling I 100% feel him
t. have a wh*toid gf i'll probably have to break up with eventually
The one who called me the n-word?
i don't
That was me, the 3rd leaf, you subhuman Pashtun.
> i'll probably have to break up with eventually
I have another Pooshtun story. My sister has a hijabi Afghan friend. One day, I guess she had enough and decided to take the hijab off. Only problem is, when fundies stop being fundie, they go to the other extreme. This girl was wearing badly put make up in whatever way hookers do their own makeup.
it just won't work out in the long run
you might understand one day
So we have a Bengali leaf, the other leaf and the asshole leaf.
I thought he was uzbek/tajik?
punjabis dont hate pashtuns that much... which makes me think you are a Dari speaking (f)ersian
stop insulting Pashtu bro or else ill fuck your (f)ersian koon
what's your story? what is your background?
this amount of seething is not healthy
I'm half tajik/half pashtun
this dude is probably a hazara or a panjshiri
not even the most racist of punjabis seethe this much
My only relationship to Afghanistan I worked with some Afghans and they all smoked weed or did heroin sometimes.
Disapoos and dispookis and disafgoons have arrived. Thread ruined.
Indeed, I don't know what seething asshole's problem is.
I disavow Afghans anyway. My children won't be raised as Afghans, they'll take their mother's culture. I don't like Afghans of any race.
The leaves are getting quite confusing now.
leafs are the worst posters on this site
Yas Forums would improve so much if they were all banned
ok simp
>Pakistans are just Indian muslims literally 'we wuz Mughals and shit', fuck off you terrorist Iranians and arabs think you are subhumans. porkistan is a failed state. Modi will remove you from the earth.
I'm thinking about moving to London.
Your children will be drug addicts.
Why? What job will you have?
Afghans are quite literally the worst druggies in the world bro. I also just finished half a whiskey bottle in a few hours.
Let's just say I have job prospects there and I like London more than Amsterdam.
nigga theres maybe like 4 actual desi flag posters in all of Yas Forums . there would be no thread
> I don't like Afghans of any race
thats sad. Afghans are based.
'ate it. if i'm going to do something haram it might as well be something nice like jager or rum
I also smoke way more hashish than i should
How do we stop punjabis in Canada ?
Are the Pathans in India LARPers or they have actual Pathan ancestry? I know a Pathana in my class and she does look at bit Afghan I guess.
I just stick to alcohol. My last bottle God Willing.
Damn this is Canada? Look like India.
too late. Punjabi wannabe gangsters have taken over GTA
I had sex with a hot daddy
>tfw no tajik gf
I once heard Sikh males always had to go everywhere with a sword in hand
larping unless they recently immigrated
tajiks and Dari are only (f)ersians that are acceptable. Iranians are absolute cringe most of the time... except for based Khomeini
That is brampton
Kirpan, its more like a dagger
I wake up before sunrise and immediately offer prayers to Krishna, then I do pranam to the deity of the sun, Surya, as the sun slowly rises from the horizon, next proceed to a shower, clean my teeth using a Neem twig.
I then face either north or east on a pure sheet positioned on pure grounds, that remains undisturbed by any other object or article. I take 3 sippings of holy water and proceed to put on my forehead, bosom and tow arms a round mark of red powder (tilak). I then meditate on brahman itself for several minutes, before bowing and chanting mantras to the murtis of 5 deities (namely Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh, Devi and Surya, also known as Panchayatana puja) as a means to raise to higher planes of the swinging pendulum of birth to death to rebirth (in order to the avoid duldrums of lower planes of existence which ulitmately distract the finite brain from contemplation of atman and brahman).
I've read the Vedas and Upanishads 108 times already and can recite Puranas off by heart, all in their original sanskrit. I've also studied the systems of logic from Nyaya, veered off into the Nastika metaphysics of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika, Advaita and Dvaita systems of ontology, the mathematics of Aryabhatta and countless Sutras on all topics and fields.
I avoid all tamasic foods and activities and try to avoid maya (worldly pleasures and attachments) as much as possible, as such all I own is an saffron shawl and i spoil all morsels of food with drops of water, to dull the taste (attachment to sensory pleasures only leads to misery and suffering). I do this because the entire material universe is a merely a distraction from reuniting the soul with the unknowable, infinite and immutable mind that underlies everything one materially senses. I haven't deliberately looked at a woman in 3 years (let alone touched or spoken to one) and I subsist solely off of begging for alms.
which south asian languages script do you guys like the most?
i like malayalam. seems round and spacious, also seems like it'd be pure torture for a dyslexic person.
urdu too has such an artlike, wistful nature to it.
Every warrior of the subcontinent had that in the medieval age.
2 plates momos please, thanks
stop taking european gfs as asian, she doesn't look like typical tajik.
I like Urdu and himchali
I fucking hate women.
Also, urdu isn't a script you brainlet.
hating women for behaving the way they do is like hating a dog for barking . its pointless
Tajiks are mostly Caucasian. They're not like the other Central Asian countries. She looks quite atypical for a Tajik.
Extra special lockdown from tomorrow mitragan
but that's just devanagari script though
i don't care
my women hate always gets exposed when I'm too drunk
>mahar rashtra
yeah i misread the question as just "language"
cringed hard