Lmao, do euros really?

lmao, do euros really?

Attached: xhDZg2I.png (1100x600, 512.57K)

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If the one on the right is cheaper and does the same job, why not?

there is literally no reason for trucks to look like on the left

ok commies

its not a truck its a Lastkraftwagen

Do americans?

Attached: 1586358886405.jpg (637x616, 121.27K)

>American "truck"

Attached: typhoon-u 63095 (1).jpg (2250x1500, 1.95M)


Yes, they do.

Attached: american railway luxury.jpg (480x360, 35.99K)


American truck looks like something from the 1930s.

>shart in cart

nu-trains are SOULLESS

Attached: cp-7.jpg (850x446, 98.37K)

do not insult chadtrak

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Attached: ep2k.jpg (1200x800, 697.9K)

yeah sorry not watching any of your gay libtard propaganda

I don't understand this image, why is there a regular seat right next to the toilet?

hey guys
i am truck driver
i drove that european truck + big van
i have a drivers license for trucks


only way to prevent Americans from sharting up the train

Take that back.

Attached: 3es5k (7).jpg (1200x800, 600.35K)

based rzdposter

fucking train autists
this is a truck thread

Our railroads are old since we’ve never been bombed and we built all the railroads we’d ever need during the gilded age. And said old rail roads aren’t compatible with newer trains

fucking dildo shaped trains

i love classic trains

First class Amtrak luxury.

Attached: amtrak luxury.jpg (1936x2592, 1.33M)

What are on those trains, Jews and political prisoners?

They have the same cargo capacity but need a lot less space to maneuver. Euro trucks are better.
Amerimutts are compensating.

It's because North Americans are averse to anything high-tech or efficient when it comes to transportation. Many cities here had arguably better transit in the 40s than they do now. Pic related used to be a common sight in North America

Attached: BCER-bg.jpg (800x509, 524.44K)

Omg amazing American luxury. America is so advanced


American tears.

Attached: vl85 & 3es5k.jpg (1200x800, 516.96K)

Europoors can only dream of carrying as much cargo as the American railways carry. Yes, their passenger service is shit, but most European passenger service is massively subsidized. Can't really blame the Americans.

its a camion, you illiterate anglo

We had it too. Don't know why they destroyed it

Unironically the auto industry lobby. Now it's too expensive to lay down rails again

>Europoors can only dream of carrying as much cargo as the American railways carry
ROFL, where's USA on the list?

Attached: List of largest locomotives.png (1675x670, 74.18K)

We redid ours in Cincinnati, it's still not as efficient as it used to be though since it doesn't cover as much area as in the past

>Pic related used to be a common sight in North America
The downfall of american transportation.

Attached: ktm-5 in irkutsk.jpg (1000x859, 514K)

who's the job? i'm sick of home office desu

>europeans really name their trains something like z6sg893oe gen 3


Attached: TDXlqBdO1rI-1-1014x1200.jpg (1014x1200, 57.75K)

>The initials VL are those of Vladimir Lenin (ru: Bлaдимиp Лeнин), after whom the class is named.

Attached: vl85 (1).jpg (1200x750, 181.59K)


Attached: 1091FAD6-5D04-4DB1-AB9F-847F21273662.jpg (866x1300, 191.17K)

>the only reason american trucks are that long is so fatass truck drivers can make it to the bed in the back

Attached: 75F07C5C-F951-4CD3-8569-5891B1047E14.png (327x316, 210.62K)

damn americans really got fat recently.
look at the size of these coffins.
that bodies of GI's from afghanistan or iraq?


Driver of the American truck has a blind spot like 50m/150feet in front of the truck. Not very practical if you ask me.

oh yes I knew this is german autism before even seeing flag.

Retard, America doesn't use electric traction for freight hauling. What you're showing there is a list of multi-unit locomotives. America usually uses 2-3-4 locomotives in series, forming a block, but each one of them is separable. This allows them more flexibility.

Also, most of the locomotives you're showing there are operated on dedicated lines in a "marshrut" system, basically the same train, on the same line, with no intermediate stops. In China's case it is mostly from coal deposits in Mongolia to the sea. In Russia, it is the BAM where they use them to tackle the heavy gradient sections on the BAM.

Eat dick.

*blind area would be more proper term.


Attached: Canadian-Pacific-Railway-9143-diesel-locomotive-SD90MAC.jpg (3500x2798, 2.4M)

The fact that you know all those things doesn't make you even bigger autist? Which would be achievement because those sick fucks are going to other cunts only to film hours long footage of trains and trams and then upload it on yt.

>America doesn't use electric traction for freight hauling
Why is America so backwards?

Attached: vl85 (5).jpg (1280x1024, 500.92K)

Not all autism is created equal.

>Why is America so backwards?
Looking at the statistics it seems like they won this time.

Attached: 2007_06_23-009.jpg (2000x1125, 761.3K)

Why is north america wilderness so comfy? We got it good

Would be very tempting to not flush and admire my poo for the duration of the trip

>Looking at the statistics it seems like they won this time.
LMAO. Tell us, why is the USA so backwards it cannot into electrification?

Attached: List of countries by rail usage.png (397x115, 5.16K)


I kinda get his point desu.

Lol poorfag thinking, fuck the overnight driving truck driver right? Hows it feel not having a union, pussy?

>Don't know why they destroyed it

Attached: file.png (1054x1574, 1.61M)

literally soul vs soulless meme


>Hows it feel not having a union, pussy?
He says, as he is forced to work during quarantine without paid leave.

Attached: american job.jpg (2448x1836, 502.3K)

Thats fuckib dope id be excited about this trrain ride wouldnt have to go far to poop because i wait til im about to explode poop to go take pants of then sit down to poop so it poops fast and this is a great setup for me to do that in

unbelievably based

when I was a kid I would consume american media and I was always curious about american trucks "why do they look like that, I've never seen that before"

The white lorry vs the BLACK TRVCK

I believe you, desu.

Attached: american soldier7.jpg (394x604, 45.35K)

American trucks are much better looking than our sissy gay trucks, anyone who denies this is lying.

>german "soul"
Americana S0VL

Attached: EA5C4323-496B-429A-A0F2-DF0CC986EC00.jpg (1024x725, 150.85K)

They're doing better without it.

Post modal share and also show where the EU, with it's very electrified railways, is situated on that list. Also post net tonnage on the railways.

American trucks look like that because their length limits are lower. It is cheaper to make them that way, instead of having a complicated system to raise the cabin and get to the engine. Working on them is much easier too.

What american would fit on that toilet seat?

We BTFO everyone, deal with that

Attached: roman.jpg (1280x720, 168.83K)

oh yes the based RABA-poster.

I bet he smokes weed too and is a reservist
Look how rich big and fed AMERICAN BVLLS are
No wonder the rest of the world worships us

>They're doing better without it.
Yeah, totally, LOL.
>But muh EU
We aren't talking about EU, go backpedal elsewhere.

Attached: List of countries by rail usage2.png (515x116, 5.52K)

>We aren't talking about EU
you sure were earlier lol

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>Gay illuminati graffiti

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No, I was not.

Are we talking about Russia which transports 500m. net tonnes less yet has more tkm due to their specific conditions (long transit routes on the TSB / BAM until they hit civilization)? Or about China where the modal share of rail is insignificant. Your choice.

If you want a good example supporting your point, you should take Ukraine. Just saying.

you both were. The conversation started with you replying to someone talking about Europe vs America. Why would you start talking with him and then say you don't want to talk about Europe


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>Europe = EU
American "education".

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