What do you guys think of it?
We almost never talk about this country
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that’s because they’re all busy thinking and posting about someone more important (us)
Pretty awesome and based but I guess I'm biased :3.
i think i like it
Shouldn't exist.
my little brother :)
like pottery
I like how they have become the main antagonist of the EU
Tall attractive people with an ugly language. I want to visit them one day to eat waffles, drink their faggy mini beers(they look pretty good) and to smoke weed. I can't wait
I wish the Frisians had their own country. Cool language desu, I’d rather it not be influenced/replaced by Dutch.
cheap ass retards who like weed. Hate them to be honest.
Overpopulated soulless nation with no nature.
it was getting boring without you
>butthurt about what rutte said
We (and France with 55%) were the only country that voted against the EU constitution with 65% against it.
Voted against Ukraine joining the EU.
Nothing has changed lol.
Swamp Germans who act like Jews and are extremely good at keeping them not sinking
>act like
Built for BBC simple as
holy based
I don't get it, do Netherlanders have Jewish ancestry? It does explain the acts and thought process of Netherlanders
I hope we leave too when all of this corona cancer is behind us
frisians already hate themselves
We have a rich jewish history.
Though I don't know any jews personally.
That’s a shame
Richer than Italy even though Italy almost has 4 times as many people as us.
yeah after 1945 95% of them were gone
But we were the main antagonist
o b s e s s e d
Those aren't real frisians though. They live in the capital of friesland which isn't frissian.
ehh i see how you could not understand this
What's wrong with fries
Frisians are among the most patriotic in this country lmao
The anti Fries banner is from Leeuwarden, the "capital" of Friesland.
But that city is filled with retarded Dutch speakers who feel the need to differentiate themselves from the rest of the province that does speak Frisian.
About everyone has a disdain for Leeuwarden and their tokkies/chavs here
Why are there so many anti-netherlands threads?
Last year:
Italy Nominal GDP: $1.99 trillion - Italy GDP (PPP): $2.40 trillion
Netherlands Nominal GDP: $902.36 billion - Netherlands GDP (PPP): $969.23 billion
Because guys like this are obsessed
unironically worse than germans, i hate them the most after american and russian posters
The Italian user is right though, with those numbers I mean.
medpilled & redpilled
they deserve it
Tax haven and colonial power, cheaters in the money making game. Pretty boring country otherwise
kankerlelgen oetz
>iedereen pest jullie
ja ok, ga maar voor de gemakkelijke belediging
Its fucking piss and shit and piss on the shitt fucking hole in the ground tier toilet piss and shiiiiit.
fuck all of you
Northern European women are already shit-tier but Dutch women are the lamest.
all me
ga janken
Nee maar serieus
cancer retards
It's called Holland
Evil people.
>ugly language
No its not i have proof. youtube.com
That's not Dutch, that's Fishermens
not gonna click that because it will be stuck in my head for the next couple of weeks
Lmao the clip its so bad they look like they are simping a 3/10.
All cheeseheads should die