Keite edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
what's a Keite
Lithuanian singer
Now kk2 host
>a bloo bloo bloo I was bullied so much for my race
>meanwhile I had two kazakh-lithuanian mixed girls in my class and no one in the entire school gave a shit
Also have a kazakh-lithuanian cousin, who looks full chink, never mentioned any bullying. God how I have whiny thots.
u make it sound like u dont want me to leave
Product of r@cemix. That's what half balt half med looks like. Ew.
I had half black guy as a classmate, he was never bullied
Total bro tier dude
And this is Lithuanian - Black mix
does she have pimpalas?
>OMG you're 2% ashkenazi
>it totally means you're a jew
I don't need to waste a hundred euros to know my family history. And I've got nothing against jews, but pushing this agenda (you're ALL part jewish) sounds like a massive cope on your part.
No, she has vagene
blet galvojau Viktoras Diawara :D
you sound like such a beta right now
I didn't said we are jews, I said crypto jews
There's a difference
The only trait we have in common with them is that we love to moan and bitch about everything, and that's where it ends.
You will that's certain. International work places alienate and you will have hard time to find any normal ethnic Estonians without any language skills and looking different.
Last time I visited Wilno I stumbled upon many cute half black half lithuanian girls. I think the future is looking bright, bros.
Aiste is that you?
Same. Had multiple classmates from different backgrounds. Stories like hers make me suspect trying to use ones ethnicity for gain via lying (not sure if this was her case or not(wonder what city she grew up in??? Mb village or smth?))
But stuff like this:
Just read her bio. Got busted. MULTIPLE times.
Also this is the same chick that said "Eastern Europeans and Russians aren't white"
Half asian half lithuanian too.
One more shot of vodka and going for a smoke, lads
No, I'm an old bearded fatass. It's just that my aunt married a guy from Kazakhstan who worked at Ignalina power plant.
now we're getting somewhere, tell me more about how your average estonian is like
I had a half arab gf when I was younger.
Lithuanian - born Asian too
this is it bros i havent been to the gym in a month only exercise i've been doing is athleanx body workout i can feel my gains disapering im slowly dying i think this is the end i dont thin ii going to make it
Dumped alternative Rigas Balzams and Vana Tallinn for vodka?
Yea you ask because you will likely not even see one Estonian in that workplace. Full of russians, pajeets and other exotic ethnicities imported from all over world.
>Rigas Balzams and Vana Tallinn
Hate these
It's either Absinthe, Vodka or Suktinis for me
yeah so answer the question then :^)
Ima vape with you lemme get my coat
where in the fuck did you find them, I live in the center and never see any
but isn't that the most important thing
Fuck off rapebaby and stay in your shithole also how fuck are you going to come here when borders are closed, nice larp
>In 2018, Kawesa was charged with assault after hitting a man in the face and kicking him at a Stockholm subway station. The incident occurred in January 2018 during which Kawesa had attempted to walk through the subway barrier without using her Access card. Kawesa claims self defence after the man first attacked her.[12] Surveillance footage showed otherwise, and Kawesa was convicted of battery, given a suspended sentence and ordered to pay a fine of 36,000 Swedish crowns.[13]
Best one among her "lovely" bio. It's these types of lies THAT type of broad engages in. It's a good thing we have cameras nowadays, otherwise the male is assumed to be the evil one that just decided to attack. Someone this cunty feels ontouchable. Hooray for justice though.
How many times I have to tell you, next time Vadim bullies you, just punch him in the face and stop shitting up /balt/ for us
No, not really. If I had to pick one trait, I'd go for their memed sense of community and family structure. Ironic part is my grandpa got sent to a german labour camp without even being a jew.
In Lithuania you enjoy immigrants yep, go take it all from Greece too cheap workforce.
brave of you to assume there's only one or two Lithuanians getting shitfaced in this thread at any moment
ani me
Suktinis is tasty but it's almost a dessert drink. If you drink a lot of it you'll get sick and might have a massive hangover.
Basically vodka + nasty chemical shit that makes it very tasty.
I agree with you on the vodka though
you're so insecure and threathened by me i love it
as i said it will happen in a couple of months when this thing blows over
bullying others on the internet won't make your school bullies go away, baka
also Natasha pulls your pants down because she likes you
Enjoy your time
reminder that racists are not allowed on /balt/
But what is racism?
Fair point. I was naive.
If a company can't find sufficient workforce from its own people then that company should be shutdown and not start importing immigrants
Hmm... If this thing keeps getting extended, I think I'll scan in my family pictures and put them online on my website as sort of a record. Got nothing else to do anyway.
Hello, Rus janny :)
We're not being racist though, we're just discussing if ideas like ethnocentrism are even worth it. Perhaps we should embrace all people better than we are currently doing.
Oh, and how's the wages and taxes in Estonia nowadays?
I'm not sure why you're telling us this but go ahead.
Yes they are
Maybe because I have no one else to tell. Maybe because I wanted to post a couple of pictures I do have scanned in, because I find them either funny or interesting.
But I'd need to do it over again, at higher DPI, and maybe try my hand at repairing, or even colorizing them. That seems like it could be fun.
That's cool. I'd like to see what made you.
Whoever this person is, they may be a bit asymetrical, but the person seems determined and has a confident stance.
Is that your mom or grandma?
Strong personality genetics. I love it.
Hope she had a happy life
I think you can upload pictures there too.
That's my uncle. He died shortly after that picture was taken. He was 4 or 5 years old.
Yeah you can upload pictures too
There was a Brazilian guy from my family tree who's grandparents fled the war. He wanted to find out more about his family. Snooped up so much info from idk where, to the point where it got uncomfortable how much info he had punched in about me, which I hadn't shared.
Nevermind my post, I'm drunk and thought you were saying something else. I want to see your family pictures but also would prefer to hear the stories associated with them. I have some interesting family pictures no one else wanted because it's shit like my grandparents having cruises and climbing mountains, and I guess no one wanted to listen to my grandma's stories on how she had fun there.
Should I buy a scanner?
Half-Lithuanian half-African
All countries have national archives. My family is on too till 1700, because the records before that were destroyed. All Estonians.
Jeez clothes were so gender neutral back then.
Oh shit. What did he die from?
I like how the photographer went "you'll be able to see this background is totally bullshit. It will end right here. But fuck it. Let's go."
These people look decently based. Could be clever business people's family someday or smth.
Cute doggo.
Is the baby you? Or uncle?
she looks like one of those bleached Nigerian women, look up skin bleaching in Africa, it's horrifying
Bruh, I had the weirdest Yas Forums experience a couple of years ago. I think it was on balt too.
We were discussing a similar topic, relatives moving to new world, and I mentioned two of my grandmothers brothers moved to Brazil (by mistake, instead of US), and mentioned couple of variants their last names could've been spelled. Some brazilanon legit found a guy who was my grandmothers brothers great-grandson, I've checked it later. Such a weird coincidence.
Their pretty cheap desu, I did mine on some shitty HP scanner, but I now have this A3 sized Brother thing, I use for... work... It's worth re-doing it in better quality, I think.
I can't be sure, probably some disease or starvation. This was around WW2, when my grandpa got gulag'd.
>Is the baby you?
Mate, I'm not THAT old. One of them is my grandmother, and she was born in 1910.
Why would anyone do that? She will never feel like Lithuanian and from that ethnicity the African is from.
These same mulattos will now start speaking about opening up Lithuania and going to extreme ideologies. Rootless cosmopolitan people
Have you seen pics of Africans doing circumcision on themselves ? Some of the works look like somone tried to saw off skin with blunt knife
Ohnononono... look at this dood... Look at his hair lmao...
I wish these people would adopt or something instead of ruining more lives thanks to their idiocy.
>I use for... work...
are you scanning your dick in it or something? A3 good job user
Estonian nationalists are absurd. Who the fuck wants to be pround of Estonia?
>shit like my grandparents having cruises and climbing mountains
How old were your grandparents? Mine didn't get the chance to do any of that. I do have some pictures of my parents doing that around Caucasus and Black Sea.
>Tfw 70% of my extended family lives in USA
Estonians, who else ? Immigrants wont ever be.
I do(n't)
alright bros i am so close to escaping skinnyfat mode but keep binging on shit food. i need to lose 5kg more and my love handles will go away
I already miss the euroleague, boyz :/ fuck corona. Dammit
>there's a black guy with your family name in usa
Of all the fucking things you could've asked, you chose to ask this. Why?
>tfw surname is 1 letter off a common surname so it's super easy to track my paternal line
What website is that?
How old is the oldest elder you have alive?
>mfw found out i have second cousins living in israel
>i need to lose 5kg more and my love handles will go away
they won't, if you're a bit too fat you can loose it but the loose skin will remain
Hahaaaa who did that to the guy
Prewar born, grandpa was deported to Siberia at 9 years old, ran back home, was caught and brought back, returned legally again, became an engineer and got a fucking luxury trip to Siberia with opera visits and skyscraper hotels, it's absurd. Grandma born in a village with all sorts of crazy stories too, also became an engineer so had those trips of her own as well.
And here I am, posting on Yas Forums and bringing shame to my ancestors...