Post subtle signs of thirld worldism

Post subtle signs of thirld worldism.

Attached: lagartija.png (718x452, 135.94K)

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Geckos? But they bring good luck.

Wait, but we have this in Apulia

this speak for itself

they can only survive on thirld world temperatures.

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i like how their tail keep moving even when u cut it

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Porch geckos are based

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Wait, but we have this in Florida

that's the joke.

Geckos live somewhere around my house

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are u from the southern islands?

do u know this game?

Attached: juego-de-mesa-parques-imantado-doble-cara-4-y-6-puestos-D_NQ_NP_906021-MCO20690188541_042016-F.jpg (1200x1200, 177.96K)

I have a gecko friend living on my deck, I leave the lights on at night for him so he can eat all he wants

lizards are cool

we have these where i live and they are pretty cool
i dont know what they eat or what purpose they serve in nature but i like them for some reason

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so Bogotá is not Third World because we don't have these...

post thirld world things from your cunt.

I live in Miami and so far every single picture posted applies...

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do u have this as well?

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Miami is cubano not really Floridian or American
t. broward county

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they're cute and harmless

Attached: Lagartixa44.jpg (1600x1200, 287.18K)

dark skin unfortunately

lmao they use their vans or old pickup trucks

Attached: vian.jpg (2048x1536, 570.18K)

Here is another photo

Attached: viand.jpg (1086x724, 182.79K)

That's a gueco, not a lagartija. They're a scourge from the East.

>driving through the hood in Philadelphia
>hear this garbage


I'm sorry but I smash them with my slippers if they're invading my house, they're scary.

you're the one invading

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isnt that some kind a pseudogecko tho

>from the southern islands?
no, just west of tokyo
I don't know the game

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if there's a lot of trash lying around and your country doesn't have proper waste sorting

Not very subtle at all desu

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What do you mean by 'but' there

Is this third world?

my cat like to eat those

>Tamales cubANOs
Sounds interesting

Same. I used to catch them when I was a kid. I'd put them in a bigass aquarium and then try to domesticate them. Needless to say this didn't work and they'd always die eventually, but I was persistent.

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Cyber cafes scream 3rd world to me

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I would trade several HDI points for qt house lizards

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Very rude

But we have lot of those

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parking on sidewalks

yes, it is legal here

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Can someone explain why the previous 2 of these threads were dominated by latinos and there were almost no arab, indian and southeast asian posters? They post a lot in other threads

literally looks better than anything that is exclusive to the northern sky.

all the other time zones were sleeping.

That's just Fia med knuff

Northern hemisphere is soul, especially once you get far north and it’s nothing but northern lights and icy forests. Southern Hemisphere looks empty, and the stars are far away, it is as though even the heavens have abandoned that side of the earth

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That's one of the softest pictures you could have picked

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it's not true, in my village winters and springs are cold and there are a lot of them

This is common everywhere in Europe.

but the situation on your pic is not legal

Because this one you posted is illegal and the driver would be fined. Real third worldish thing is that parking on sidewalks is ALLOWED here (if you leave 1,5m for pedestrians but still I don't think there is a first world country that allows any kind of parking on sidewalks)

People say you shouldn't kill spiders because they kill other bugs but geckos do the same thing and are way more chill.

For you "common" is maybe 1% of all cars parked and it's usually illegal. Here everyone parks like that because it's simply legal. I've never seen anything like that in the west that the whole sidewalk along a long street is blocked by cars.

So what? It's still an everyday thing pretty much all over Poland

But this is not really "subtle", this is just outright third worldism.
