What is your butterino like?
What is your butterino like?
Flat as fuck, unfortunately.
Muscle. I have a majestic, big, meaty ass, superior to most female asses I see. Squats do that to you.
Hourglass and I’m a boy
I'm a bubble
Just squats or something else?
I do squats every day but my butt looks mediocre.
is this girl butt? cause im no homo
Bubble. I've been doing tons of cyclette and squats since the lockdown has begun
Bubble, I think
Muscle, but with more ass
Petite i think, i'm a man though.
is there any way to get an ass without gaining weight? i already do 40 squats a day
>bleached butthole
what's the point anymore
japanese assholes smell fantastic and that's all that really matters though
I do Stronglifts 5x5 for years now. Squatting 3 times a week 5x5 will do wonders. A perfect balance of strength training/powerlifting and hypertrophy/bodybuilding.
Deadlifts 1x a week, overhead press 1x a week, bench press 2x a week. All 5x5, except deadlift which is 1x5 (set x reps). Warmup sets leading up to the working ones of 5x5 are left up to you, how many you need them.
I have good butt genetics but I do not take care of mine well. I have been exercising a bit more and eating better lately though so I hope to make it look better.
Good butt, what do you do to exercise or is it all genetics?
bubble or donk i think
why do butts are so sexy?
that's a female ass you idiot
it's flat and it's nothing you could have
butts do are big sexy because evolution psychological attraction very much yes indeed
what if the poster was a female?
how would you know what your butt looks like?
Apple i guess.
sex with butt
I'd prefer to be bone than hour glass
>what if the poster was a female?
posting it on a anonymous board for approval
I'd prefer to bone an hour glass
I'm a girl btw
I'm a boy btw
post tummy
>on Yas Forums
>on a board that's not /soc/
This has already been proven dingus
how so
why would women go on a gay board in the first place
to shill their snapchats
My gf has a mix of apple and hourglass i think. Her hips are very wide but its a non exercise butt. Still veels very good to touch
where are the balls?
This is me
He's a well known homo Japanese poster moron. Go seethe somewhere else.
Literally me.
try engage all your muscles and do proper form bro
then i want to see more of his butthole
hourglass ;)
i think either apple or bubble
its a yikes from me
>tfw flat
Apple I guess
What do you mean superior? Are you gyno? You can't have a luscious ass like a woman's unless you have wide hips. They're asses are wider than men's.
girls don't like sporty ass on boys tho
hourglass bro...why do have to suffer this fate
Norm or apple.
I actually wish I had a nice DONK so women would slap my ass unsolicited.
Badonk. Was a double wide last summer.
Most boys have more curves... But I guess it's cute in its' own way.
Apple, but I like em double wide on women