Ring-a-ring o' roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!
We all fall down!
/brit /
based song
/gif/ needs to be split into a straight board and a faggot cuck board
i remember a few years back they were handing out free google cardboard at my uni, went home and tried out some VR POV stuff on pornhub, was quite a cool experience
me on the right
getting an indian tonight lads
>Global Death Comparison
what a grim reality this is, imagine being a kid watching this
crazy how "experts" are starting to say what i was saying from day one
just fucking put me in charge
just got called a smoothskin in cheadle
Can we please get an ID on this babe?
favourite american invention? the shemale
BIZARRE image of the highest degree
Don't understand how some you lot can be a toiler and not be a communist.
I say we get the recession over and done with. It's years overdue.
good luck x
wont read anything in red and yellow
those are contrasting colours now piss off
Could you post the entire list in text plox
Pissed up lads
Cos communism means i don't even have a sliver of hope of ever escaping toil through my wits. In the grim darkness of a marxist future. There is only toil
the recession from 2008 didnt end. we've had nothing but tory austerity since then, not to mention that were on course to leave with no deal in january and thats gonna take us another 10 steps back
never wanked over a cartoon. literal furry level of degeneracy
>researches have suggested
Does proof reading mean nothing any more.
wank to lots of furry porn me
It's indians not indian lol you're getting someone from india are you? Mong
TERF sympathising Yas Forums virgin freaks should be lined up and shot
mental, the associates could have been a big band if Billy McKenzie was willing to actually leave Dundee to tour
lad ended up killing himself in his dad's shed from a paracetamol overdose
Don't understand how some of you lot can be communists and not imperial monarchist khan warlords
Aphex Twin has released six new songs on his secret SoundCloud account
getting an indians tonight lads
TERFs are awesome
they leave in typos on purposes because it gets people's attention
t. insider
Bizarre watching men who take estrogen pills to shrink their cocks making such violent statements like this
i just want to bring everyone else down tbqh
is that a tranny
Enjoy your "Indian" then. Are they male or female? What's their caste?
Riding around on a Boris bike screaming fuck boomers
the tolerant left
I want to procreate with this Irish woman
99.9% of normal people are "trans-exclusionary"
They identify as a Tikka Biriyani
refuse to use nu-speak. don't like tranny freaks simple as
ah yes the right mocking the left's tolerance while not tolerating other skin colors, sexuality, etc. very good very nice yes.
utterly alien concept
UK is the only country where TERFs aren't seen as cringe anti-science lolcows and widely mocked, but are instead indulged by the mainstream media and freaks like the posters here.
if the left are so tolerant why did they kill 100 million people?
>the right who is at least honest of their intolerance mocking the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left's pretense of tolerance
I don't see the issue
watching today's government briefing and this woman on the left has made me do a big cringe three times now
Still waiting for someone to spam Shemale porn lads
still thinking about the size of that lads bollock
Whatever gave you the idea the left should be tolerant?
You'll have to work obviously, any country that didn't work for even one month would collapse, but under socialism you'll have a vastly reduced working week, control over your workplace, no boss haranguing you and the full value of your labour paid to you. A socialist Britain could easily have a 30 hour week tomorrow.
>Different parts of the country coming out of lockdown at different times
Haha, yes, that will end well
Incredible how people who self-describe as "Civilised" aren't Vegan. Astonishing ignorance.
>Whatever gave you the idea the left should be tolerant?
Mental how women always end up with big birthday banners and flowers and balloons and parties for their birthdays. My last birthday I spent alone and smoked a really shitty joint and made myself sick on some cheap wine.
whats she said wrong
imagine using terms made up by the social justice left
love calling people trannies but love calling people incels even more honestly
Thoughts on this song?
If the right are so tolerant why did they kill 6 million jews?
Went out shopping with my parents and we were all wearing masks. Quite a few people were wearing masks but a lot weren’t. So many people out treating this like a holiday. Fucking cyclists and joggers breathing heavy all over the place
>le black book of communism
Not a single charge against Communism survives critical scrutiny. Communists did not commit any crimes in the 20th Century.
Trannies deny the capitalist oppression of women.
or i could figure out investment or property or have a good new idea and end up not working at all.
who said that right was tolerant?
she was too dependent on the slides and they weren't even showing them to us anyway, and she got the "stay home, protect the NHS, save lives" saying in the wrong order and then did a joke about it
Love kaiserreich
who does /brit/ bank with
The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant.
They didn't. National SOCIALISTS did.
Don't tolerate the intolerant.
Bash Nazis and alt right freaks when they show their runt faces in public.
Make them scared to leave their wojak posting Yas Forums echo chambers.
And when the day comes, hang them from the lampposts.
Why the bank of Mikey, of course.
*hands you a wad of cash*
you are my bank now
He who does not work, neither shall he eat.
keep it under my bed desu
you'll do nothing you emasculated, dole-scrounging tranny.
Just be pragmatic ffs instead of looking at retarded ideologies that look good on paper but are shit in reality e.g. communism, fascism, nationalism, islamism etc.
he who does work under a communist system, neither shall he eat anything but slops
You know nothing pal. Your days are fucking numbered.
women are so soft and weak lads
It's the opposite.
Fell asleep reading this