Do latinas have racial preferences when it comes to dating?

Do latinas have racial preferences when it comes to dating?

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yeah, they love the founding father racial type

If they’re poor, blacks
If they’re middle class/rich, whites

White, some times latino, some times black and some times even asian guys.

Latino and white

They really love southern European looking men

I’m a girl and I like European guys. Not Southern European, though


I'm a latina exchange student and anglo-teutonic bulls breed me everyday


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I don't think they have a preference, at least in brazil they don't

Don't even try to play this game, black incel.

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tranny cope

Im latina and i like all cocks especially big black ones

My ex was Latinx and her entire extended family had a Dutch partner

They are all white supremacists.

The love BWC

I'm a pasty white guy and my girlfriend is a Latina from LA originally, so people like me I guess.

6ft blue eyed blondes

I have seen many of times fantasizing about whites but not necessarily güerito white as in blonde with blue eyes, rather brown hair whites as French, Spaniards, etc.

probably not, just be good looking bro

ITT: whiteboi anecdotes

They crave big black BVLLS
>black incel
No such thing

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Yes no niggers or Muslims, Latinos only if they are rich

Yeah but there prfrence varies a lot just like other groups it really boils down to social class and ubringing

i was talking to an italian broad who specifically stated she'd never even kiss someone who was black, which was weird to say out of the blue like that.

but she had the perkiest titties with the tightest and most amazing bubble butt i'd ever seen

Why would you know such word? Are you an obsessed incel?
Italians are not Latino, idiot

I went to school with a few and they all ended up with white guys except for one and the one who didn't ended up with another latino

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>no niggers or Muslims
that's not what I heard

>Italians are not Latino, idiot
who cares you still read my post

i fucking wish, she seriously looked like one of those girls that was too cute for porn but would end up on a blackedraw gangbang

California if you are white, texas if you are black

>>black incel
>No such thing
You are one though, little shitskin.

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Chad race

Le gustan la polla Blanca grande y fuerte Las panchitas

They prefer Swedish men

>brazilian monkey calling others shit skin

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You get triggered way to easy, black incel. That's why women don't like you. You are weak and pathetic.

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yes, they love fat neckbeards that shitpost on Yas Forums all day

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Look in the mirror

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can somebody just rangeban this Brazillian guy already

I'm not white, you weak and pathetic faggot.
Black incels really have low iq, don't they.

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Well then they're gonna love me!

Am I making the little ethnic incel cry?
Go back to your mamma, dumbo.

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Yes, as long as you're not black you're golden.

Simply not true.




>Italians are not Latino, idiot
What are they then? Germanic?

Im a white guy that went to a high school with around a 30% Latino population (southern California). Most of them would ask me to fuck (in not so few words) during my 4 years there. My father was Basque and I apparently look just like him, so take that for what you will

Did you ever make a move?

How does your Basque father look?
Post a look alike


"Latino" mutts are not what you find in the real world.

Muttland is its own thing.

false, i had a latina gf and i was poor as fug

Where are the best US cities to set tinder location to to fish nudes from latinas?

Austin, san antonio and houston.

Based white masters.

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White girls are truly made for bbc

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Ok, but can we talk about how white women literally move to Latin America to marry CHAD LATINO BVLLS?

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Once, but I'm high functioning autistic and didn't understand what people were asking of me until I was older. Shit sucks man
Pic related. He looked much like the actor William Peterson

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This mexico girl, she looked basque with blue eyes and brown hair and nice body, one time she and some tall castiza followed me to a class saying i was their man. I did nothing becuase im austistic asf. Countless stories of girls being agressive with interest

Im a 5'6 brown mestizo so im surprised hot girls like me.