Did you know that IKEA is a Dutch company? Headquarters are in Delft and on wikipedia it says "Dutch multinational". Pretty cool.
Did you know that IKEA is a Dutch company? Headquarters are in Delft and on wikipedia it says "Dutch multinational"...
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Kiss my ass, Stijn. There's a reason why nobody likes you cheeky cunts.
never forget ikea concentration camps
Are you mad, Sven? Nice "Swedish" company you got there.
You because you're a tax haven you dumb shit
Cool letterbox "head office" dude
OMG Dutchland is so big and strong :|
>IKEA (/aJˈkiːə/ eye-KEE-ə, Swedish: [Jˈkêːa]) is a Swedish-origin Dutch-headquartered multinational group that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture, kitchen appliances and home accessories, among other useful goods and occasionally home services.
Based Hollanders furthering our imperialism
swamp jews in action
For me, it's JYSK
I already knew that, so what? Big foreign companies becoming Dutch is great. I feel proud when I see the dutch flag in the info section at Wikipedia when I search big companies. Is it sad? Yes, but I don't care. Dutch is Dutch.
Kamprad was a tax dodging Nazi cunt, more news at eleven
Never seen Jysk outside of Sweden
Yea we have jysk hete too. It's good shit
that's because Sweden is preparing, soon there won't be a Netherlands, it will just be Sweden, and its beautiful!
This is what your head offices look like
>Kamprad was a tax dodging Nazi cunt
Did you actually type this unironically? How many dicks were you sucking on while posting that? Imagine thinking his political views makes him less of a good person or less accomplished
I get really happy when I see people flying the Unionist flag irl :)
Especially since that was before our government changed the blue colour in our flag to baby blue
>Kamprad was a tax dodging Nazi cunt
absolute CRINGE
Apparently it's Danish, i had no idea
It doesn't detract from the cool shit he did. He was truly a self made buisniess man and did wonders for the economy as well as being a genuinely decent employer. That doesn't change the fact that he was a tax dodging Nazi cunt
>Apparently it's Danish, i had no idea
Imagine not knowing that Jysk is D*nish
Such mistakes could cost you your life user. You might end up in a Danish pig farm where they'll fill you with antibiotics, cut off your dick and then send you off for slaughter. Vile creatures.
håll käft bög
Is IKEA seen as a meme in Europe? In the U.S it's looked as cheap affordable furniture that will break after a week with confusing instructions on how to put together
LEGO is British
>with confusing instructions
couldnt be simpler
Never understood that confusing instructions meme, are people stupid enough to struggle with assembling cheap furniture?
Also ikea cheap stuff is usually pretty sturdy
>cheap affordable furniture that will break after a week
i still have my computer desk from IKEA that I bought a year ago and its in the same condition as when I bought it, its clearly a problem on your part
>with confusing instructions on how to put together
again a problem on your part, its simple you just need to use more than two of your braincells to succeed
>with confusing instructions on how to put together
>confusing instructions
American education everybody
IKEA is based and unironically an important Swedish cultural export. Most companies heavily adapt their content to different markets but IKEA has a pretty distinguished Swedish profile wherever. No matter where you are the names are unpronounceable and rotten fish can be bought at the food market
>and rotten fish can be bought at the food market
Its not actually rotten but it is indeed shit.
>inb4 norrlänningar start screeching at mw for not liking surströmmin
there are a few here
but they only sell soft things
>with confusing instructions
You might have brain damage.
I used to work there. It was fun
Meatballs are Turkish though. And the Swedish profile is lost since it became Dutch. The yellow and blue colour scheme now represent Dutch national railways.
>Meatballs are Turkish though
>A dish based on pork is Turkish
>People actually fell for this meme
Stolen valor
Lol naive retard, you dont see whats happening? What a fool you are.
One morning you will be awoken to this youtu.be
And our finnish pakkoruotsi pros will drag you from your home to swedish class
Jag skulle vilja knulla henne stenhårt tills dess att det där äckliga horflinet är helt bortsuddat från hennes vidriga ansikte.
I majnkraft, såklart.
Remind me again when IKEA starts selling Dutch named furniture and Dutch food in their restaurant.
yeah, and Stella-Artois is Brazilian beer
that's just niggerlike behavior
Snuskiga jävla hora
>confusing instructions on how to put together
I don't even...
IKEA is ok as long as you are not planning to take it apart again (to move for example). It's not the best quality but it is still a magnitude better than Chinese standards.
I think muslims can eat horse
>First thing that comes to mind when you think of Dutch companies:
>"uhhhhhhhhhhh idk all I know is it's a tax haven"
you fucks are all so smug on your stupid bicycles but when I think about it, where the fuck are you going? to the corporate office of shell corporation ltd? to the corporate office of tasteless tomatoes ltd?
At least with the Germans you can imagine them going to work at some place that makes things, like BMW or BOSCH. With Italians you imagine them being on their way to work at like Ferrari or maybe some gay ass fashion company. Most countries that act smug you can at least understand why they would look so smug, but the Dutch have absolutely no reason to. You're a no effort rich country.
are u mad that it is a Dutch company now? Are u mad that Swedish meatballs is Turkish and morr and more people know about that fact. Are you mad that putting 4 chair legs under a chair is not exclusive to Swedish design? Keep crying, and drive your Chinese Volvo
>you fucks are all so smug on your stupid bicycles but when I think about it, where the fuck are you going?
to the coffeeshop
>And our finnish pakkoruotsi pros will drag you from your home to swedish class
Not gonna lie, this made me smile and exhale out of my nose
How old are you? 13?
I'd wager taking minced meat and rolling them in balls in your hand before cooking/baking them was a practice already known before the first Turk left the steppe, so giving the Turks credit for this is a bit ridiculous
you never heard of it but more important than a broken italian car that took 10000 years to make by some lazy italian
Please kill all the dutchmen for us. Thank you in advance.
Ikea is split into multiple companies and non-profit foundations spread across Europe to dodge taxes and also prevent one heir of the founder from consolidating power over another heir.
There is a Jysk 5 minute drive from here. It always smells like chemicals.
>It always smells like chemicals.
Danes always smell like chemicals
>I get really happy when I see people flying the Unionist flag irl :)
Based. It makes we proud that norwegians were the ones who made swedes the cucks they are today. So many norwegians fucked swedish girls back then
Cheap Chinese furniture, no thanks
>Dutchman takes away Philips ventilator from your mormor
>Be Somali
>Change your address to the Netherlands
>Be Dutch
>be Swedish
>Do nothing about Coronavirus
>all boomers die
>% of white people in Sweden drops to 40
Poor West Swede in denial :/
I really hate swedes on Yas Forums because they'll fall for any bait and respond to any thread. I hate you so fucking much
Yes, but most of the deaths have been Somalis
kom och sug av mig bög
You fell for the bait too, I've been larping as someone who cares in this thread just to get a response from you
You will have to open up sooner or later and then you will be just as fucked. The only way to stop this virus is for people to get immune or to get a vaccine, and a vaccine is not coming in a long time. I hope you like your populist government. Ours listen to the advice of experts, not amateurs online.
>I really hate swedes on Yas Forums because they'll fall for any bait and respond to any thread.
>Implying this is the only or even the main reason to hate Swedish Yas Forums posters.
They're just shit. Especially Sverigetråden, only political trashtalking and spamming
My grandpa had a motorbike back in his youth that he got by working hard as a LVMBERJACK. Norwegian women basically got pregnant on the spot once they saw his lucious chad locks, awesome motorbike and BJC (big jämtlander cock)