Tfw living in an evil country

>tfw living in an evil country

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But think of all the value made to shareholders?

If you aren’t willing to die for the money line you aren’t a true believer

Why aren't you dying for the stock market? Why are you unpatriotic?

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Duh, every country keeps grocery workers at work during the pandemic.

Everyone in the food supply chain is as essential or more than a health worker because people will always need food.

2020 never forget when we hit peak burger

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groceries need to stay open

>Do you want to take an economic risk or a health risk? You get to choose

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>But think of all the value made to shareholders?
no profit, no company

This could probably be avoided by giving people a decent age pension rather than force them to work as greeters and baggers once their skill set becomes obsolete or their manufacturing jobs are shipped out.

Firing squad for the rich! Liquidate all corporate assets!

i hate this website

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Just out of curiosity, how can anyone read this stuff and think "yep capitalism is a system that works"? Someone explain to me.

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There is no fucking solution. We live and we die, we just speed it up now, simple as that. Once we accept this we will achieve a superior if not at the very least, a more enviromentally healthy society.

I will take the economic risk, Alex. If I die, I can't take any risks after that.

Why don't the poors in America revolt? Do they have no spine? I thought muh gunz were supposed to help them resist against an oppressive gubermint.

>concern is not about what measures can be implemented to lower the risk to employees
>concern is about it poor walmartstein will be able to afford enough expendable workers in order to take advantage of the pandemic crisis to gouge his fellow Americans

America is a JOKE

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>being an American wagecuck

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They're beyond complacent and will listen to anything fox/msnbc/cnn tells them. The news will blame it on the other party and if anything cause a war amongst the peasants.
The government controls the thoughts of most americlaps indirectly through a constant wave of bullshit.

In your communist utopia the commie grocery centres close and urbanites starve instead?

>revoltion against capitalism
But user thats litteraly communism. Vladimir mao gevara killed 6 billion farmers in burma in 1924

>starve to death
Maybe in your barbaric shithole


Revolts is a sign of instability and only commie countries can be unstable

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There were 0 pandemics in ussr despite the fact nato constantly employed bioweappns agsinst them

It's not about YOU it's about the stockholders! You're just an expendable piece of trash with low net-worth.

American right wing gun conservatives LOVE sucking down big corporate dick. They're completely in the hands of big business lobbyists against the "EVILS OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION!"


Criticize the absurdity that is capitalism
Every time. It doesn't work in binary logic kid. If you criticize some ism doen't make someone the complete opposite side. I can criticize communism as well. Or any other religion.


No they would just force them to work which is ironically the same mindset of the people they despise

Oh fug :D:DD

1957 influenza pandemic broke out in Moscow

it’s insane how comically evil everybody with a above average amount of money is in the US

Based shareholder

>heh kid
Lol so you're not suggesting communism then? Because despite what commies think we don't actually live under capitalism right now.


in china they closed everything. only places that could work were the restaurants making food for the people getting quarantined

Replace *ism with whatever. It doesn't change the problem. The equivalent workers would still have to take the risk of infection in any tenable system because they would be essential.

Might as well criticize the virus for the good it does you, it doesn't matter what your theories are because this is happening.


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French Revolution 2 when?

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Yeah, just think of all the foreign corporate taxes, bro!

Moscow, Iowa that is.

You first bootlicker lmao

>those clothes
I don't miss the 2010's

this one is amazing

>medical services
>food suppliers
>heavy industry and power production
>transport and logistics
Do you honestly believe they closed everything but restaurants?

>the embarrassment of dying of corona virus because dressing up as a giant cartoon ice cream cone is an "essential service" in America

America first

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Remember when trollface t shirts were a thing haha

rip wagie

Wipe out the commies and the cappies!

Lmao, enjoy your capitalism wagecuck

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Lmao I love how it's a Washington post article (owned by Bezos) with a prominent picture of wal-mart included in the headline. Can you really take this seriously???

Under socialism no country would have delayed taking action to protect the stocks.
This is why Vietnam took action immediately and defeated the virus at the gates.
0 deaths, no vital people at risk.

Oh wow Vietnam... what a mighty communist state. Any others we could compare? China perhaps?

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for they closed more stuff than america

Bezos is just as bad, killing his warehouse slaves.
Doesn't make the fact that Wallmart kills its wage slaves go away.
The individuals don't matter. Its the capitalist rotten system that's driving this.

absolutely based

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>China, party full of billionaires who own the means of production and exploit their wageslaves for profit.
That's capitalism friendo.

And this is right after whole foods (owned by Bezos) just cut health benefits for people working under 30 hours a week

What? Nigger that's just rhetoric a bunch of thinly veiled communists are using to try to push their muh free shit narrative.
Communism isn't good because your boss is an asshole. Hell even commiefornia closed a bunch of stores for remaining open despite not being "essential services".

It's as communist as the DPRK is democratic

They believe that one day they will be millionaires too and don't want to ruin it for their future self.

Yeah, but Bezos owns amazon/whole foods which is a direct competitor of walmart. So he has his newspaper write hit pieces on them, you dont see why this would create lack of credibility on the article?

So are you saying it's made up?

Grocery workers here are doing fine. Americans are just too dumb to follow simple instructions like "keep you distance" and "don't cough into each others' faces".

>China, a bunch of governmental leaders become billionaires through the state and exploit everyone, not just their workers for profit
I think your idea of capitalism is broken user, it's like you think we actually live in a capitalistic society or something.

>steal masks from Germany and from your best ally and biggest trade partner: Canada
>just give away a million masks to shlomo for free
How are Americans this cucked?

>communists want muh free shit
Kill yourself retard.
Billionaires are constantly demanding free shit.
They demand it from the staid in the form of tax cuts and aid.
They take it from the workers, stealing all the profit other peoples hard work created.
Billionaires are entitled losers demanding free shit from hard working people.
All communists want to do is stop the rich stealing.
Under communism you work for your stuff

>"To each according to his contribution" is a principle of distribution considered to be one of the defining features of socialism. It refers to an arrangement whereby individual compensation is reflective of one's contribution to the social product (total output of the economy) in terms of effort, labor and productivity.[1] This is held in contrast to the method of distribution and compensation in capitalism, an economic and political system in which property owners receive unearned income by virtue of ownership irrespective of their contribution to the social product.[2]

The only people that demand free stuff are lazy owners that haven't worked a day in their life.

I'm saying by sticking a picture of wal-mart in your headline it's nothing more than marketing for your company masquerading as journalism

You don’t see why siding with one exploiter over the other is a losing cause?

It's called fuck whitey lmao

iirc the Chinese in Wuhan delivered food directly to homes, so those working in the food supply chain didn't have to interact with the population.

>hit pieces.

Not a hit piece of its true you retard. He's just doing it to distract from himself doing the same.

LIterally all of the problems mentioned in this thread wouldn't exist if we were all anarcho-primitivists.

You know your foot wouldn't hurt if you cut off your leg