What are the Polish contributions to the world? In what way has Poland enriched the world?
What are the Polish contributions to the world? In what way has Poland enriched the world?
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They assassinated a burger president
Name fifteen(15) Polish contributions to humanity
what's with this recent obession?
there was literally the same thread yesterday and 2 days ago
somehow never seeing threads like these about other countries
>According to NASA, Polish scientists were among the pioneers of rocketry.
can a cute polish twink enrich my cock
Every single 'Polish' inventor was either a German or a Jew.
poland i love you my darling
Chopin was half-Polish and Marie-Curie was born in Poland.
Name sixty(60) Polish contributions to humanity
There's a whole lot of them in the STEM and music fields, though like most polish people they have to leave Poland to actually do any well.
Created Witcher
Created Wojak
That's more than enough
And doomed /int to hundreds of unoriginal soyjack threads, nice
everyone loves poland and wants to talk about it everyday
That's their plan. When you think about it, all these doomer zoomer coomer peepeepoomer memes would not exist without Poland.
I love you
no such things they're literally good for nothing.
are you retarded
They made nothing worthy.
Name one hundred fifty(150) Polish contributions to humanity
why seethe Ukraine?
We accommodate milions of your countrymen, I became friends with some, we r good, why r u so salty on internet?
They contributed by being frens
selling stolen cars and bikes
They gave us many jews
the butthurt that radiates from them keeps most of Europe warm during the winter
We would be already conquering the Moon if not the coronavirus
we will use our butthurt as fuel to reach space on day
ekhem ekhem Mirosław Hermaszewski ekheeeem
You may not like it, but this is what peak Europa looks like
where Ukraine and best Korea?
Cyberpnk 2077
you mean GTA77?
High quality rape oil
Hamtramck, MI
I wish poland was japanese colony
Ines Cudna is one (or maybe counts as two) big one(s).
>Known in the 20th century as a vibrant center of Polish-American life and culture, Hamtramck has attracted new immigrants in the 21st century, especially from Yemen and Bangladesh. In 2015, its city council became the first Muslim-majority city council in the history of the United States, with four of the six council members being adherents of the Islamic faith.
How nice that it went from a Polish colony to a Bangladeshi colony. Much needed diversity.
what you get for leaving Poland
heliocentric theory, mass-scale synethesis of nitric acid, vodka
Idk what are your contributions to the world?
nip monkeys ivented waifus, so they are actually superior to everyone
>watching konosuba
>nip monkeys ivented waifus, so they are actually superior to everyone
kys weeb
wow poland is so big, we have everything
i can't it's a sin
the most based man in existance
Invention of the triathlon: Running to the public bath for a swim and returning home on a bike.
classical music
holy based