Let's talk about Chinese rich culture like cuisines and traditions. Post webms.
China thread
Other urls found in this thread:
i understand eating rats if you're poor but why not cook it first?
shock video, like tide pods zoomers
Don’t be racist against such a great culture.
A Yas Forums thread was full of these video
me on the left
China is more absurd than India. The webms I saw on Yas Forums... bro.
psychos that want to cull dog population
The worst video are the one with people dying the streets full of others that don’t give a shit.
These are also on YouTube. Chinese lack any form of empathy
they're literally insectoids
whatever man, believe whatever you want
heating food up is for cunts. real men eat it raw.
men i hear you, ive watched a lot of videos like that... after that i fuck hate china
>Wanna know how I got this chad jawline?
Dude it’s full of these video
Just search them
>incident has caused an uproar around china, as well as soul-searching
I don't know man, things are a bit more complex there than reducing them to insectoids who lack empathy
go back home chinksect
I did not even say anything pro china
MacArthur was right.
Should've nuked china
mao really fucked up everything
Yeah, very complex
what do you expect me to say? do you think I am happy with the accident?
anything to appease your hate, whatever I am out of here
Warning: a group of w*jaks and sinophiles will come to this thread and started spamming nonsense crap like "HURDUR R*DDIT" "HUE HUE Yas Forums" "NOOOOO HECKARINO" you have been warned
Chinese are not human. They have no emotion or care for life.
Jesus fucking christ
>What the hell, dude? Why the frick are they eating rats and cats? Farking animal abuse! Sh*t like this is why I'm a gosh damn vegan.
Well well well look what we have we got here
Here's the webm
shut the fuck up chinksect
yes chinksects are not human go enlist to your local army and kill every slanteyes or whatever you want I burn dogs and kill babies as personal pastime I don't care go bash some insectoids or whatever chinese have no emotion and empathy anyway
I'm white.
Jesus Christ
Why did it catch fire?
>I'm white.
Serious questions, why are there so many accidents in china and why are bystanders not helping?
Fuck I hate China, never buying anything from that shithole again
chink bowling
Because even they know, a good chinese is a dead chinese
pure kino
almost puked and I am used to this stuff
>things are a bit more complex
Not really everyone for themselves fuck the weak. That's China man.