China thread

Let's talk about Chinese rich culture like cuisines and traditions. Post webms.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i understand eating rats if you're poor but why not cook it first?

shock video, like tide pods zoomers

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Don’t be racist against such a great culture.
A Yas Forums thread was full of these video

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me on the left

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Attached: chinksect.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

China is more absurd than India. The webms I saw on Yas Forums... bro.


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psychos that want to cull dog population

The worst video are the one with people dying the streets full of others that don’t give a shit.
These are also on YouTube. Chinese lack any form of empathy

they're literally insectoids

whatever man, believe whatever you want

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heating food up is for cunts. real men eat it raw.

men i hear you, ive watched a lot of videos like that... after that i fuck hate china

>Wanna know how I got this chad jawline?


Dude it’s full of these video
Just search them


>incident has caused an uproar around china, as well as soul-searching
I don't know man, things are a bit more complex there than reducing them to insectoids who lack empathy

go back home chinksect

I did not even say anything pro china

MacArthur was right.
Should've nuked china

mao really fucked up everything

Yeah, very complex

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what do you expect me to say? do you think I am happy with the accident?
anything to appease your hate, whatever I am out of here

Warning: a group of w*jaks and sinophiles will come to this thread and started spamming nonsense crap like "HURDUR R*DDIT" "HUE HUE Yas Forums" "NOOOOO HECKARINO" you have been warned

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Chinese are not human. They have no emotion or care for life.

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Jesus fucking christ

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>What the hell, dude? Why the frick are they eating rats and cats? Farking animal abuse! Sh*t like this is why I'm a gosh damn vegan.

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Well well well look what we have we got here

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Here's the webm

shut the fuck up chinksect

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yes chinksects are not human go enlist to your local army and kill every slanteyes or whatever you want I burn dogs and kill babies as personal pastime I don't care go bash some insectoids or whatever chinese have no emotion and empathy anyway

I'm white.

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Jesus Christ

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Why did it catch fire?

>I'm white.

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Serious questions, why are there so many accidents in china and why are bystanders not helping?


Fuck I hate China, never buying anything from that shithole again

chink bowling

Because even they know, a good chinese is a dead chinese

pure kino

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almost puked and I am used to this stuff

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>things are a bit more complex
Not really everyone for themselves fuck the weak. That's China man.

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