
Riley edition

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Home arcade setup is going well. Got a Guncon 2 and Time Crisis 2 and 3, now looking into getting a gun with recoil or modding my current one


*some folks are born begins to play*

That was worth posting twice.

kill yourself

motherberg is mad at me because I've been drinking every day for the past 3 weeks haha

like what does she expect? I'm a depressed NEET in my mid 20s lol

would honestly chin that aussie mong if he dared utter the words nonce in my general vicinity

Wasn't worth posting the first time.

Mad how you nonced two of your nieces but dont see the irony in this post

NEED a plum gf lads

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thinking about getting a telescope dunno if itd be worth it tho with the british weather

She wants a man from the north west

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what a runt she should have aborted

my mum is always on my ass for it. same with vaping. i fucking quit smoking at least and she still won't lay off!

missed my chance to get a 19 year old gf

want to join the defence force but i’m pretty sure i’m not physically or mentally fit enough.

ive got one

State of him

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Home golfing setup is going well. Got a golf ball 2 and 2 clubs for it, now looking into getting a golf ball with easy suck functions or modding my current one


missed my chance to get a gf

Got rejected for having a thinning hairline before 25

mental how african americans make up 3% of the UK population but commit over 50% of the crime

*sends drone towards you*

72 people have died so far in Scotland, out of a population of 5.5 million, literal nothinburger that only effects englpakis

This is the backup plan when I get sick of dealing with petty bullshit (ie. women) at regular toil.

iran be kidding me

can guarantee that everyone who goes by this name is a dickhead


leave him alone mate aussies should be sticking together in these trying times simple as

Why is he stockpiling all this stuff?

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Billy big bollocks

Just found out brits call the police the plod

very nice
are french girls into threesomes?

It’s only killed something like 6k here out of a population of 55 million, it really is fucking nothing

anyone else growing an iso beard? about 2 and a half weeks in

Only had 50 deaths here so far. Quite surprising.

NEED to make shaving daily a muscle memory thing

Science is racist


mum and dad had me diagnosed for >depression and >anxiety when i was young, almost certain they'd reject me for it from what I read
would have genuinely liked a go in the navy

Tried growing a beard over Christmas and two female friends told me it looked silly. Didn't look that bad IMO. Had full coverage and was relatively thick by the 2 week mark.

we closed the borders early


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Gonna have a wank on the ol ‘hub

why shave? bit gay

literally the same here, except also >OCD and >aspergers

yeah I've got a ways to go me, think the longest I've ever grown it was just under 4 weeks
don't listen to them mate - now's the time anyway. You be the judge of how it looks


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I look forward to summer when lockdown is hopefully lifted.

Using /brit/ as an escapist outlet, pretending we're all mates, is a yikes from me.

pulling on the old ronald hubbard?
good luck to you

can’t grow a beard in a fortnight so may as well just accept my fate as a twink femboy

What did your non-female friends say?

why act like you're too good for it then?
not escaping from anything, quite literally just hanging out with the lads-user treating them the same as I do the lads in real life, simple as

keep growing it mate
takes about a month for mine to start looking good

sticking a pillard in my willard

Don’t be an idiot

Been off toil 3 weeks as of today, feels more like 3 months, how the fuck can neets live like this?

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Haven't shaved in 3 weeks and looking truly repulsive

reckon he went through the most brutal hairloss

Used to be scared of the self checkout

Have a beard most of the time anyway, only trim it down when it gets scratchy

Lot of Australians on here isn’t there

Is it possible they'll be a continuous, unbroken chain of daily coronavirus deaths even at a low level until a potential vaccine is found?
I'm guessing there are deaths from the flu every day of the year. Corona could be the same?

Think i'm turning into a skitzo lads... too much quarantine.

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scared of going through cashiers me

cringe autist

toilberg circumventing the restrictions by getting us to use the warehouse two at a time

I'll keep it succinct: yikes.

reckon it's anti-consumer

im pro 190


still havent been able to find an exact number of how many people died last year from the common cold, almost as if they dont want people to know

brainwashed wagie thinking you enjoy spending 40hrs a week making money for someone else

Anyone else see those letters from the government floating about. A letter from the prime minister basically am saying stay indoors. Get fucked

*points to the sign that clearly says No Dogpiling*

don’t know if I hate or fear women

are you autistic/aspergers?

Bat swooped down over my head last night on my walk. Nearly shit my trousers. Did you know only 14 people have ever survived rabies after developing symptoms

What have the voices been telling you?

Autistic take

very autistic desu

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is boris dead yet? fuck me dead

i live alone so just miss the human contact :(

right nipple stinging like a bastard

those that denegrate /brit/ for their own ego cop it mate, sorry don't make the rules

*family guy plays in the background*


There probably isnt an exact number , isnt it pretty common for old people to develop pneumonia during a cold and die from that?