
Martial arts edition!

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whats with the gay ass exclamation marks

>kung fu
>not silat

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All Martial arts allowed!

Attached: Hifumi.jpg (1200x681, 63.36K)

I am cute

post belly

too early faggot

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Tunggu 320 post emang kenapa weeb kontol?


Any reason why?

Just play warband mah dudes

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for me it's kung fu boy

Kinda prefer the new presentation honestly. Played a fuckton of warband back then and looking at the character customization kinda sold me.

Have my legs instead

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orei pelakor

Chinmi x Yan OTP

post a bit higher please

Are you a girl?

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there's no way you're male


That's all u can see

i might have a penis

post tummy

just a bit more please?

Another thread wars
Here is a message from Vegeta for our 0.1% high IQ dutards

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Autosage mulainya di pos 310

is shit like this made by troll farm?
what kind of demographic do they wish to target?


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Getting some in house arm-y exercise

Foto upside down

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>it's only popular in indon

I fill you with cum while you are upside down

post ears

suzuko mimori's new song in idolmaster is pretty good
i wish macross hired go shiina

macross has fallen. What a fucking disgrace to Macross name.


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>I might have a penis
well I'm willing to take that risk

90's millenials

Not as good as sunshine see may

Unfortunately Marcos' phantom still lingering in /asean/

Is there even a good macross?
The original went to shit drama after they dragged past the earth final grand battle

After the first show, all the thing macross does is shilling idolshits and mechamecha
Which i enjoy

>Is there even a good macross?
SDF and DYRL were kino.
7 and Frontier were great.
Plus was decent.

Your head looks weird

DYRL and 7 were really great.
Frontier is my favorite especially the movie.


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please be in Klang


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the new Queen of /Asean/

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I want to make you cum without using hands

yall gay

I want to fuck you sex sex sex

what's your beef with her

I dont have sex with Malay men

if you don't stop sending that, I'm gonna cum to that pic and send it here

how old is this pic


I legit can't remember any of Glenn Fredly's songs. I'm a total fag who didn't buy into my own country's pop songs and only listen to them when I overheard it

Same, You're not special

I didn't mean it that way. I kinda wish I know about stuff like this so that I can mingle better.

just listen to this

This was on the radio all the time when it first came out


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Oh, this guy.

>i might have a penis
with legs and thighs like that I don't even care, anything that looks feminine is a okay in my book

how about indo men??

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wonder how he's doing in prison during the rona

more like free sex place for him

I thought Glenn was Tompi.

that faggot preyed buttholes after they got drugged, he can't do that inside

is dead


normie friends keep play in their phone

reminder that if they look feminine enough it's not gay

I legit can't differentiate between the two

>le fedora hat singer

>85 mails

re-asking boypussy

I used to be like you until i took the melayu pill

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Not boypussy but Istri Anjing was hilarious.

I'm cool with trap hentais but for some reason the word memek cowok turns me off a lot

I dunno why liking melayu pop is seen as embarassing by most jakartan zoomers

stick with boypussy
also you're gay

Did you know that the biggest bat in the world lives in the Philippines?
Fucking scary

Lucky it doesn't live in Indonesia or the fuckers would get eaten

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traps and femboys are not gay. I asked my legit homo friend that it's too feminine for him, the dick didn't even sway him

yeah it's pretty cringe to self hate