How much Turkish admixture do Serbs have? 20%?

How much Turkish admixture do Serbs have? 20%?

Attached: serb.jpg (800x538, 42.66K)

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i think they have less than greeks if im not mistaken i think even turks themselves only have 20% on average

1-2%, any 99% of it is the south/kosovo where they intermarried with turkish people
they're swarthy because of illyrian and thracian admixture
ancient balkanites looked like present day southern italians/greeks

atleast 50%

turks raped every ethnicity that remained christian

thats why bosnians are taller,stronger and look like nordics compared to serbs despite being muslim. t hey just converted and didn't get raped

same for turks vs greeks. greeks are 2 shades browner version of turks because they got raped hard
where as muslim "pontic" turks in black sea region look like swedes compared to them

same for all arab christians. mia khalifa looks like a paki subhuman for example and lebanese look like crusader knights next to her but those crusaders call for sharia today

more like how much Greek/Balkan and Caucasian admixture do T*rk mutts have

But Serbs are way swarthier than all the other balkanites except Bulgarians.

not really, they look almost identical to bosniaks and croatians
stop with this fucking pol bullshit you albanian retard.

and if you don't believe me, look into genetics and you will get your answer
stop with these low quality threads when you literally know the answer and your only reason of posting them is your hatred of serbs
grow up

Correct. Bulgarians are BLACK.

none, there is no such thing as turkish dna, it's a lot like american. turks on the other hand have a lot of serbian admixture because the millions of muslim serbs that were kicked out and resettled in turkey after the balkan wars

I'm not Albanian nor do I hate Serbs. I just noticed that Serbs are stereotyped as dark turk mutts and wanted to know if there's any truth to that

If Serbs are 20% then Albanians are probably 120% judging by those iq graphs.

there are plenty of dark serbs but not because of 'turkish' admixture, but due to albanian, greek and vlach admixture
again, like i said, look up the genetics if u don't believe me
and not like any of this fucking matters,

>due to albanian, greek and vlach admixture
or maybe some gyppos that changed their names so they won't be discriminated against. Does a somali calling himself Sven Jorgensen make him a swede? polfags really are retarded

Balkan slavoids are so dumb it literally hurts. Literally 0 critical thinking

Why would MUSLIM citizens be more mixed with Turks when its the CHRISTIANS that were subject to rape/harem by Ottoman Muslims

As someone else said earlier, that's why Bosniaks just by the eye test are far whiter than serbs. Muslims (bosniaks) had the potential for upwards mobility while christians (serbs) were field workers and serfs for their entire existence.

Attached: jus.png (564x644, 277.95K)

Refer to

genetics prove me right and you wrong, literally pointless discussion
meme articles aren't proof of anything, and if somebody genuinely has turkish ancestors they have a turkish surname(like majority of bosniaks), the difference is that base population of slavic bosniaks were far more slavic on average than both croatians and serbians, and they didn't mix that much with native balkanites, they're literally pure slavs mixed with turks, while the rest are slavs+ethnic balkanites
but nothing i say will change your mind because you're not open to discussion and you obviously have a bias
gypsy admixture is really minimal, and if you have it you'll probably consider yourself a gypsy
in north croatia there are thousands of gypsies who have croatian names and surnames and they all consider themselves roma

>dude fuck all that peer reviewed historical and anthropological research lmao lemme use some autistic Yas Forums data that details population movements over literally 10,000s of years to explain changes over a couple centuries
Please get back to cleaning horse shit out of an austrian stable as promptly as possible

>genetics don't matter, only my personal bias does!!
fucking kill yourself you in genuine complexed retard, seriously

>there are thousands of gypsies who have croatian names and surnames and they all consider themselves roma
some of them don't, pic is one, he looks like a pajeet but has a macedonian name and us orthodox so he is macedonian

Attached: 1551714447167.jpg (1200x799, 432.34K)

i don't know the situation in macedonia so i can't say anything

Holy shit people who make these kind of threads should be beaten to death with a shit-covered pole.

This sounds so specific it must be a commonplace montenegrin practice?

it sounds like too much work so it must be false

It's an expression.

What personal bias? I'm not a nationalist i'm literally the opposite (Ottomanist). Keep projecting though you chimpoid

fucking lmao, your logic is literally like your country, nonexistent
you're a biased retard who has no basic grasp on yugoslav history and even on basic genetics, and you've proven this time and time again in this thread and in other threads
you're an albanian biased mongrel

yugoslavs are Turk. deal with it.

Ah yes yugoslav "history"

>migrate out of a literal swamp
>immediately assimilated by the paleobalkanite natives, leave no real genetic impact
>enslaved by actual humans and be named after being slaves (sclavus -> slavs)
>persecuted/enslaved by byzantines
>persecuted/enslaved by ottomans/hungarians
>chimp out and slaughter each other like literal animals half a dozen times in a few generations

Please spare me with that shit, yugoids are a joke which is why everyone in human history treated your ancestors like cannon fodder, field serfs, or stableboys (that's you). If you were intelligent enough to be self aware you might identify with something greater than yourself but you're not, so here you are sperging about haplopoops and ultra nationalism.

thank you for proving my point

you are delusional and haploshit doesnt a prove a thing. Your nation is Turk spawn.

I did see Serbian film "South Wind" and they are mostly white (not at you at all).

Attached: Serbs.jpg (512x331, 43.49K)

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they look a bit swarthy for Turks but they still look Turkish.

Look at their faces. They are human like.
I am sorry.

*or this

Attached: iphone360_12349.jpg (180x285, 14.25K)

Almost 4PM and you're not mainlining krokodil? Quarantine prevent you getting to your dealer?

Yes. It is 2002 now again. I forgot.

where did you think I was looking at? Are you stupid or something? They look Turkish and so does this guy to a degree.

>proof isn't proof because i am butthurt

Go be slavic somewhere else

Attached: 1525983780628.jpg (364x480, 50.4K)

not butthurt do you really think you can define something as complex as a nation by genetics. Too much mixing happened for that to happen.

>i want to be a human


>not butthurt do you really think you can define something as complex as a nation by genetics.
no, but you can take a look at averages and see the turkish genetic influence on the region, and like i said, it is literally non existent among serbs and it only exists among bosniaks and other muslims
>Too much mixing happened for that to happen.
no, again, thank you for proving my point, you're literally clueless on the most basic genetics
your 'nation' is literally the most mixed country in euroasia, the only reason some serbs look like turks is because turks are literally 1/3 balkantie 1/3 armenian and 1/3 kurdish
your complexes will not change this literal fact, no matter how much you larp
and again, i am 100% certain you will ignore this post because your ego is so fucking big you can't admit to being wrong
no wonder nobody want's to be associated with your kind, filled with weak and ignorant retards


>1/3 balkantie 1/3 armenian and 1/3 kurdish
Who was recycling Yas Forums memes again?

Attached: kxyqcb8fnps11.png (1044x1382, 129.62K)

the influence is minimal lmao

Attached: East-Asian-admixture.gif (800x545, 73.44K)


Attached: Px28uwm3GUspgWnsH2tspapnew0OJFL5E6GdUJyaN1k.png (986x1118, 831.17K)

not to mention that literally every turk is part indian, lol

Attached: Türkiye Genel1.png (1600x824, 297.36K)

I've also noticed that some of them are really dark but I think those are Gypsies since they have a much larger Gypsy population compared to B&H or Croatia.

this guy is an bulgarian immigrant in macedonia


How much Turkish admixture do Turks have?

whatever I'm right you are wrong. My Turkish brother.

good argument lmao, their sample size is quite high
10% at most
of course i am right, i don't hate turks or anybody like that, i like your arabic culture and all that good stuff
just keep denying reality if it makes u feel better

>arabic culture
lol admit your Turkish heritage.

cope lol

serbs are Turks and there is nothing wrong with It.

Don't let racists fool you. We are bonded by blood.

good, i see turks as great warriors and great minds, i am not racist at all
but you saying we're 'turkish' admixed is plain wrong
we're related from your caucasian side, and not from your turkic side, that is just a plain fact proven by science and genetics
i hope you learned something today, i have to go help my uncle chop wood

I agree with that cya.

>great minds
kek, bit pushing it isn't it?