>Posting 24/7 on shitchan & /MENA/ threads
yikes , NEEToids are so cringe
>Posting 24/7 on shitchan & /MENA/ threads
yikes , NEEToids are so cringe
أول للمهيب
>مهيب ركن
>انطى الرتبة لنفسه
>انرفض من الكلية العسكرية لان كان سمين
wtf is مهيب ? I thought its عميد
Self made rank.
It's like me becoming a military dictator and ranking myself Pussy-destroyer
It should be مهبل then
فضلا وليس امرا انا عاوز انيك
شكرا على حسن استماعكم وشكرا على اضافتي الى الجروب
هل أنت ملحد ضد المسلمين فقط؟
اعلى رتبة بالجيش العراقي
حسب القانون تعطى للعسكري الي كرس حياته بالخدمة العسكرية او بطلب شعبي
صدام والبكر كسروا القانون واعطوها لنفسهم
لا انا مسيحي متخفي واركز على الإسلام لانه الدين الحق + اليهود يدفعوا لي + انا ملحد اريد ان انكح اختي وامي
>طرطور خاتل بكهف ورا خيط العنكبوت
اشمعنه البنات تاخد اكتر
كسم الملحدين
حمد الله علي المساواه بين الجنسين
كسم البنات
كسم الديانات الابراهيمية
There's مهيب
Then there's الفريق الأول which is field marshal
Then there's المهيب الركن or المشير in Egypt which is like chief of staff or commander in chief or so something like that
لان الملحدين الذكور بالعادة يصيروا ملحدين حتى ينكوا أمهاتهم وأخواتهم يعني عندهم سبب إضافي
اما البنات لأ
I actually like Islam I'm just messing with you
I honestly think theres no point to it then
I know about فريق أول its here also but مهيب and مشير are new to me.
امنت بالالحاد
>that's a nice head you have on your shoulders
Funny to remember that women were queens and absolute leaders during pagan Arabia yet Muslims believe that they were oppressed lol
>لاااااا يا رسول الله ارجوك دعني اضرب عاقه لااااا لا ارجوك اه هاه لا ارجوك يا رسول الله فقط عنق واحد لاااا
انا مش ملحد بس كسم الدين
ولا انا
انا بتبع ال
You have to go back. Canada is not your home.
*Shoots them*
t.egypsie copt
ok listen chad, lets pretend you are legit
you will still become old cel
and crash and burn
no different from an incel
because you will just waste your life chasing girls
but not everyone can be chad
im sure most iranians boys dont get pusy like u (not everyone can be chad)
also why arent u non religious iranians removing the current govt
are u waiting for khamenei to die or something
>you have obviously failed to live and blossom in the hostile environment of Canada(hostile to men). Back home you'd probably be novek commodity. It'll be good for you user.
good advice actually, yes i will admit, life here for an arabcel, its hell, its over if you are non white
just be white theory, its true
everyday i see hot blond girls walking their dogs, with tight leggins, i just wanna approach, but its over, even if im above 6 ft, its over as an arab / or non whites like currycels
LMAO like you dont believe deep inside this rotten incel virgin heart that islam MOGS all easily
>inb4 shitshow hypocrite post
كس ام العرب كلهم
اولاد 'قحبة
أنت نجاسة
أنت لست أنا
و أنت بروكسي
لكن كسل ام العرب مسلمين كانو او مسيحيين و يهود
الموت لإسرائيل
>unironically taking the scientific miracles meme seriously
Okay this is it mena, I'll head to my bed, listen to the forgotten vale soundtrack and try not to cry at the absurdity we're living in this world that I share with single digit IQ organisms such as the Israeli flag.
>announces exists like anyone cares
How do we free Irak from Iran's influence?
>1 hour
wtf is wrong with you m8
we don't.
let them burn
corona and neetdom for 90% of /mena/
why do you faggots act busy
i listen to this sort of shit when i'm playing a game
After Iraq, Al-Urdun is next, and then Egypt
i can't multitask i'd rather just focus on playing the game
nice, let this whole god forsaken region burn, i'd probably migrate to southern europe because i can't stand cold weather
What's so funny Shlomo?
depends on the game desu
What is your guys favorite memory from childhood?
Some places here aren't cold at all, come and fertilize christian/atheist women in the name of Allah, also, I guess kinda based, Iran is slowly winning its cold war with Al Saud and they'll destroy Israel
watching my milf neighbour showering and masturbating with full force to it
t. CHRISTIAN fag molested by his dad
Why she drinking beer like it's wine, I wanna eat her tits tho
Damn, He is a ex-Muslim
Who are you ?
The Rafidi Ummah seems to grow stronger every day
My favorite from childhood is that one when I hadn't existed yet.
كس امك. كس ام ربك. كس ام نبيك. كس امك كمان مرة
ملحوظة:كس امك
Silly boi, I already have so many great memories that I cherish and remember fondly. I remeber this girl I said goodbye to after my military service ended, it was raining and she had an umbrella, we were saying goodbye even tho we loved each other. I remeber the look in her eyes, you ever seen a girl being sad but trying to smile not to make you sad? I remeber everything and I love it. So what if some day I can't make new memories like these? Also, men don't really have exporation dates. There are men in their 70s still banging 25 year olds. Bur as I said it's not about sex.
Love of a beautiful woman is the peak of good feels. It's definitely not as good as saving someone's child or finidng a cure for aids, it's not transcendent, but it is meaningful, and it is beautiful, and it is a source of relaxation deep in your soul. In the west you're obsessed with sex. Sex is great don't get me wrong but making them fall for you is something else.
>also why arent u non religious iranians removing the current govt
are u waiting for khamenei to die or something
They have all the guns and they have all the angry incels. They have literally given 200000 incels machine guns and told them it's open season on chad.
>everyday i see hot blond girls walking their dogs, with tight leggins, i just wanna approach, but its over, even if im above 6 ft, its over as an arab / or non whites like currycels
Yeah you're wrong, but ut doesn't matter you won't get any better in shitty canada. Go to Lebanon for a year. Go to Brazil. Learn to fuck girls, but that's just the start. Get good at approaching and talking and telling stories and having fun. Get over your toxic fully americanized race issues. Build some confidence, confidence isn't a feeling it's a skill.
Gotta go now, see you guys later.
Imagine unirocnially writing all this on a Yas Forums thread.
holy shit you are cancer incarnate
kill yourself you degenerate pos
he probably thinks people will read it too