if you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose?
If you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose?
keep in mind that the woman in jeans is Heidi Klum, a super model, a symbol of beauty
The waitress in the back, she looks lonely.
I don't know what's more amusing: OP's attempt at an experiment, or how thinly-veiled it is.
her underage dressed like a whore daughter, maybe shes 14 already?
I believe I would have to choose this gentleman, no homo.
answer the question
Fuck off retard. I actually got permabanned here just for saying a girl was cute.
i dont like where this is going bros
clone of myself
yea i dont understand why hirojew tries to present the site as legit when you have arbitrary retards managing it.
which one of those two do you think is cuter
Are you the Polish user who was posting CP here about five years ago? If so, cringe and bluepilled.
The girl on the right.
Back to 2009, slav.
I only ever posted artistic, aesthetically pleasing photos, it was never porn okay
It's fucking weird that i recognize anonymous people after years just based on what they post.
Also please stop posting, i don't like where this is headed.
Yeah, I'd say that's weird as fuck, but human intuition is something incredible.
can people really get off to this its like wanking to a cute puppy or something just cant understand
I see you're a man of taste as well.
kek kill yourself OP you absolute retard
The older woman because the other blonde girl is just too young.
Why do people get banned for this? It's just dressed girls doing poses.
He ended up posting actual CP back in the day, first time i've stumbled upon his thread since God knows when, legit think 2015, i'm curious to see how niggas react to this shit now.
Second from the right.
We used to have jailbait threads back in the day, so I always found it really weird when everyone suddenly became a prude here. The reddit invasion was probably not a meme.
He's been coming back every now and then posting CP. He never really quit.
it's true there were 13-17 themed threads on Yas Forums everyday and since around 2011 they get deleted in seconds
some people just can't appreciate true beauty
Despite flag, i'm actually against it because i can't wrap my head around what is it that people find attractive in children. Not only are they physically unappealing, but they literally have child brains, how the fuck would a normal relationship work out with them?
>that flag
>this thread
Oh no.
But yeah, i only recently came back to Yas Forums and haven't stumbled upon him in the past two months, i still find it insane that i recognize someone i never met, seen or talked to.
Hey I remember the Polish cp poster too. Surprised he hasn't been arrested after all this time.
non black one
You seem to be confused. What he's posting now is weird and exploitative but not CP. He legit used to post pics of children sucking dicks unless this is someone else.
Well even reddit used to have r/jailbait
Heidi, obviously.
I'm surprised i'm the one who hasn't gotten arrested back then when i opened actual CP he posted.
This nigga knows.
Don't (you) me ever again, you're like a Yas Forums relic at this point.
here's how i understand: intensity of taboo and children aren't scary like adults, they're innocent and manipulatable.
>when i opened actual CP he posted.
Imagine being so gigacucked you'd get fucked over lurking
desu I was, 2 years ago, it wasn't fun
I plead the fifth
>I was
Do tell...
Int and pol are basically unmoderated during euro and early american hours
The Yas Forums mods will report you
Cursed thread
stfu, Polish pedo is going to regale us with the story of his arrest.
These girls sure look young for 18.
pedopole strikes again
impressive, user
Damn the jannies, always absent whenever someone actually breaks the rules.