
Apparently, there's a lack of maps online especially relating to Indian history so last year for my high school history project I made a set of maps. I'm just going to dump it here because I feel like bragging about my only proper skillset somewhere.

Attached: H_British_India_1919CE.png (1146x1013, 321.2K)

Other urls found in this thread: of Ancient Kashmir, A case study of Buddhism._djvu.txt

I'll watch

What's that below the big devangari title?? Hindu numerals?

the British Raj would have been top comfy with Afghanistan. Are the Pathans the greatest warriors ever?

Attached: F_1_Mughal_Era_1700CE.png (2184x2720, 869.31K)

comfy? that's based on an inaccurate assessment of history. the brits hated being in afghanistan

Attached: C_Mauryan_Era_250BC.png (2040x2576, 773.19K)

They were under punjabi rule before iirc


Attached: 1570371665668.png (711x633, 189.75K)

Wtf are those hindu numerals? Never seen before.

Also, don't forget to post maps of the Maratha empire and the Maurya Empire. Gupta Empire would also be nice desu


Attached: D_1_H_Fall_of_the_Guptas.png (2528x2376, 627.61K)

>tfw Magadha was the capital of the largest and richest Indian kingdom
>tfw modern day Magadha is the poorest shithole city of the world
Where did it all go wrong Bihar bros


I initially started with the Maratha Empire so the first maps didn't come out as good as the latter ones.

Attached: G_Maratha_Era_1758CE.png (1146x997, 556.21K)

This one is still my favourite.

Attached: A_Mahajanapada_Era_600BC (2).png (2016x2544, 585.82K)

This is pretty fucking cool.

What happened to the Ghandara and Kamboja? Are their ancestors still around?

You got the tamil font right. Props to you man thanks

Thanks user.

Attached: States_of_SouthAsia.png (3520x3472, 1.13M)

They were Buddhists till 500AD before being conquered by Huns and then Islamists. Shakuni from the Mahabharata was from Gandhahar

I always wondered how this map makers of historical empires decided where the actual borders were. Did you research books? Just copy other older maps?

There is a lot of offline literature I found in libraries. A lot of them were those old-style maps you find in black-and-white textbooks that don't look as good and I wasn't allowed to just copy-paste maps from other sources so I decided to use them as references to make my own.

Faded away after Abbasid Caliphate. They were Buddhists and Pagans. I guess you can still find some local pagans there.

Definitely improved in the later maps. Very cool user

>I guess you can still find some local pagans there.
So like, the Kalasha people? Or Kashmiri Hindus (Pandits)?

Principalities of Orissa are complicated

Attached: india.png (2322x2872, 631.51K)

Actual high quality thread

>Never seen before.
Traditional way to write numerals

Beautiful maps, OP

Attached: 1584016240329s.jpg (125x117, 2.28K)

Yes but they're not that significant

there is a lag of language related threads
Tamil able people are invited to help.

So you can speak tamil.
Can you help me with a tamil language question?

When to use


Not him but I replied to you in your thread.

i saved all your maps and will cherish your hard work for years to come

Attached: 1519009312081.png (426x364, 13.75K)

Great work user


Nice work man.

Amazing work OP

Yes, thanks... I'm there now

>Kashmiri Hindus
Yes, Kashmiri Buddhists went extinct a long time ago.

Haha yes "extinct"

I guess the Kashmiri applied their whole faith into the ways of the religion of peace to get Buddhists extinct.

Buddhists are not on us. They are on Pandits if anything, there percentage had started declining long before (first Muslims arrived in 754 AD)

do this one

Attached: 1e35092f17462f6ff3cab3b48ec221aa.jpg (500x600, 55.81K)

>tfw Buddhists and jains were genocided in south india by Shaivites and nobody remembers it.
They weren't even given choices to convert like in the north.

Wtf, I'm pretty sure Shaivits didn't force buddhists to convert. Isn't indian dharma supposed to be peaceful?

Buddhists started declining under Mihirakula
Was reading this right now of Ancient Kashmir, A case study of Buddhism._djvu.txt

>I'm pretty sure Shaivits didn't force buddhists to convert
They didn't. They straight up chased the Buddhists and jains into monasteries and slaughtered them en masse. They were given a chance to convert to Shaivism Or they were all made to do penance by sitting their bare ass on wooden stakes.

This is depicted on the walls on several famous temples in Tamil Nadu. Even I've seen it, it's a brutal part of history that people forget thanks to Muslims invading north india.

Buddhist and Hindus fought a 45 year war in Sri Lanka.
For some reason non of them are peacefull, at all.

India and Sri Lanka and even the two Pakistans would be way better off without religion!
But, it might be without religious conflicts there will be parties looking to win on race or skin colour tickets.

Have an unpopular (in Kashmir) opinion that Kashmiri should be taught in schools with the original Sharda script. The script should be revived.

lmao any religion claiming to be peaceful is full of shit you dont get converts by having friendly chats

Jainism is literally a suicide cult of peace.

Are vaishnavites also this savage?

It's some 300 AD M8, most were savages
Dont have the pictures of sculptures depicting these events. But this is how the Cholas found the patronage of brahmins in the 8th century before they rose to power.

Attached: images (37).jpg (479x640, 41.5K)

Nah Vaishnavites are pastoral peaceful people. 3/4th of India today is Vaishnavite.

It's also the same 3/4th that was ruled by Muslims from 1100-1600 AD so theres that kek

I think India should go towards standardizing things important to a nation.

-A single adminstrative language that should also be the first language learned in the houshold. It It should be the language for Schools, Media, Job. Could be achieved in 25 years of time.
It should be a language not spoken by the neighbouring states. So "Bollywood speak" is basically a nono.

>Isn't indian dharma supposed to be peaceful?
Dharma is duty. No Dharma is peaceful even Buddhist or Jain.

>A single adminstrative language that should also be the first language learned in the houshold.
Look at this gora and laugh

Your language is your homecountry.
It's important to form a nationstate.

>A single adminstrative language that should also be the first language learned in the houshold.
For most of the country its hindi

This nigga serious

Ok going to reply seriously
Only language which will work without the bloodshed involved is English desu

Didn't the Hunas fall quickly too?