Whoa... Are Atheists really like this in your country?
Whoa... Are Atheists really like this in your country?
I unironically don't believe in evolution. Tell me, if we all came from monkeys then why do monkeys still exist? Aren't animals supposed to be constantly evolving into new creatures? The same thing with the "walking fish" meme, you'd see a bunch of fish trying to walk on land today if evolution was truly possible.
Have you been to London, sir?
where did you get this picture of my grandpa?
We don't come from the monkeys that are alive today, but we share a common ancestor
that's chaz banana darwin, grandson of charles darwin the inventor of evilution
if god isn't real why does banana fit in my anus
Not even a believer in the strict sense, but evolution is just speculative bullshit, like Freud's theories, if you can't prove it with experiments and maths it's trash.
Well it already happened, they already passed this evolution state so now they're evolving to do other things surely. But the main reason is that there are multiple types of variants, not all fish got out of the water back then, the ones who did are thought to have been swamp fish who would have to push branches around to get to their food, which from time to time resulted in stronger fins etc... So that's the same reason monkeys still exist, not all monkeys wanted to walk on ground back then, because there were fruits on the trees.
better than Adam and Eve desu
>you'd see a bunch of fish trying to walk on land today if evolution was truly possible
You mean like this?
Nice bait burger, take this (You) and shove off
>you'd see a bunch of fish trying to walk on land today if evolution was truly possible.
>The same thing with the "walking fish" meme, you'd see a bunch of fish trying to walk on land today if evolution was truly possible.
Ok, let's say one of them develops a mutation, like some sort of primitive legs etc, it's a vantage in his habitat right? And then he successfully mates and transfer this mutation to his progeny. How many times this must happen to significantly create a new spices? Evolution probably requires a time longer than life on earth.
creationism and the 5g coronavirus conspiracy have the same degree of credibility, why are creationists tolerated?
That's an amphibian, not a fish
>if you can't prove it with experiments and maths it's trash.
But we literally have though.
My ancestor :)
>I unironically don't believe in evolution. Tell me, if we all came from monkeys then why do monkeys still exist? Aren't animals supposed to be constantly evolving into new creatures? The same thing with the "walking fish" meme, you'd see a bunch of fish trying to walk on land today if evolution was truly possible.
I will choose to believe that this is bait.
The schizos have arrived
>fish get leg
>fish can live longer on shore, separated from other legless fish
>children of fish will keep away from deeper water
>populations is created
>split happens
>inbreeding happens
>mutation is retained
>new species with no genetic exchange with ancestor species is now a thing
>speculative bullshit
what's the alternative?
Based retard
very american post
This poster is Serb diaspora in Sweden
No, that is a modern chimpanzee.
It's like calling your brother your ancestor.
Atheists be like this chimp is my brother
That depends on the species you're talking about. Some bacteria only need a couple of months to become a new species while much more advanced species need thousands of years.
t. dumb burger that believes he's smart larping for yous as a stereotypical ultra dumb burger
>This poster is Serb diaspora in Sweden
Haha what?
Humanity's brother, brother.
Nvm, slightly different filename. There's a Serb in Sweden (probably funnels hand grenades to Somalis if I had to guess) that uses the same reaction image with a similar filename.
Atheists are retarded snowflakes. Pic related
Does dog breeding prove evolution?
haha epic
Kys brit bong
>fish and lizard evolve so now everything has evolved
fake and gay
Can someone post the "AY I'M WALKIN HERE" meme
>There's a Serb in Sweden (probably funnels hand grenades to Somalis if I had to guess)
Lol, sounds pretty probably actually, Serbs are unironically the leaders of the Mafia here.
Yes because you're breeding mutations
But it isn't just lizard's and fish, it's literally every living thing on this planet.
starts @ 01:00
Christians will say 'but humans are special and dint evolve'
>Euros unironically believe their great-grandfather^x was a chimp
monky > human
It's true. Monkey has rock throw, society and sometimes even spear, but human have only wife, phone and gay.
same thing
All chimps are apes but not all apes are chimps.
Literally could care less, same shit
You are an ape user, but you are not chimp.
is this bait? it has to be,i hope it is
I wish my flag can fish (you)s when posting retardation
Here´s one on the house
Just kaguya post and you'll get a million YUHs
>Why yes, he was my ancestor. How could you tell?
he looks like a chad