1 cunt
2 did u ever get revenge on your school bully?
3 describe how you were bullied and how you got revenge
1 cunt
Yes, I was high school tutor in mathematics. He didn't consistently bully me but once, when we were 14, he made a joke about me in class and everyone laughed at me. I never forgot that.
Then a few weeks before his final central exam in mathematics, I told him I couldn't tutor him anymore because I had other activities to do. He failed the the mathematics test and had to re-do the year, and from what I do he flunked out later. I literally ruined this guy's future, it wasn't even my intention tbqh.
once a girl made fun of my hair color so I threw a pen on her and she started crying and went into the supervisor who supported me
She bullied me a lot of times other than that tho
No. They would bully me when they found out I was low caste. Now they advocate for equality and pretend they never were assholes who almost pushed me to suicide.
I was a bully until middle school then got PC and turned into a social retard with huge baggage of complexes. Didn't get bullied in high school only because the bullies as well as me were football fans and they didn't have anyone but me to talk about it at length. But i am bullied now in uni
i wasn't bullied
this but im not a german
My bully is a happy married firefighter now.
How do you get bullied in a uni
2 no but the kid i bullied the most got revenge on me
3. i wasnt i was the bully, mostly verbal and mocking in elementary school one time i hit the fag. But after elementary school I became autistic freak and he became chad he fucked the girl with the fattest ass, i was jealous i always stared at that ass. Also he started to tease me "as a friend"
He wasn't much of a bully but he was always bragging about how great he was and telling bullshit stories about his life so I ended up fucking his gf out of spite
I don't think I had one, however in uni a girl destroyed my self-esteem, I overheard her talking about me with her friends and she said she thinks I'm bi. I'm not, I'm straight as fuark. wtf, why are women like this?
I punched out one of them ,he'd bully me for being ginger even though he was a ginger himself, go figure. Then I became a bit of a bully myself so I wouldn't feel too bad.
I laughed when they died of cancer. (Hasn't actually happened yet, but I unironically would be pleased if this did happen)
2.Yeah when I was in highschool
3.She keep hitting me and ask me to do stuff for her, for my revenge I ask her to be my gf and we have sweet memories together then I dumped her when I get to uni
No,we became friends.
Not that strange a ginger skilfully another ginger for being a ginger, you guys have no soul's to speak of.
They make fun of you because you're social retard and retard in general who can't neither talk back nor beat them so you just endure it and they keep going because you don't do anything about it. Pretty much like in school basically.
No. I was never bullied. I was a casual bully myself, and feel bad about it to this day.
No, a stacy in my class used to bully me and now I developed a femdom fetish
I was bullied in secondary school but I was a bully in primary school and preschool.
I embraced this as providencial justice.
I forgave my bullies and abandoned the desire for vengeance as I hope people bullied by me did or someday will do the same for me.
I was the one bullying people
no, nobody got revenge on me
as far as I know.....
i was never bullied because I never talked to anyone
1. Flag
2. No, but i guess i somehow got revenge by pursuing my studies and he's smoking weed in his little hole in the middle of nowhere failing in life
3. Mocking i was being compliant with cause at first it wasn't too bad then it kinda snowballed into the whole class hating me, because i kindof was a nerd back then, also was 2 years younger than everyone, and he used to grab me and fake a tackle and would always pick me up, yeah sounds cringe but i went with it and one day he didn't pick me up, was on the ground crying cause my foot hurt like hell and everyone literally got away and didn't help for shit so i told them to all get fucked and ended up isolating myself for 5 months and had suicidal thoughts lmao
Lmao nice, but desu if his whole future failed it's not because he failed mathematics don't worry
Tbh all children should be kept separated from other children till the age of 25, under death penalty.
Dude I don't want to say its a lie considering the seriousness of the matter but it sounds like a lie.
Nobody discriminates by caste in 2020 afaik. It's mostly reverse casteism that exists.
1. Flag
2. Yes ?
3. Getting made fun of/name calling. Revenge? I used to beat the shit out of bullies right at the moment. The problem was that I used to cry after I beat the shit out of them
They beat me up, insulted and humilliated me in any way possible. You need to understand that even the most coward is an animal. When you corner an animal and give him no exit, He will react as an animal and strike back. This what It happened, they kept bullying me till I exploded. I basically went berserk, the sensation is hard to describe to someone that has not felt it before, but It is as if every fiber in your body was filled with anger and hatred, to such a level that you can almost taste bitterness in your mouth. I almost killed one of their buddies, since then I am known as "el loco" (The madmen) in my town, but I dont give a fuck tbhwy.
I mean....
Jesus christ, kid. Somehow there are bullies at uni? There are no bullies at uni. This means that you are such a pathetic, limp dick faggot, that people go out of their way, alter their routine, to bully you.
PLEASE fucking post face. I need to see the genetic failure that attracts UNIVERSITY BULLIES.
1. Funland
2. Yes.
3. It was usually name calling. I often told them to stop it but if they persisted enough I'd randomly walked up to them and warned next one is the last time or else.
One insulted me right after so I immediately punched him to face, knee'd him in stomach and then contunue pounding until I was physically separated from him.
This gonna sound edgy but I'd continue even if they begged me to stop it. I was nefarious in a fight and shamelessly used the most dirty tactics with no remorse.
That beating was usually enough. But then came another and cycle continued.
What is the French version of bullying? Did you neglect to offer your handkerchief to someone who sneezed? Savage af, Pierre.
No, I usually stood up for myself and because the school was so strict it's not like we could touch each other. Dry humor and blunt insults shushes the insecure up
Yes, that peasant will have to wipe his nose with his dirty trenchcoat
Why would they continue if they know you are a psychopath ?
>I dont give a fuck tbhwy
>t. El loco
Hahaha what a fucking gay nickname. Your language sucks dick
hey, please insult me mr. bully I'm fucking bored right now
yes, I told an """alpha""" retard not to throw snowballs at me, he kept doing it and got his nose broken by my fist. There were also two different cases during the primary school: I smacked a bully in half with my leg, which inevitably left him there lying like a baby, and in the second case, I threw a guy from behind my back, also left him crying
For the street cred. Imagine being part of a social circle, and beating up the outcast psychopath. Not only are you cool and socially accepted, but you have everyone's respect because you beat the psycho. You probably have the psycho's respect and form a strange against the odds friendship.
Post face and give me some material.
Beats (heh) me. Probably just someone thinking he could out-do the previous guy.
It was group of bullies but for some reason they only came one by one.
Don't pretend to be normal and not be a waste of sperm. You're here aren't you?
Because if they gang bashed you, everyone would call them pussies. I could kick your ass btw. And If I ever go to Finland, I might just do it for a laugh while I'm drunk.
the inquisition was right
based and karmapilled
real shame since you became a retarded tripfag
1. Cunt
2. Yes
3. This guy befriended me in year 7 and then ditched me for the popular crowd. He then constantly picked on me for being into nerdy shit like fantasy and sci-fi.
Then in year 12, he began being obsessed with Kony 2012 and got the heads of the year level to arrange a rally in support of it. I researched it, found a lot of dirt on it and I debated him in front of everyone in the common area. This really pissed him off. Then one guy who was part of his friendship circle but I was pretty chill with asked me to give him all the dirt I had on Kony 2012.
I wasn't there but apparently the argument got so fierce that the Kony 2012 rally got cancelled. And when the bully was walking pass me all sad and shit I asked him if he was jacking it on San Diego (Kony 2012 guy was doing naked calisthenics on an intersection in San Diego IIRC).
From what I hear he still has the mindset of a highschooler who goes out clubbing and shit. Last I've heard of him was that he brought drugs to his friendship group's reunion and everyone hates him now.
And yet I have a degree, a job, a gf, a car, a house.
I don't think I've ever been bullied before in real life
Bullied in the past tends to bring the same mindset as when you're an adult. There are a lot of those people with those weak mindsets, but they got together and made a large enough group like LGBTQWRTY+, feminism, whatever so they're untouchable, otherwise you're discriminating and the normies will start a witchhunt.
However if you don't belong to any group, you will be considered a weak faggot and they'll pick on you and normies won't do shit. The solution is to pretend you're gay and the only thing that'll touch you is CHAD's dick up your bum
>this one asshole kept picking on me
>fucking his sister kek
I hope she isn't native to your country. Gross.
I don't know if it counts as a revenge but my classmate kept poking my ass so I pushed him down the stairs.
How chonky is your ass?
Some I did.
Only thing I really learned from it, was the way to be complete dickwad, if wanted to and people are really conformistic.
Fetishizing bullying is childish. You can blame it
why your life sucks and continue be a worm that you are
or you can mourn about it like a spineless monk, join some religious cult and throw a donation every now and then so you feel better, even though nothing changed. Either way it makes antisocial people.
Not chonky at all, that guy was just our local ass grabber.
No, but I'm living under better conditions and am richer than most classmates, so that's satisfying enough.
Sure thing Mad Max.
I was never bullied in school
Holy shit incel thread.
Nah, you probably just never seen anything like that. Namecalling, laughing at my face/behind my back, avoiding me, people would literally sit away from me. Even the teachers would make fun of me. All because of my caste.
It was horrible and I just wanted to die so badly. Glad I am out of that hellhole but it definitely left a huge dent in my personality. I will never be the same person I was before the bullying ever again.
made peace with my bully in middle school and we became good friends.