Wtf america

wtf america

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Is this r9k? Can you link the thread?

this is whats considered conservative and patriotic in america
degenerate hellhole

why do mentally ill incels congregate to this website

dios mio...

desuarchive dot org/r9k/thread/56742181/#56744959

learn to research a little it'll go a long way
all i had to do is lookup Yas Forums archive and use the post number in OP's pic

Imagine thinking it would be a good idea to put your penis in your sister mouth

>She was 15
The absolute state of amerisharts

this is...sick
how did life take him to that point

american life
years of neet
complete solitude in a room
Yas Forums 15 hours a day, anonymous losers being your only "social" contact
and more importantly, cooming and comming loads and loads to pornography, day after day

>Duplicated file detected

So you made this thread before me, huh...

This. Should've done it arab style, rape and then behead

So how did the story end?

Lost touch with reality, neetdom will do that to you. Thing is he probably wouldn't have to go outside or get a job or whatever to keep from getting to this point, I'm willing to bet he had almost no interaction with his family despite living with them.

If he had just talked to his family more and had normal social interaction it probably would've kept his brain from completely degrading to that point.

Am I the only one who thinks he's based and his mom is overreacting?

no, I'm sure 90% of Yas Forums thinks it too

This looks like LARPing for (you)s

it got exposed as a fake, obviously
just look the archives up

Porn addiction , specifically fetish where they mess with sleeping girls

and u?

no I don't think attempting to relieve your sexual perversion with your sister while she's asleep is that much based

Do white people really do this?

this is fake through

but brazilians also love sisterfucking i heard..

yeah i'm sure this happened

>>She was 15
>The absolute state of amerisharts
Hey 15 is legal

I don't know if it's fake or not. Just that it was really late at night and really cold outside.

What an overreaction, how is having a dick in your mouth for 2 seconds something to freak out over?

lets test that hypothesis on you

There's no way I'd freak in such a way. It's actually disturbing to just throw away your son like a piece of garbage on the streets. At least give him some met time to get a job so hè can go live alone.

haha gay

it's america...
they throw regular 18 year old sons on the streets

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
you dumb fucking retards

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So obliviously fake

Sounds like some LARP. Only the most mentally ill LARP like this.

you sound pretty pissed off
maybe you shouldn't take this so seriously?

Shut up baguette nigger

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shouldn't the sister be thrown away for getting raped?

go back abdul

That mother deserves a bullet and the girl needs a smack in the head for freaking out over something as harmless as a cheeky danger dick wash.
If the guy was to freak out and it ended up in a triple murder suicide, the mother would be to blame.

Kill yourself.

Lemme check quick if they still do...
...yep, they still really do.

He couldn't even seduce his own sister to have consensual sex with her like we do here. Americans are sick losers.

it could happen to anyone

Maybe he thought she would wake up and say "onii-chan baka hentai" and proceed to suck his dick

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Such is life when one lives in the USA

Der Pooperpower

you re a faggot then

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god youre annoying


reminds me of that

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I don't get it what are you guys reacting to?

2nd wave, hallelujah!

This shit always makes me laugh. It's so sincere and absurd at the same time.

Kek. You know she likes it, otherwise she'd have ran away. Also Yas Forums loves its women.

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>dude was from Iowa


This guy is quite fucking based