Greece edition
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where is everyone?
Working, you neet
Greece is absolutely lovely though, I give you that. We should have never let go of Belomorska Trakiya :(
Пpв дo eдeнaece - пapaмope
We would've ruined it.
where are all maymundonians? they usually swarm this place
Swarming your mom's bedroom LMAOOO KIT
we view them as inferior people
The people inside your head?
family and friends
Look at this extroverted normie humblebragging about having friends.
it's not funny, i can't breathe normally anymore
I support communism because I want everyone to be as poor as me.
the party elite won't be poor
In a real communist society there won’t be any rich people since the bourgeois will get executed as well as anyone who manages to get rich somehow
Imagine actually working when working from home lmao
You won't be saying that the moment you get a mansion
>real communist society
Science fiction
Communism is inevitable
We will reach peak degeneracy
there is no degeneracy under communism because consoomerism does not exist
Communism gives more power to women and other subhumans
>Greece is absolutely lovely though
Good morning
Im drinking frape
How are you guys and girls
Low iq muslim spreading nordcuck propaganda
Yes. M*n are sex crazed naive animals and slaves to their instincts, literally can’t think three steps ahead. They literally go crazy if they don’t coom for a day or two, lol. Women, on the other hand are the superior gender and can easily wrap m*n around their finger, m*n only exist to pleasure and entertain women and for nothing else, the natural form of government is matriarchy like 10000 years ago under the enlightened leadership of women when humans were evolving the fastest, because only their strong and attractive pets(m*n) would be given permission to reproduce while incels and other genetic disasters didn’t get to spread their subhuman genes and were fed to the wolves or something.
Tinder is full of women
They are trash gender
Is ikibey really around168m and 100kg?
>why yes, I am an ENTJ alpha male at 166m and 100kg
Communism is the ultimate degeneracy.
>One still works, for work is a pastime. But one is careful lest the pastime should hurt one.
>One no longer becomes poor or rich; both are too burdensome. Who still wants to rule? Who still wants to obey? Both are too burdensome.
>No shepherd, and one herd! Everyone wants the same; everyone is the same: he who feels differently goes voluntarily into the madhouse.
Extrovert alpha male. Chick magnet.
You are thinking of ESTP
You can't make fun of him, he's too retarded to even react to it
пoминaв пoкpaј oглeдaлo и кo дa cyм ce paзyбaвeл нeкaкo y пм
>Work for Deutsche Lufthansa AG
>Customer calls to complain about her flight being cancelled
>ask her for her ticket number / booking code
>can't find it
>spend 10 minutes going through the list to find her
>spend 10 more minutes giving her a step-by-step guide on how to fill out a refund request
>tell her have a good day and she puts her phone down without closing the call
>says fuck you
>scream back you too
Why are G*rmans so rude?
Nah he's self-aware. Cue to his nihilistic suicidal rants.
Iki isn't Diogenes. He's Diogenes' barrel lmfao.
That seems like an anarchy. And capitalism too. Always after the bigger fish.
I enjoy being the center of attention
Hehehehe lmao
You enjoy being the center of gravity lmfao
Nahhhh. Capitalism above all. It's shown how effective it is time and time again
This guy. You really can spew shit like that and expect it to make sense?
No place for faggots like you in our country. GTFO
The only one coping here is you by coming up with imaginary arguments
top lmao
The Chad fearless Serb vs the virgin quarantined feargarian.
I have witnessed a murder
I saw an advert with a maymun
One ugly turk on a car
Screaming arab
You shouldn't text and drive.
Im walking on sunshine
Turk woman in black turban
Do tell, your dad?
du kannst mich nicht aufhalten, janny freelancer engineer of shit
Do tell, your mother?