
Midweek boogaloo

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b ä m p

set up date with czech femboy in ostrava + free place to stay

The day wil come when the cure is invented.

Women are cute and soft.

Blessing this thread

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this kind of stuff actually makes me angry, like my blood fucking boils with madness just thinking about it

>here's something private and intimate that supposedly means a lot to me, i'll use this to score points on reddit

imagine trying to have a special moment with a girl in this day and age, like surprising her with a dinner or whatever. first thing she does is take out her phone, take a picture and post it on instagram. then for the rest of the evening her mind is occupied by thinking about the attention she'll get for it, the thing SHE FUCKING MISSED TO BEGIN WITH because her mind was somewhere else

kurwa mać, ja pierdolę, aaaaAAAAAAAAA

the thing you thought would be unique and reserved for the two of you is now ruined because the cheap whore just went ahead and sold it on the market for vanity points

i pray to fucking god that corona wrecks the world economy and takes us back 200 years

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Good morning sunshines :)

Good moring, let's hope to be productive today :)

shut the fuck up I will shit in your skull after I scraped out your rotten brain!!!

'morning sloni!!

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let's hope so :)
don't be rude, it won't solve your problems :)


I have to do some work but I think I'll exercise instead, recently after a long stalemate I finally increased the load of my dumbbels from 20 to 21 kg, it motivated me to train more consistently

sounds like a lot of work 2bh

good luck :)

God I wish I were Serb, I would be tall and strong instead of short and twinky

Serbs are bydlos

But you'd look grotesque.
This, they make even Poles seem half-human.

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Looking ugly but strong is much better than looking pretty but weak


No they defended Evropa from the invaders.


What a chad, stay mad manlet potatoface

Just read a comment saying we cant criticize USA because thanks to them we have computers and can say what we want on the internets instead of sitting in gulags.

When will you grow out of your "getting mad at people writing stupid shit on the internet" phase? Like why do you even care?

We can't criticize USSR because thanks to their sputnik USA made ARPANET

t. Seething Turk.

Serbs saved us from the Ottoman invasion.

I hate how Americans claim that they invented computers and the internet. They definitely contributed a lot to it, but it's something that developed over decades and wasn't invented by one person or country (at least not the modern computer).

Ridiculous shit.
He's grotesque, doesn't even look human anymore.

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Because they really believe what they write and its my duty to show them the correct path.

Why are hungarians so weird and strange? They're like the finns of eastern europe. What made them that way?

USA fought on the Gulag side in WW2.

Don't compare us to F*nns. Also Hungarians are normies, for the most part.

Finns are docile cucks who bow down before the big swede cock. Hungary is a strong indpendent woman.

So Hungary is an ugly Karen while Sweden is a hot Stacy?

>1 hour long performance talk with boss tomorrow
>haven't done anything at work for over a month now

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Suffer for laughing at me haveing no moni.

I never did that (sober)

I NEED a čoko from Billa (studentská or geisha)

I have 2 študentské pečate at home :)

gonna order some /balk/an food for a post-workout meal

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Recessed chin with an overbite.

shut up fatass



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yes my upainian sl*ve bring me food

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Narrow shoulders, her sons are fucked.

what app is this? is she cute?


I use pyszne.pl, isn't it cheaper? Last time I checked uber eats it was 6 pln or something for delivery

free delivery on mcdonalds today

Like it or not, this is a perfect femorrhoid specimen.

Attached: 1585000664190.webm (640x640, 1.78M)

also, please respect ukrainian immigrants, they are decent hardworking people :)

I like it very much

Based patrician.

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She got wide shoulders

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ugly face

thighs too big also


No idea what you're talking about, Poolack retard.

You must be braindead to see that butterface as perfect.

It is perfect, round-faced monki.

Tbqh I like cooming to super fit girls but I'd never be in a relationship in one even if they for whatever reason wanted to date me.

>thighs too big also
No such thing

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Is your gf fit?