Post dogs from your coontree
Post dogs from your coontree
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How come the humble, cute, smol Chihuahua is the KING of dogs?
because it's more agressive than most dogs, it's literally afraid of nothing
Dogs are shit tier animals and pets
I'm rangebanned but google lapinkoira. They good bois.
dats a kot not a doggo
Finns are shit tier posters and humans
Which do breed should I get lads? I want one that'll play nice with a cat so intend to get them both relatively young.
I want one that I can go running with every day and won't get too lonely with me doing rotating shift work. Ideally want little to no barking. Was thinking a German Shepherd or Siberian Husky, but apparently the latter is very high maintenance.
Which breed of cats do you have? Also yeah huskies are very high maintenance. Unless you want to do daily hikes don't get one.
Would love a big fluffy Siberian cat but that depends on whether I end up in a hot climate or not. Are huskies really that much higher maint than German Shepherds?1
Both are incorrect
don't mind the negroid
Eres usual aquí?
They love to run. If you want an intelligent dog get a border collie or a german shepard. I don't know if fluffy cats like your climate but ragdolls, maine coons and norwegian forest cats are big and cute.
Coatis are so cute desu
>Are huskies really that much higher maint
Never had one, but they are really energetic what I've seen. So yup
Rate my mutt. Guess his breeds.
If you can get one, a Cane corso. Its an italian dog that aint that high maintenance, nor too little. They almost dont bark, except when its necessary. These guys are very friendly with family, and the one I have, at least, plays pretty much with the cat.
Bit ugly tbqh. Looks like the sort of dog I'd whack with a shovel if I found it in my yard.
Mutt breeds are hard to guess.
no idea
siempre posteo de madrugada
Most of the time yeah, some features can give away the breed like the icy blue eyes of Huskies.
The theme seems to be ne the mutt's parents breed take the shape of the head, and the other parent taking the body.
Like a Husky Corgi mix, a husky head that would fit on a normal husky on a tiny Corgi body, very funny how simple it can come out with fresh mixes.
He cute
¿Algún correo (cualquiera, aunque sea fake, pero que sea tuyo) para mandarte unas imágenes?
If you want a smart and active doggo get a russel terrier
thanks, the cat shaved some of his nose cause he was being a shithead
His breed is American Akita and Belgian Malinois, extremely difficult and vocal.
Cat's can be tempremental dickhead.
Cats are fucking retarded
Have a wolf dog mix
German shepard and pitbull?
see His head looks weird because American Akita's have usually dense fur on their snouts and heads as opposed to Malinois
call this new bread el americano
He does look like an Akita.
American Malinois? pitbull mixes take the spotlight for goblino breeds in terms of appearance, temperament, existence.
Yeah, his neck is thicker than his head, Malinois and Akita both having thick and dense neck furs.
He keeps me active which is good, and he keeps away undesirables.
Has a pitbull face and German shepard ears, malinois look like German shepards so makes sense and the american akitas kinda have that facial structure, is it a big dog? Akitas are huge
Hes tall and big, 81lb.
long boi
That's him "laying" in your lap. He likes to cuddle but is far too big for it.
my mutt
they cute
(s)he very cute
Why does this make me laugh?
Very weird doggo but kinda cute.
*stares at you*
Stare all you want buddy, you're a based good boy.
These guys are pretty based I think.
oh he/she based
The wolfhound might be BIG but I prefer this type.
lmaoing @ doglets cunthree
based kelpies
That dog has the ability of looking smaller than what it is in pictures. And dont know why.
>all those americans with mutt
true they're big bois
Thats not a dog, but a bear. xD
That's one big doggo
All the chichuahuas I've seen have been nervous wrecks. It really depends on the individual, tho. My mom's dachshund isn't afraid of anything smaller than a horse for example, but I've seen pretty shy dachshunds as well.
I think your dog has autism.
chihuahuas are all weirdos.
Cool dog. I bet it doesn't look nearly as majestic as all those nasty mutts