
طبعة الروسي

Attached: image.jpg (474x266, 25.21K)

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what the pic says.

كسم تركيا كسم إيران

where were you lebanon?


The guy on the right :salam where are you going? I'll blow myself up
The gir : lusts over the russianand tells him to fuck off
I'm here

قواد اللبن

ليش الشيعة زنوج ؟

Attached: shiites_qom_covid19.webm (480x480, 2.8M)


Did he want to blow her too or he's doing it in incel rage? Why hes with bomb?

Incel rage
It's talking about when Russians entered Syria against isis

I just watched a very hot bj video anyone wants a link?

ليش الشيعة زنوج ؟

Attached: shia_nigger_subhuman.jpg (512x352, 34.57K)

I want a Shia Persian Chad to fuck my anus and cum on my face.

this guy should get honorary presidential reward from rivlin

de dust 2

ت . قطفي

Maybe he should give an award to his dead wife lmao



ليش الشيعة زنوج ؟

Attached: shiite_heretic.jpg (650x375, 53.98K)

ولك ديوث الك اسبوع غايب شو جابك

Do MENA femoids really lust over chechens and converts/"reverts" like that?

Attached: question milf43.jpg (240x240, 17.7K)

Pls come and fuck Muslim women

i want bro. are you the lebanese that posts in med?

all women want chad
but muslims rarely racemix
لأنني كنت انيخ كسمك العلوية

Not me

لا كنت عم تبعت امك حوالة لعندي بالويسترن يونيون
كاشفك يا عريصو كاشفك

اريد انيچ

nigga something is a bit off... isn't that shit gay?

اكشف الكسم اريد انيچ
يلا لا واق
سأعطيك أخ سني جديد

>ah yes let me explore if this gay porn is indeed gay
>yeah that guy is sucking off the other gay
>hmm gay indeed

Muslim women lust over white cokc

Attached: sodomite.png (620x350, 373.9K)

No such thing.

Attached: 9D1A5D2D-0BA9-4248-A469-9CA2938694A0.jpg (400x602, 206.04K)

>Muslim women lust over white cokc

But so do you don't you desu

Are you Zoroastrian

Bro your religion got fucked in the ass by few desert dwellers with les than 60 IQ
It's pathetic
Nigga your religion is the gayest on the face of earth

It's only gay if they kiss you faggot

t.shiite rapist

For me it's brown twinks.
Whites are acceptable tho

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>For me it's brown twinks

Based nationalist

Religion is for incels who can't get laid, so they pull this bs to keep women under their control, thus securing an unwilling pussy they can fuck.

I thought Shi'a don't believe in hadiths

Attached: IMG_2331.jpg (1024x576, 34.89K)

Yes, and they're making me feel undesired, Not like I had any self-esteem in myself getting femoids anyways.

There's just something about brown skin that makes it sexy
Whites have better looking faces tho

Attached: image.gif (500x281, 902.46K)



it should've been obvious.

lmao islam is the gayest religion ever
Men over there fuck little boys and treat their women like shit

He's quoting Sunni hadiths
We have our own hadiths tho.
You can be my twink brown bf
Don't know

Attached: image.jpg (240x320, 16.69K)

shut the fuck up and get out

I too have that disease


Najat Mokarram non. Moi c'est zombie .je suis un mortvivant algerien.

this man blocks your way
>curse Omar or die
What do?

Attached: image.jpg (400x400, 36K)

I'm more of a sand color (about middle left from image) myself, is that fine?

Attached: 11392.png (900x600, 2.9K)

im sure you would like that disease anal queen

>*proceeds to apologize from كعب صباطو لسميحة السيد*

No, more like Allah (SWT) knew about inceldom, and made a solution.

now go away poojeet
no.. thats western backed afghans (mostly shiites and tajiks) which indian supports
fuck off hindu

fuck, I had this night-light mode on and forgot about it,
correction: it's more like middle right.

hes literally quoting shiite sayings
shiite hadith are full of gay sex according to him
he talks about anal sex almost 24/7
thats when hes not walking on coals

I guess so.
Post tummy tumm tummm
He said that nasrallah isn't Shiite because he refused to curse Aisha
It's like he is creating a cult

Can more of this picture?

Attached: noradikelhora.jpg (270x296, 20.75K)

his cult is the actual true rafida without taqiyya
khomeni is doing taqiya to not alienate sunni persians

altho cursing is allowed in iran

isn't he and niggers who follow him shirazi shiites or something along the lines ?
he also said khaminai is gay (which is true to an extent) because he does not support the uyghurs, despite them being sunnis

its gore

Petit dej comme d'hab

Attached: msemen.jpg (474x355, 28.55K)

wait... why the fuck this nigga support uyghurs??

Attached: yasir_khabith.jpg (1124x1521, 113.44K)

It doesn't matter to me
I enjoy the bants
Yes, shirazis are animals tho, they do most of the shit that makes Shia look bad

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This guys look cool

Attached: أيها الحارس.jpg (1200x771, 100.88K)

Il ne reste pas de lait pour le reste de la famille
maman va me harceler

Attached: Omar.jpg (322x322, 10.33K)

thats why shiism is dead, they taqiyad so much, they fell for it , which is good since sunnism is more general and less autistic, western shiites are now "just muslim" which basically means blending in with the sunnis, arab ones either are secular atheists (like you) or fell for le unity meme and they either dont curse or pretend not to, which means their children eventually wont curse unironically
shirazis are being arrested by iran and their hq in london will get absorbed by the caliphate pretty soon

Attached: taqiya.png (760x646, 536K)

What are you niggers up to?

>"Nice abu lo'lo' knife, majoosi"
>"Who was the first kaliph of ALL islam??"

Attached: chad_ak.jpg (508x507, 33.33K)

va boire le lait de ta femme

Stop being retarded.
If you want to achieve something then go do it, don't just wait and hope for something, this is exactly the reason why Arabs has been the cum rag for all civilizations

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