Got married lads edition
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I want you to die
eshay adlays
she cute
This is bullying me
>blur were utter shit,
They really weren't at all. And if you think Beetlebum, Song 2, Trimm Trabb, Parklife, This Is A Low, The Universal, Bang, Popscene, Sing, There's No Other Way, On Your Own, For Tomorrow, Girls & Boys, Tender, Caramel, Coffee & TV, Out Of Time, Good Song aren't actually notable or good tracks then you're a fucking imbecile.
this but instead of OP, non-whites
Even though the 2000s had a lot of problems I think I would still prefer it over the current tranny obsessed clown world.
should I watch Better Call Saul or Breaking Bad first?
me on the left, janny on the right
Going to sleep now. Goodnight and god bless
i'm telling you lads this is THE time to be shagging escorts
with everyone running scared from the chinky flu they're so grateful for the business
tranners existed in the 2000s as well
zoomed right in to admire her face next to a giant black phallus
only ever seen bb and it's over-rated
better call saul seems like it'd be funnier
good night mikey lad
Not watch BSC, but don't waste your time with Breaking Bad. It's just fucking stupid beyond belief.
watch BB first
Society wasn't obsessed with them, and little kids weren't having hormones pushed on them by their teachers and parents.
Breaking Bad
Turn your proxy off then kys
BB is overrated but a good watch
women are rancid
As somebody who was brutally bullied as a kid, it makes me sick seeing the same shit happening still to other kids in webms and such.
The same beatings, the same suicidal look on the victim.
There is honestly no punishment great enough for bullies to have to face.
I would put a bullet through the skull of every one of them if it were possible.
Bloodborne is the best BB
BB first
BCS is a much slower pace
no matter how far back i look in this old bloke's account, he has a hand drawn slag every day
strange one
you got bullied because you were weak
you should learn kung fu and teach them a lesson in humility
the janny is leah gotti? nice
well a 9mm is stronger than any man
he has zero interaction on most of his posts
If I saw you irl today I would snap your fucking spine
whys that then
bet he's been doing this ever since he started masturbating and got no better at it
been using the beast cutter
VERY nice weapon
i have a theory that having sex means you absorb female energy from the woman and thus become more feminine yourself
Song 2 yeah i'll give you that although that was literally just them changing their sound to get radio play in the US.
But the others pale in comparison to Supersonic, Live Forever, Champagne supernova, Roll with it, rock n roll star and then Dont Look Back In Anger and Wonderwall which are mega songs that will live on in British canon forever. Shit the sole reason Blur are known by many today is simply due to their rivalry with Oasis
Also Girls and Boys literally makes me throw up in my mouth just thinking about it and i'm glad Blur grows ever irrelevant so I dont ever have to listen to it again
Because you fucking deserve it
>breaking bad was overrated
is this a meme or are you serious, because I've been wondering if escorts have closed their doors due to this
wish i had some benzos but my doctor won't prescribe me anymore because the psychiatrist thought i was abusing them
she was right, granted, but still
>>breaking bad was overrated
Charmless man as well
need a paki gf
would prozzies break the law to do their job?
well I haven't done any research but I could make an educated guess
no you dont
t. former benzo addict
ooh your 'ard
*shoves you to the floor in front of your crush*
nah for real
for extra karma shag the foreign ones because they can't claim bennies from the government
Really fancy making a Beast's Embrace/Beast Cutter build, will probably give it a go once the 'borne enters rotation again.
damn moni looks like THAT?!
Impossible. Every women I shag I take part of their life form this making me the ultimate male form
i wasn't really abusing them or addicted tbf it was just a normal part of my daily routine to numb myself from the world
didn't even have withdrawals when i stopped, unless you count being the same sperg i was before i started
unironically would if I didnt get really bad nerves that prevents me from getting erect
Pretty much every serial drama I've ever mentioned on this Indonesian dilating forum has slagged off by the majority of respondents.
just imagined a parallel universe /brit/ where instead of disillusioned young men complaining about call centre toil it's vile slags complaining about escort toil
its called mumsnet
at the shop
you lads need anything?
Honestly shagged some prime peng paki 16 year old fanny. Dirty bastards the pakis
this is quite literally what i'm planning to do
getting to ailing loran root is a nightmare though
convinced that mikey isn't actually one person but a bunch of people roleplaying
False depths?
*is attracted to you now*
just chatted to some yank girl online who completely mogs me intellectually, creatively, in talent, in looks, but she still seemed to enjoy my company lol
just looked her up and apparently she has 70,000 instagram followers wew