Post subtle signs of third worldism.
Post subtle signs of third worldism
painting streets for WC
stray dogs
hanging your clothes between buildings
The state kills them where I live
why don't thirdies neuter/spay animals?
How do nonthirdworld anons know a lot about us?
do your grandmas have these sort of chairs
This shit.
Many of those stray animals are not the pet's rejected offspring, but the pet itself. People who get a dog like it's a teddy bear and they get rid of it once they get tired of taking care of it.
peak comfy
I lived in the philippines for 3 years for my job
the philippines is the ultimate third world country, they have everything any third worlder would ever need
yeah definitely kek
I've seen all these photos IRL at some point.
speaking Spanish
bins filled with toilet paper covered in shit because the plumbing can't handle flushing
Is this commom in your cunt?
If it includes everything from this thread and the one before, then you should check Colombia, we have everything
this pic is perfect
>cracked concrete
>unmanaged urban greenery
>weird plastic jar
>very cheap sign
>shitty graphic design
>selling things to drink on the street
>having a shitty table as your business
I reconogize that graphic design!
I'm leaving this shithole at the slightest opportunity.
being obsessed with american boomer music despite not speaking english
do you have any pictures of shitty graphic design with copyright violating kids cartoons?
At least your country is not considered a developed country, friend.
Had. Some nigger stole them.
>watches you
motorcycles all over the place
I've read two incidents of people getting shot for being outside by quarantine vigilantes from their window since we're on lockdown. One with a bb gun and one with real bullets.
hola cosmo don't make post venezuela shit
I avoid countries that have this
Not now, but imagine a bus like this filled with pictures of cartoons and movies (this is a local one too)
plenty of that over here too
Thats gum
Read the file name?
basically all of them south of your border
hearing roosters/other livestock noises in the middle of a city
I know its done in SEA and even greece too
Oh i thought it said gun marks
why do they do this ? it looks like shit
getting floor tiles in the bedroom out of the way
>that building that was never fucking completed here in Monterrey
RIP Far West Rodeo, btw.
>religion bad xd
Lol Americans
You forgot these
They think it protects the tree as it grows and makes animals and fungus go away
We are the only catholics left retard, it wasn a fedora post
Having neighborhoods exclusive for X ethnicy/religion/foreign nationality
This, but unironically.
I want to see you fag try to beat THIS
these busses
one of these in the house
But those are delicious.
these too
*gets 3rd degree burns*
>We are the only catholics left
Not even gonna try arguing with you.
Formica tables
>garbage disposal service is some random guys and a truck from a shady private company instead of a public utility
>rain usually mean floods because the sewage system doesn't exist
>giving money to cops/public officials is not only accepted but expected
>you can hire a maid or driver for 10% or less of your yearly salary
>completely unregulated street vendors selling """food"""
>police have assault rifles and drive around in APCs
>dirt roads in your capital city
>first worlders have their own private schools and never interact with the locals unless they have to, yet alone learn their language
>groups of children playing soccer in the road instead of being at school
>cars from the 1990s or earlier are still extremely common for the majority, the rich drive the latest mercedes and BMWs, very little in between
>people LARP as being freer than firsties because their government is so corrupt and incompetent that they haven't gotten around to documenting everything or invading your digital privacy yet
>famous artists/people never come despite youtube comments
>people die for extremely bizarre and improbable reasons constantly (he got kicked in the face by a stray cow, she got electrocuted by a shower)
>small shitty old japanese bikes with multiple people on them with no helmets or proper attire, probably wearing flip flops and might be shirtless
>televisions/consoles cost a fortune and are 2x as expensive
>countryside is usually decades behind urban progress in every metric
>public transport is either ridiculously overcrowded to the point of uselessness or doesn't exist, private public transport extremely common and causes huge amounts of pollution
>most of the country is under construction
>unused infrastructures/buildings aren't torn down
>counterfeit goods openly sold in public
>LARPing as religious
>constant border issues with neighbouring countries
>frequent electricity/water shortages
>usually great places to live for the rich and powerful
if I had to pick one thing...
You fucker I was going to post that
Lo 100to rey Manolín ladronin, no tienen opción.