Are Australia and New Zealand culturally more like Anglo America or Europe?

Are Australia and New Zealand culturally more like Anglo America or Europe?

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theyre both very west coast american

Elaborate on this idea

They're like the UK if everyone was lower class. A little bit like the Americas too but that similarity is also shared with places like South Africa as well so it's more generally the common thread of being white colonials and starting civilisation from scratch over the last 2-300 years than being Americanised.

Australia culturally is basically an island full of cockneys + wogs & chinese

New Zealand is like a more rural britain plus polynesians & chinese

Kinda both.
In terms of population, culture, and values we are more like America because of our frontier roots, with the exception of religiousness which is very low in both Aus and NZ.
In terms of governance and societal structuring however we are more like Europe, right down to our schooling systems.
You touch on some good points, but I'd characterise NZ more as a bunch of peasants who were culturally celtic (Most settlers came from Britain's South-West esp. Cornwall, the next largest groups was a significant portion of Scots, then Irish), being put into a society founded of Anglican English values, overhauled by Presbyterian Scots, with Maori in the North Island and some Chinese bowling around a little later

>with the exception of religiousness which is very low in both Aus and NZ.
How come Australia and NZ are Europe-tier lever of religiousness and not closer to America or even Canada?

America was settled by religious fundamentalists

They are more Chinese

It's an interesting question, and even in New Zealand's earliest days it was evident that the population was not very churchy.One thing to consider on NZ's part is that it was settled much later that the US and under very different conditions. Most settlers arrived on the cusp of or during the Industrial Revolution, and were workers displaced by Agricultural refom. Settlement was not organised by religious groups to the same en masse degree you see in the US, though there were exceptions, like how Dunedin was founded by the Free Church of Scotland, and Christchurch was essential a project for the perfect Anglican City, but both of these two occurred after the major first wave was well and truly away.
Also, from its earliest days NZ was promoted by the New Zealand Company as an egalitarian paradise, so the idea of a dominant religion did not really exist once you had Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Catholics, all dominating certain areas.
Add to that, many people lived a few days ride from a neighbor in the early days, so attending church was simply impracticle.

We are autistically secular outside Alberta.

Distinct enough to be neither. In Australia Bogans I think line up closer to Norf in habits if not culture. Upper middle classes and most like the Americans but inbetween it's really neither.

Were the North and South Islands settled differently?

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There is no way it is that high especially in Quebec.

Very much so. While there was Scottish settlement in areas of the North Island, significantly more settled in the regions of Otago, and Southland, in the South Island. These areas are now known colloquially as the Deep South (to this day dominantly Presbyterian). Their accent is different from other Kiwis and reflects their Scottish roots by the fact that they emphasise and drag out the 'r' sound, especially at the end of sentences. This is made more noticable by the fact that the regular NZ accent has a habit of dropping consonants at the end of words.
Irish also were distributed across the country, but the highest amount were settled in the Wellington and Wairarapa regions of the lower North Island, the Catholic stronghold of New Zealand.
The English settled all over but the North Island felt their presence more notedly.
Though it isn't regularly recognised I personally reckon there's some physical distinction between the Northern New Zealander, who due to South-Western English roots tends to be fairer, taller, and leaner; and the Southern New Zealander, who after Scottish fashion is darker with more chance of having curlier hair, and stockier.
Other interesting points are the settlement of a population of Dalmations in Northland during the Kauri Amber digging days, giving some of the towns a Croatian culture; and large amounts of Scandinavians and Germans settling in the central Wairarapa towns of Norsewood and Dannevirk.
I haven't mentioned the Chinese, because their presence during the Gold Rush wasn't permanent, or the Maori, because they are another kettle of fish all together, but I would be happy to expand on things

>I haven't mentioned the Chinese, because their presence during the Gold Rush wasn't permanent, or the Maori, because they are another kettle of fish all together, but I would be happy to expand on things
You can write to your heart's content. Always enjoy reading about this kind of stuff. Also, are Scots supposed to be darker than Anglos? I thought they were mostly the same if not the opposite of what you described

Are most Aussies/Kiwis of British heritage or are they Euro mutts like us?

What caused the huge decline in quebec ? it was 2nd highest and now it's lowest

I think it depends. Our Scotts were lowland scottish so I think they got a bit mixed. I mean 'darker' in the classical sense btw, like darker hair, not skin

Aus/NZ are more like the UK than they are like America, but they are also more like America than they are like Europe, I think.

USA and Canada. They both swear up and down they are different, but they look, sound, and act alike.

A process called Silent Revolution. They secularized very fast during it. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree (You, if you are ethnic French)
>I mean 'darker' in the classical sense btw, like darker hair, not skin
Oh okay. You should probably say darker haired, I think.
>Our Scotts were lowland scottish so I think they got a bit mixed.
Wouldn't that make them more like Anglos, then?
So you're saying their similarity goes UK > America > Europe?


>Wouldn't that make them more like Anglos, then?
You are right, if you look at demographic maps of English phenotypes you see that Germanic / Anglo traits are more common in the North and East of England, while the South West is more Celtic, hense the difference in apearance.

British. There was relatively little Euro settlement.

So then doesn't that mean your original statement was inverted?
I think Australia is less Anglo than NZ and has more different kinds of whites from other parts. Still more Anglo than America, though.

traditionally we were more anglo, all though now there is more and more american influence in our culture

>all though now there is more and more american influence in our culture
Give examples of your culture has changed


I would say the culture is becoming more Americanised as the general population gets dumber and more brainwashed.

Wow, that's actually preety interesting. I just looked up the southland accent and it kinda sounds like a weird mixture of an american accent and a kiwi accent, but you can still hear the scottish influence in there.


average normie europeans seem to be much better spoken than average normie australians, they seem to have more nuanced views on things too

So far Australians say America but Kiwis are more varied

New Zealand is definitely more English and Scottish than american. Picked up a love of tea and pie there. Knew a lot of english and scottish immigrants too.
Spent less time in Australia but it seemed more American, likely because it’s so big and racist

Are Kiwis less racist?

In my experience, yes. At least to natives. Kiwis generally treat the Maori with decent esteem. Like kiwi is even a maori word. Maori is an official language. I’m wearing ponamu right now.

But australian natives? Yeah i think it’s pretty obvious they’re not treated well.

Aboriginals are very unevolved and basically too stupid to function. They make Maoris look like university professors in comparison so I understand why so many Australians have given up on them lol.

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Yeah on average probably, we don't have abos though

based image

culturally israeli

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I have actually never seen an abo in real life, it is almost like they are mythological beasts from old Greek stories.
If I went to the Northern Territory I'm sure there'd be some, but why'd you ever want to go to NT is beyond me.

My cousin lives in Aus and has seen em. She fucking hates them. Remember reading a story on Yas Forums a few years back about some dude who found out his gf had fucked an abo (before they'd met) so he broke up with her lmao.

why would you move across the fucking world to Australia or new zealand when you could just go across an ocean where more immigrants are anyways if you are some 19th/early 20th century nigga taking a boat

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What's happening here?

Europe is culturally more like Anglo America than Europe.

Should have used British Palestine flag.


We're far more similar to brits than yanks. We even eat beans on toast.

Their dialect is far closer to bonglish than American English.

If I go into the city I can walk down the street and see tons of homeless Aboriginals, it's very sad. Depending on where you're from though, you could probably go your whole life without meeting one, the rural area I'm from has none. I think this only highlights the problem we have though, opposed to how NZ treated their indigenous people.

reenactment of the battle of dimona in the third emu war, after israel saved australia in the second emu war the emu coalition launched a surprise attack on israel, haggana were holding dimona and suffered 90% casualties when australian cavallery swept in and destroyed the EC forces launching a massive counterattack that decided the war.

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CANZUK when?

from an outside perspective australia seems closer to US and new zealand closer to UK, but both are still closer to the UK if that makes sense.


Hopefully never

Why hate the Canadians, what fault in them isn't also present in us?

We are Southern Hemisphere Britons (largely) that have altered our lifestyle to suit the new climate and opportunities. We share a lot of New World traits with America, our cities and towns would look more American than European or British because they're spaced out, larger roads, lots of grid layouts etc.

Canadians have strayed from the righteous path of the etermal anglo and become discount americans. Fawning over our lizard queen and her hellspawn does not make up for their cultural deficiencies.
Plus they don't even play cricket.

We made a better version of cricket anyway.