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How is Boris doing?

Kittens have a very distinctive cry in which they call for their mother when needed, and the mother is hardwired to recognise this specific cry and come to help

When the kitten gets older though, she begins to ignore their cries, forcing them to become independent

During that time, the kittens grow out of the habit of meowing at other cats because they learn it won't accomplish anything

They meow at us still because we don't ignore their cries, and they know it will get our attention

It's speculated that the frequency of a cats cries already mimics the tone and pitch of a human baby, and triggers our own maternal/paternal instinct to care for them

If they've got a baby in the house, it could be possible the cat learnt to cry that way by copying, as it was a very effective method of getting their humans attention

Said noone

much better
thanks for asking

Benders OUT

better but not out of the woods
temperature's dropping and no longer on oxygen

Trannies IN

Irish are weird

He's been doing it all evening.


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Don’t care. Dogs are better

Good to hear. The last thing people need right now is going through a re-election.

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this is the opinion of a redditor


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not how uk politics works there would be no election

the prime minister can change without the government changing, the government would just select a new PM

how's things in Italy? Was talking to someone i know over there and she's been in lockdown for 5 weeks now!

paki bastard

This post op tranner said she wants to meet but not for fun. I don't want to go to dinner with a tranner

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How do I fall asleep instantly?

jesus fucking christ why's he contorting his body like that?

love this lil nigga

Yeah like I'm gonna take political advice from an Italian.

post-ops weird me the fuck out. don't really want to fuck an inside out penis

>post op

In all fairness, how in the name of God would I be even comparable to a Redditor. Every single one of you are Redditors as far as I’m concerned. You’re the same as them. Fucking spastic. Dogs are better, aka ways have been, always will be.

fuck off

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Literally what is the point of post op trannies? What a miserable useless creature

Trump has spoken about black Americans being disproportionately affected by the coronavirus.

We reported earlier about stats from Chicago, which showed that the city's Black residents account for half of its coronavirus cases and more than 70% of deaths - despite only making up 30% of the population.

At the same time other cities with large black populations, including Detroit, Milwaukee, New Orleans and New York, have become coronavirus hotspots.

We still talking about the big bollock bloke?

gunshot to the head

for real tho

forgive me for asking
but I have been meaning to inquire
who exactly is sue

what's the korean's game?

vile little bint

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Chinatown, where they threw all the old mobikes in, remember?

>thinking that if the current man in charge dies that there will be a new election
are you underage? how can one be so stewpid

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haha that was a laugh wasn't it


This post would look great in /cum/

could it be sickle cell

I see.

It's getting better, numbers are going down, slowly but surely. Hopefully we'll be all out by the summer.

sharp impact to the base of the skull

i'd consider it but would need further pictorial evidence

Any of you been fined yet?

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anybody remember the lad with the massive bollock?

every man has his own reddit opinion mikey there's nothing to be ashamed of

Yeah, he’s probably asleep rn

anyone remember the cuckio meme?

No end of lockdown in sight though?

even 007 needs a license to kill

Unprotected oral 5 mins after initial text 10 mins walk from me

That's the point. You can find anything in Manhattan

peng album

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big bollock lad never posted a picture of how he looks with pants on

why do they spell it like this
literally nobody pronounces it that way in the uk

brit on a proxy
benders for you init

brummies maybe

News will come on the 13th, but everyone expects it to be extended. I believe we won't be out of lockdown before end of May at the very least.

printing this post out

don't dare post my webm of my slutty waifu

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What did 4channel teach you?

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What are you drinking tonight lads?

For me, it's Saint Arnie's

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any shaggers in?

How do you develop personal congruence lads keep on trying to live up to my morals but just keep on reverting to type think I might just be an immoral person with no values. Not in a cool way either just don't really have any strong beliefs or drives or identity

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who brums the brummies?


who bums the fart wanks?

missed the bollock poster

anyone remember the when you read an aussie post and just think to yourself oh shut the fuck up you cringy little sunburnt twat meme

watching qantas stocks with interest

yeah everyone's like that
anyone who claims otherwise is either lying or a freak

Ladies and Gentlemen of /brit/
I have an announcement to make

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It is full of bangers. You forget just how good Robbie was. Barlow was a better songwriter in terms of being technical but Robbie had the raw talent

Yas Forums taught me to be sceptical



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Yas Forums taught me to hate myself

love how /brit/ was fascinated by a pretty common medical condition
really does say something about society doesn't it

the fallout from that bloke's meltdown was mental

business idea: merge all air travel companies into one single company that's nationalised-but-on-a-global-scale (globalised?)

I think it's because they're too smart to socially distance


Still a grim thought. can't you find a cute twink without a rotting wound to do it?

A steaming bowl of pho with lots of sriracha, a Vietnamese coffee or Bloody Mary, 2 ibuprofen. Then the inevitable dump.


then you can force people to travel where you want them

Yes or King Crimson?

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Children have been sacrificed for his recovery.


new ink

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thats very grim i'm sick of it already and it's only been a couple of weeks

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to be fair you could do it up the bum
it'd like bumming a regular tranny but without the knob and bollocks swinging about

Yas Forums taught me to self-insert as the girl during a blowjob video
7chan taught me to self insert as the Absol in furry porn
4channel taught me to hate jannies and continentals

interesting seeing that in a happy little font with a happy little bee

cannot understand a word he ever says

fucks sakes knew corona was bad in london but didnt expect the ICUs to be like that


>just bee yourself

you'd still have to look at it though. reckon that'd make me wilt instantly

why is there an apostrophe in goes?

5g hewwwwww


Did 7chan have some rampant pokephilia going on or something

Reckon I had coronavirus back in January

you're my favourite poster

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lmao imagine her at like 40
going to collect dirt from sagging so much

tell it to keep its knickers on


women are so.............. silly

just more evidence that COVID-19 is a BIG FAT HOAX

dont know but i remember the image of an absol very clearly

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I quite like these, lads.

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not as strange as this i.4cdn.org/wsg/1585255104920.webm