Mfw white people ask me where I'm from, even though I was born here (in Sweden)

>mfw white people ask me where I'm from, even though I was born here (in Sweden)

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But swedes are white?

Shit, you are nordic as fuck

Dub dubs
Get use to it.



anyone telling you that you are swedish is just being polite and cordial because they dont want to be accused of being racist. They dont actually consider you to be swedish at all, and never will.

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More swedish than you

stop being so racist

Ok le gnoule

Yeah, but where are you from?


And where are you from?

Retourne dans ton bled

>no, where are you *actually* from
funny enough, black people ask this annoying questions just as often as wypipo

go put your multiracial utopia in the Africa if you have the guts. Ah, wait that you're even more racist there


Why are you surprised? Why is this an outlandish concept to you?

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C'est le seul truc que t'arrive à dire? C'est toi qui est cringe. Retourne dans ton pays tu salis le mien.

Real Swedes have no culture

Ay man nigga you look nordic as fuck, prussian german ancestry

Why are swedes afraid to be accused of racism is it illegal or just "people" will talk behind your back.

Native Swedish people are white.
You are “Swedish”, but not real Swedish. I’m South Korean who is studying at a American college. It will be really weird if white person said that he is a Korean. Same to you, brownie

your viking ancestors are proud of you

I am korean

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How can they not see your viking heritage?



Imagine being this racist... Shame on Sweden

that's fine
there is nothing wrong with being ''racist'' or ''xenofobic''
Do not let anyone tell you otherwise

I am a Craftsman leafblower. I have a V20 battery, an axial fan, and I blow at speeds of over 100 mph. I also come with a lithium ion charger pack. We identify as Craftsman products, hear us roar.

Why are you even there? You don't belong there

>t. brown subhuman

t. black man

stop projecting shitskin

seethe more mestizo, you are a "shitskin" in the eyes of euros too lmao


More Swedish than you Ahmed.

this is unironically true

>tfw Mexican and have unironically never put any importance on being considered American(yikes)
Why does non-white diaspora in Europe care so much about being considered a legitimate part of X country? As long as I'm given the same benefits, rights, and opportunities that comes with citizenship literally why the fuck should I care what some cumskin considers me?

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Tell them about your swedish ancestors

so, where ya from?

I've always been meant to ask this, but do dark-skinned people living that far north need to take vitamin supplements?


no they don't, they don't give a shit where whitey from

I'm learning swedish

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Dont. Swedish people are cold, shy, anti-social.

other than america no other country really needs to have diversity btw

Im kind of desperate to get out of here, maybe its an illusion, im a neet with a useless degree
Im focusing in french tho

europe is a shithole, here in france macron is rising prices for foreign students. I would aim for usa/canada/china

Because when you are a nigger you want to be everything but that

Mono hijueputa, te comes la mierda que cago


Harsh truth


youll never be considered swede but you know this.

OP, I hope you make it a point to be as Swedish as possible. Race and religion are no impediment to nationality. You should provide a good example to migrants in Sweden by out-Swedeing the Swedes. I don't know what that entails, but it probably involves Lutheranism, midsummer celebration, and funny hats. Also, by doing this you can show racists that people of any ethnicity can be based Swedish nationalists.

>Also, by doing this you can show racists that people of any ethnicity can be based Swedish nationalists.
what a clown, he'll get laughed in his face and get called n word.

>Race and religion are no impediment to nationality.
Not in Europe or in any other country aside from the USA.

>by doing this you can show racists
it’s not about "race". I’d never call a German born in Italy from Germans Italian the same way I’d never call a Nigerian born in Italy Italian.