>married cute 19 year old girl at 34 years old
>has 6-7+ children with her
>live on cute homestead in rural france with his cute family eating homecooked meals, working outside, don't have a boss or any obligations other than to pound your wifes pussy every night
>has never actually had a proper job
Married cute 19 year old girl at 34 years old
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Girl here, I wish I had a boyfriend like Varg
femoids love unironic murderers, this isn't news
He's become increasingly schizo, though. Also you're glossing over the fact that he's a murderer.
I heard he jacks off on chaturbate with a generic name
real talk, does he hav another source of income aside from gibs? Like he still get royalties from his music? And how much neetbux does he get anyway?
Why coming here? I'm sure norway has welfare and woods to live as well
Pretty based
The abolition of the death penalty was a mistake
probably would be too much of a controversial figure in norway
Well he would have been haunted by what he did if he stayed in Norway, but why he came to France, that's the real question.
He claims that all of europe was nordic before they mixed with niggers and that france is somehow still nordic (at least of central france where he and his wealthy autistic wife live in).
Post feet
>makes southrons and other fake white people seethe through their teeth
Southrons were creating civilizations when Varg ancestors were still grugs clubbing each others in the woods though
his wife is french and he doesn't like norway but I do not remember why - something about the extreme cost of living/taxation, I think.
point in case
He's smart in his own, he makes a living out of talking nonsense. I respect him.
Is he a trustfund baby?
You forgot to mention that he murdered a guy, shitpost constantly and is a social outcast.
why is his twitter handle based on tolkien's work. I thought he looked down upon brits and considered them nonwhite
hes clearly an intelligence agent telling you what you want to hear
Is Varg and Arab? I thought he lived there at one point.
Varg is a good guy
France has cheaper land and you can have a better quality of life with less money. He’s essentially living off his music royalties for the last 10 years so its smart to live in a cheaper country than norway
He's autistic, what did you expect. He's another do nothing nordic. Like the swedes, like the finns, like the norwegies falling back on his eye or skin color cope as they always do because there is nothing else of value about them culturally or historically besides women we all want to fuck. Notice he's not larping as some viking but a fictional character from our works. State of nordics.
france has more personal freedoms and food growing season is wider as well
he lived in baghdad for a while just from a quick google search
note that he was raised by a single mother later in life/teen years
he has double standards
tolkien despite being anglo and devoutly catholic he's based and redpilled because when varg read LotR he concluded light vs dark was obviously nords vs niggers and orcs were immigrants and other nonsense about race that his sad life revolves around
From his own words
"I can't believe the state of Norway, people always ask me why don't I go to Norway, it's because I can't stand the sight of my nation being destroyed, everywhere I go it's minorities RIP Norway".
What i've found about Varg is he tends to randomly lash out at people once they denounce him. That's just his cope because nobody in Norway actually wants anything to do with a sociopath. In his mind because Norwegians see him for what he is, the betrayed him. He probably lashes out as Southrons the most because they btfo him with historical facts.
Seething celt, everywhere i go i always get easy pussy because everyone wants to fuck themselves a handsome nordic blonde boy. all my dudes have had the same experience
why Yas Forums thinks working 40 hours a week and paying taxes so immigrants can have fee gibs is cool?
i still don't understand the murder
Do immigrants in europe really get welfare? In america if youre an immigrant who cant pay your bills you go back to your country
What's patheticis that he has an older daughter who's an adult now with another woman when he was in the metal scene there and pumped dumped the girl, left her to raise a kid by herself.
Varg is no better than a nigger. He's basically the product of a divorced family, ended up a sociopath, and produced a single mother as well
>so immigrants can have free gibs
but he is an immigrant
Give me a break snownigger. Anglo BVLLS smash your mega roasties on holiday every year. They crave us. As all lesser European groups do.
No one would move to any European country if it wasn't for the welfare systems.
anglos are snowniggers
non european migrants on welfare are like 90% while europeans are 10% (really rough estimate but they outweigh them by a lot for sure)
plus non europeans have 7 kids and they get welfare for each kid, in western countries at least
he's mentally ill/wanted fame
>waawaa the churches were built on vikang holy places!!!
1. It definitely wasn't because said church had been moved from it's original location so now it definitely wasnt even near any such location.
2. What we do know is that the church itself was built by norsemen, so it's all very ironic desu.
Real vikings would kill Kristian "Louis" Cachet without even blinking.
no he doesn't
I thought he had his first daughter in his techno/clubbing phase
>The abolition of the death penalty was a mistake
yes he does
are you sure it wasn't his count grishnacht days?
no I'm not sure, it's from an old online rant of his I read a few weeks ago on Yas Forums
shows that he missed core values during his childhood/teen years, murder-whatever but yeah there is redemption for abandoning his kid at least in my eyes, pagan/christian/atheist doesnt matter what he was, some stuff you just cant allow yourself to do
Dude's a fucking whigger and a schizo, there are no excuses.
but still, most of what he says and does is right
the core values he missed also must include NOT stabbing someone in the back tens of times and NOT highjacking a family car at gunpoint and NOT burning down buildings and other misdeeds
but youre right, we should look past his previous misdeeds and look at what he's doing right now
...oh wait hes living on goverment gibs and rambles about jews and niggers all day
i dont think thats a core value!
>burned down viking heritage
>used to have cringy edgelord "satanic" aesthetics
>a literal murderer, and he probably just murdered for fame
>made a woman pregnant and left her
>famous for making trash "music" for trash people
>moves to France because he's too much of a pussy for jail
>once there, he takes the last name of his gf and makes up a french name
>still larps as "Varg" and has a profile pic from Odin even though his real names are Kristian Vikernes and Louis Cachet
But yeah, at least he was right about immigration
Mondue... You worthless whore.
idk men, he is larping trad lifestyle while people around here were living it for hundreds of years minus violence and paganism
general stuff is there for people who want to learn about it such as self-sufficiency, permaculture, homesteading, ecology etc. those are undisputedly good things hes promoting
Lmao, this guy is a living meme.
> general stuff is there for people who want to learn about it such as self-sufficiency, permaculture, homesteading, ecology etc. those are undisputedly good things hes promoting
wait, do you actually believe that? have you ever seen what people who are actually self sufficient go trough and do? he's nothing but a charlatan and it's a shame more people can't see trough his incredibly weak facade.
>burned down viking heritage
what did he mean by this?
>he's a murderer.
... And?
What is with conservatives here? Am I supposed to faint?