Are you taller than swedish girls?
Are you taller than swedish girls?
I'm only 178 cm
What do? All ideas are welcome
barely, I'm 185cm
Yes I'm 196cm
Yes, 194 cm.
Most women are still shorter than you so nothing to worry about :)
That's true :D
no im smaller than most women but im a fag so it dont matter
>horseback riding
I've heard women that ride horses are turbo sluts
the med male everyone
Yes, my love and confidence is 190 cm
Nordic "man"
Cope I'm not nordic
Mom french/Irish/Ojibway
Dad: German and Danish
Is being a manlet really that hard? You seem very upset.
yes 201cm
It's actually the complete opposite.
Even if a woman is as tall as you, you're still statistically more wider shouldered and muscular
Width can make a man look big as well as height
If you're both short and narrow shoulder'd then its over for you and should rope
What's that in grown up units?
184 centimeters
lmao stop seething at guys taller than you
I am 168 cms and tall women make me hard.
> Ojibway
Based and leafpilled
>Are you taller than swedish girls?
Yes. My gf is 179 cm. I'm 208 cm. Our hands kinda tell the tale.
Nope. I'm not mixed so I'm was doomed to be short from birth.
Yes (if this is true). I'm 5'7"
Thankfully not
>horseback riding
We just KNOW
176 cm
Im a big boy
my hands are only a bit above average despite being 2m
Friendly reminder that faggot originally was a neo-nazi.
I'd rather have normal hands to be honest.
I'm 5'5" and I'm not gay or have a weird "mommy" fetish, life is suffering
You aren't doomed. I'm 6'2 and it has never helped me in life. There are plenty of girls shorter than you, cheer up.
my feet are size 49 tho, i'd rather have bigger hands
Same height, same problem. But good thing girls called tall at mete 164 cm here.
No, its 6'1". On he other hand, 5'7" is 170cm.
>my feet are size 49
Get a load of this clown
You need to be confident or it’ll never work
How does being short related to gay?
Insecure incel fingers typed this post.
Or else what's the matter Terrone, did a Scandi fuck your gf?
>my feet are size 49
Two sizes (almost) below me then, 50.8 EU here.
And the largest shoes sold in stores here in Sweden is 47.
what the fuck how do you even type on a keyboard you utter Orc
being gay and short isn't a big deal and sometimes it's even preferable. being straight and short is a death sentence
a guy from bosnia i know that went to hs with me was about 215cm, literally a giant, had to duck when was entering school
i was shorter almost a head than him, crazy shit
his back was fucked tho, i bet if he stood staright he would be even taller
I'm not interested in men or women, or sexual relationships. I think my height is perfect.
you are a big guy
One finger at a time. Forget WASD, I can not hold those positions.
It's horrible, I'm all too familiar with back problems but being that tall must be a curse.
>Are they interested in men shorter than them ???? I have a mommy fetish and I need to know
>tfw same height
Nope, 170~172 cm here
I would have been kinda average in a previous generation here, but a lot of girls now are taller than me, not even talking about young guys
The average swedish woman is 166.8 cm
yh, i even have back problems too
yesterday i worked in the field for a few hours and today i have to get something to get up from the chair because of the back pain
i like my height tho, even though i am a virgin i get attention just because ofi t
>i'm 218cm
>average girl in germany is 264cm
>my 3 week old daughter is already taller than me
WTF? why am i such a manlet
Well, being tall by it self is kinda nice. That I will agree with. If anything, at least no one bothers me and my gf when we are out walking late.
The problems come when you try to fit inside a car, plane or someones house.
I literally do not fit in our downstairs bathroom. I have to use the one upstairs.
Yea, 192 cm.
That makes me think tho, how come germanic women are taller/stronger than even asian men?
Kinda insane if you think about it.
>tfw asian 185 cm
She's balding.
The hijab is baldlette cope
thankfully i don't have that problem, i am 19 but i am still growing for some reason, about a month ago my shoe size was 48.5, wouldn't mind being 205cm although 201 is enough
are u going to the gym or something?
>for some reason
Men grow till 21 unlike w*men who grow till 16.
What do croatian women look like? Are they tall
nice, i already look like a caricature
northerners are short and blond(slavic) and southerners are taller and brunette(med)
i'd say they're pretty good looking but i prefer southerner women so i am biased
Dalmatian ones are giraffes
I didn't reach 208 until I was 20 ish something. So you got some growing left in you.
And yes, I do go to the gym. I'm kinda getting into strongman training, there's a really good gym near my house and it's a lot cheaper than the normal gyms people use in town.
Might as well get even bigger.
Makes you awe even more at giant men who are actually healthy and even athletic like Yao Ming or Shaq
Yes, Albanian diaspora here with my swedish gf
I'm her height but since i'm a skeletor she would probably be heavier than me. The mere thought of it...
I’m 6’2 Korean-American.
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