"i've found the antitote" edition
/brit /
my piss-sodden bedsheets have dried out after a day atop the radiator lads :-)
remember the billy big bollock gimmick
dirty little bedwetter
what is this?
the aussies missed out on that one
only when i get plastered :-(
imagine injecting vegetable oil into your testes for a /brit/ gimmick. Fair play to the lad
When I was 17 I was terrified I was gonna be a nonce because I had a crush on my little sister's friend. Fortunately it went away and I've never been attracted to one again.
Heard this quarantine business is making women extra lonely and horny, any truth to it?
She's jewish
Love her
based mikey
Fuck you smug cunts in your pussy
well emmett, it's official, i hate asian women now
i mean of course i'm still physically attracted to them but i hate everything else about them.
play a record karl
any wythenshawe man in?
Haha waheyy!
never pissed the bed hammered
shat myself on a night out once
I would say it paid off, he’s got enough (you)s to last him a month
*splashes you with pepper spray
Good morning lads
Get yourself an Evropean woman
it's 11pm you muppet
I've given up peeing in the toilet. Now I just pee in my shower or in the sinks in my house. It's too much effort to lift the seat.
what's this?
Might play Vicky 2 and build a super German empire.
funny joke you immature
gotta settle for a white american as my penis is currently thousands of miles away from europeans
Good evening lad
oh my days he doesn't know
>Those affected display a pattern of severe social anxiety, social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and rejection, and avoidance of social interaction despite a strong desire for intimacy.
>Avoidant individuals are preoccupied with their own shortcomings and form relationships with others only if they believe they will not be rejected. They often view themselves with contempt, while showing an increased inability to identify traits within themselves that are generally considered as positive within their societies. Loss and social rejection are so painful that these individuals will choose to be alone rather than risk trying to connect with others.
>Some with this disorder fantasize about idealized, accepting and affectionate relationships due to their desire to belong. They often feel themselves unworthy of the relationships they desire, and shame themselves from ever attempting to begin them. If they do manage to form relationships, it is also common for them to preemptively abandon them due to fear of the relationship failing.
make a british empire you traitorous roach
might become a VR coomer
Check the last 4 or so threads, you won’t be disappointed
The teddy bear looking a bit naked there
Move to a city
need a russian art hoe gf
literally me. diagnosed and all
Huh, this describes me perfectly. Why haven't I heard of this before?
European women are for Europeans. Do one you genetic reject
Yeah literally just woke up, 8am here
Sounds like this is something big
oh no no no no
i know about sharks i know about sharks, you punch em in the fuckin earhole and they swim off
>Sounds like this is something big
yes, yes it is haha
smoked some we'd
this guy got like 40 grand compensation for this
That's too easy though.
what kind
Always find it odd how the Irish folk in this general claim they're only here because of all the anime posting in /eire/, and yet, rather than purge the nonce ne'er-do-wells, or even make an alternative general like /roi/, or /potato/, they come in /brit/ and spend every hour of the day crying and screaming about Brits and British history and how 'oppressed' they were for centuries.
Really makes you think.
Says the It*shoid
amazing limbal rings
my lunch every day reception -> year 6
same aha just a lil bit :p
have suspected I've had avpd for years but I only managed to get formally diagnosed a couple months ago
used to work with a sperg who had cheese sandwiches for lunch every day
Love seeing peoples hubris just evaporate in an instant. Bet he thought he was part of something important right up until he got binned
As a British Irishman I can tell you there’s nothing like posting with the lads. Southern fairies are a bit iffy but the norf men. They’re sound
What the fuck does that mean you spastic mongrel
sour diesel my lad
When I was in year 6 I used to crawl on the floor so I could look up girls' skirts. The best thing was my school used to let boys and girls get changed together - never understood why other than to satisfy male curiosity.
might make a sarny, lads
Banter with the Irish is a staple of this general
>Waugh I have a personality disorder waaahhh
Literally take the first step and talk to people. You’ll be normal within a year. Stop coping you shithouses
Fucking hate Gordon Ramsay.
Even has a shit name.
What sort of cunt calls their son "Gordon"?
Fuck me i need to get to america and get my bollocks battered by the police. He could buy a house and detroit and live comfortably without working for 10 years on that
i used to wipe bogies on peoples backs instead of perving on girls wahey
Mikey you got bodied last night laddy
he's right u know
think jasper is unironically the hottest guy ive ever seen
/eire/ seems like an okay general tbf. Just ignore the gay cartoons.
gordon was my favourite train
Have you got any treatment for it? Was getting DBT through the public system but then I moved cities and the new psychiatrist tried to force me into drug treatment which at the time there was no way I was doing that
Not a man bred from his mothers cunt that would body me, shithouse
Must be pretty hard to diagnose when people who have symptoms are so unsure of themselves that they put of getting a diagnosis
with all due respect michael, my son, get fucked
going to leech off government gibs and there's nowt you can do to stop me
unironically this, reckon it’s the same with anxiety
>He didn't used to watch girls doing cartwheels etc so you could see their knickers as they flipped over
You missed out lad.
Anyone here genuinely a virgin?
If so, is there any particular reason you've not had sex?
Just caught up on the lad with the Mark Corrigan bollock
well that was impossible to avoid they were always going them in the summer haha x
Who's seen that My Left Nut then?
You can leech the gibs all you want. I’m honestly the last man that would give a running fuck. Seriously man, talk to people. It’s the only way you can increase your social IQ.
Remember once when I was about that age there was two girls showing each other their bits under a table and I wanted to see so I kept on going to get pens from the container on the floor in front of them (didn't even need pens wahey)
Yes, I am 25 and a virgin. It is because I suffer extreme anxiety when forming relationships and I am terrified of rejection so I don't try because when I experienced rejection it was too painful.
Don't understand cooking wankers tbqh. Yeah food is nice and that but really? It's not like drugs or alcohol which have deliver everytime.
I literally have AvPD and managed to lose my virginity. You lot have no excuses
Fucking kek
Love Britain
Love the British
thought it was his right
I rubbed my cocoon a fanny when I was like 7. Didn’t know how to have sex like so the best I could manage
probably a reference to the film My Left Foot x
*does a jig to this*
I know there's not much I can do to convince you otherwise but it really is not as simple as that for myself and others with disorders like that, it's not just disorderly thinking that can get snapped out of with a bit of exposure therapy like
You're talking gibberish again, Michael
>I haven’t tried
many such cases
wypipo be like yeah im a depressed incel anxious pacifist and ive never held hands with a female or had sex even tho im 45 and senior management also im a fascist and need a race war
never understood this reddit character because the larp is that hes an irish traveller that wants people to know hes very hard and oh so very worldly and achieves this by sitting inside in his room on the computer browsing Yas Forums for at least 12 hours minimum every single day, genuinely one of the most prolific reddit characters here. was up at 4am this morning for a piss and the character was still posting
Deeply insecure, deathly afraid of rejection, never once tried. I actually had a few girls ask me out when I was younger but I just turned them down, simply too scared of failure.
Well I tried like 3 times then gave up.
not sure if based or cringe
>be me
>26 year old autist
>have known a woman in the Biblical sense.
You're all pathetic.
Beaming with pride. Where did this kinography occur.
Somebody told me when I was about 5 or 6 that to have sex the girls bits unravel and form like a tube that the man puts his willy in. Worked out later he was basing it on looking at his sisters barbies haha
remember in grade 9 (foy) there was a big slag and she deliberately showed me her knickers
she was sitting across from me in a skirt with her legs wide open
they were pink with white spots
Literally me haha x
wypipo be like all women are whores im an introvert and want to kill myself because i dont have a girlfriend because im not a chad
lost my virge at 17 despite being "shy"
get a grip you fanny
Photo of the supermoon
Mediocre desu might get myself a Nikon P1000
it's 190
you miss 100% of the shots you don't make
>start crushing on this girl after I noticed her having an anxiety attack while I was having one at a party
>never talk to her
>get black out drunk one night and send her a really long cringe message on facebook
>she responds positively
>end up fucking her despite having an anxiety attack the first time we hung out and barely talking
it's that easy
also remember she used to rub my leg with her foot in class
of course she did it because i was a massive sperg and would never do anything except get visibly uncomfortable
Yeah. 20 yo semi alcoholic living at home. How am i supposed to have shagged living in the same house as mum and 2 brothers
Wish I could be a kid again but with my memories. I'd do so much so different.
no it isnt
190 is a virgin too since he is literally the paki tranny larping
get with the program thicko
>Nikon P1000
good zoom but shit quality sharpness
I understand that but what choice do you have. Can’t stay like that for the rest of your life
31 and never even been on a date haha
Going to sloop lads
Wish i could code, I remember a year or so ago someone made this link if you clicked on it it would directly link you to the active /brit/ thread, how hard would it be to recreate something like this
can't find the webm
grim, how did it get so bad?
Got ignored because of bollock lad in the other thread but I'd quite like to talk about my nightmare the other night where Stephen Graham was trying to kill me
Barely shot the ball in footy.
Odds are I'll never try, the fear of failure is too deep.
I'm 25 and own my own house and I'm still a virgin, lol.
with the current OP you wouldn't be able to hehehe
NEO noooooo
Honestly don’t see why you can’t. Thing is man. If you project a personality of dominance and confidence. You c am do what you like.
Yeah but at least you don't fall over and embarrass yourself.
That isn't the supermoon.
Supermoon doesn't occur until 02:35