What do non-Americans think about this?

Does it humanize American insanity for you, or make you feel repulsed by the notion of extreme freedom and autonomy that the US allows?

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I see NOTHING wrong with Joe

nigga looks like Michael Hayes

That your country is a huge circus. I hade low expectations but holy shit

Why are americans (white women) so obsessed with serial killers?

>extreme freedom
>can't drink in public
>can't hire a prostitute
>can't import marijuana
>can't run outside party lines
>can't shit talk Israel
>no paid time off and taking vacation can get you replaced
>no maternal or paternal leave (Pakistan now has maternal leave)
>can't not mow your lawn (in some places)
>can't be outside in the city streets (covid only)
>can't pay rent

As if that’s only a “white” women thing lol. There is not a single latina that doesn’t get wet at the thought of crazy dangerous white men.

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I like this shows about american freaks, they are extremely amusing.

its just insane people being insane, had other countries such immense wealth and resources you would see such scale everywhere else

>can't drink in public
Are you fucking serious?

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>>can't drink in public
Non-enforced law
>>can't hire a prostitute
Non-enforced law
>>can't import marijuana
superficial argument glossing over the fact that the US has much less restrictions on Marijuana use than most countries, even by 1st world standards
>>can't run outside party lines
Literally not a law
>>can't shit talk Israel
Literally not a law
>>no paid time off and taking vacation can get you replaced
Law mandating that business owners have to do something isn’t freedom
>>no maternal or paternal leave (Pakistan now has maternal leave)
Law mandating that business owners have to do something isn’t freedom
>>can't not mow your lawn (in some places)
Communal laws in a country where freedom of movement exists aren’t a restriction of freedom
>>can't be outside in the city streets (covid only)
Crisis measure, come back to me if it’s still a law after the crisis is over
>>can't pay rent
Not an argument

What the fuck even is it?
I see it referenced everywhere but have no idea what Tiger King is.

Free joe exotic
Fuck carol she deserves to die

Yes, most people will cover their bottle with a bag.
1 shekel has been deposited into your account.

honestly it was boring as fuck, i stopped watching after 1st episode

It amazes me that their is a stereotype about arabs owning exotic animals when there is an entire fucking industry in america.

>watching netflix

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Watch it on Netflix you dumb nig

I read about this but I still don't understand what is going on...

Every scene with carol is vomit inducing. I want to brain her with a fucking baseball bat.

Exotic wild life

I thought it was kinda boring. Seems like the makers stumbled upon a rats nest and struggled to come up with a proper narrative.

Carole's murder plot is ultimately separate from the whole Joe and Jeff thing and even her efforts to shut down the zoo. Its just a backstory for her.

I'd watch a documentary about the reality TV show that dude was filming.

>repulsed by

faggots and junkies, yes. America is a shithole.

In our defence I've never met an American with a pet more exotic than a python but I know 2 saudis with pet cheetahs. Granted I'm a petroleum engineer so my exposure to rich Saudis is above average

literally who? and what?

She is pure unadulterated evil, so much you even feel sympathy for a scumbag like joe exotic

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>>no paid time off and taking vacation can get you replaced

America is fucking hell.

Is it not cool to own big cat now?

Attached: 7 There’s A Lion In My Car! BEAST BUDDIES - YouTube (1).png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

>>>can't shit talk Israel
>Literally not a law

You need to fucking take an oath in some states that you will not boycott Israel. "Freedom" my ass.

The fact that this many people watched it shows how disgusting addicted you are to American entertainment.
Yeah FUCK UP you’re living and consuming it you’re the problem now go ahead and tell me in English how I’m wrong

what is wrong with people watching a tv show?

>It amazes me that their is a stereotype about arabs owning exotic animals when there is an entire fucking industry in america.

There was a documentary about how Arabs in Lebanon and Saudiarabia took housekeepers from Indonesia and made them literal slaves; took their passports and beat them. I mean it's not like Arabs have a good reputation at all.

Now there are clips from Asia how they torture dogs and eat them and at the same time there are clips of how good 'ol Arab muslims just walks around in a room full of camels and just slits their throats. You're no better than the horrible Chinks.

>extreme freedom
>can't drink in public
Not true at all
>can't hire a prostitute
Good, but also not true depending on your state
>can't import marijuana
Who gives a fuck it’s more accessible here than anywhere else
>can't run outside party lines
Who gives a shit
>can't shit talk Israel
Laughably untrue
>no paid time off and taking vacation
can get you replaced
Not true any decent paying salaried job will give you time off it’s just the nanny state telling them x number of days
>no maternal or paternal leave (Pakistan now has maternal leave)
Also bullshit, don’t work a mcjob
>can't not mow your lawn (in some places)
Just retarded
>can't be outside in the city streets (covid only)
Laughably retarded
>can't pay rent
Laughably retarded

Oh wow, it’s one of those thousands of virtue-signaling bills that every dipshit in the House loves to propose because they already know it will never ever be ratified, but they’re just trying to dare other congressmen in to voting against it so they can go ah-HA and say so and so voted against the “I think being mean to Jews is wrong :(“ bill.

>saying bad things about Jewish people is worse than betraying your country

>Law mandating that business owners have to do something isn’t freedom
So being a slave to your boss is freedom but having proper workers rights is not?

These are the people shitting on your country for being your country yet they themselves are consooooming the same vapid degenerate media
Then they go and complain that you ruined their innocent country

When you have the option to leave the business yes. You do not ever have the option to disassociate with your government.
Are Italians so pathetic that they require the nanny state in every part of their lives?

that's a pretty big leap in logic m8 you sound like a schizo. It's just a tv show that is popular

>>>can't shit talk Israel
>Literally not a law
WTF ? how the flying fuck is this allowed ?
is usa a nazi state now ?

>he doesn't understand that the point of the government is to protect you from predatory, harmful, or abusive business practices

>There was a documentary about how Arabs in Lebanon and Saudiarabia took housekeepers from Indonesia and made them literal slaves; took their passports and beat them. I mean it's not like Arabs have a good reputation at all.
What documentary?
> there are clips of how good 'ol Arab muslims just walks around in a room full of camels and just slits their throats.
Okay what is wrong with that? Are you some faggot vegan?
Here is a photo of yearly hunt of thousands of whales done by snow nigs like yourself

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So you advocate for the freedom to treat your employees like shit, that's what you are saying?
Also I'm not into the roleplaying as a country thing so you can stop already

Just change employers, bro. :^)
I sure do love those anti-trust laws that are totally enforced.

It’s pure American culture that they’re happily consuming. Frankly I don’t give a shit what happens to them or their shithole countries, but for all the talk you read about how our culture is cancerous, they conviently forget that when it comes time to pick a show.
They’re whores crying about how their husband cheats on them

Those are blatantly unconstitutional laws that would be struck down in a second by the Supreme Court if anybody actually attempted to challenge them.

You see, state lawmakers in the US love to do this thing where they pass bullshit laws knowing full well they wouldn’t stand up under legal scrutiny because they’re just trying to gain good boy points with their constituents.

Its a law in most states but its not federal yet

Its not unconstitutional and it would have happened on a federal level if it weren't for bush jr. rejecting it. Hate speech isn't free speech

I mean, American voters have nobody to blame but ourselves for turning the American political system in to a virtue-sigaling contest. If anti-semitism was a popular stance with most voters, politicians wouldn’t be hellbent on jacking off Israel.

are they atleast in the process of implementing this federally ? because the way it is now looks pretty bad for you guys.

Yeah, since January but its the second time its been tried and Trump might be against it

might be ? is there evidence for this ?

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You’re wrong, and it’s particularly ironic considering that Bush Jr nominated the lone justice who famously dissented in a challenge to 1st amendment rights citing “saying mean things is bad” as his reason for going against the other judges.


restricting speech, regardless of whether it’s hateful, is still very much still unconstitutional in the US.

The amount of anti-semtism that's prominent as of late is insane and jews have already been attacked because of it on american soil. There's a limit to free speech and history will repeat itself if it continues

based show

>iT's NoT a LaW sO iT dOeSn'T eXiSt

fuck up third world insect

It's also coming from the same mutts who will never complain about Schlomo being handed 10 gorillion in free money ever time he makes a bad bet.
To Americans, money exists for Jamal, Schlomo, and the military. It's not for white men.
If I had the tech, I'd make a version of the Heт! meme where it's a mutt refusing money.

>Also bullshit, don’t work a mcjob
Just don't work a job that most of the young population works bro
Stop larping as a boomer

Oh cry me a river you self-pitying bitch. As if the amount of anti-white speech isn’t far more prominent as of late. You say bad things about Jews, you’re eternally blacklisted from being hired in any capacity. If you say bad things about whites, practically every media and collegiate employer is gonna line up and ask when is the soonest you can start.

There’s a solution to that, and it’s called starting your own business. And good luck if you think the boss’s job is just sitting on a pile of money, smoking cuban cigars, and whipping his wageslaves.

Employees bitching about their bosses having it easy is like women bitching that men having it easy