>You wake up in the Early 2000's
You wake up in the Early 2000's
Other urls found in this thread:
The Matrix, the Lord of the Rings, good Star Wars movies, we had it all
>memories and “nostalgia” videos
>just consumer products and commercials
Are zoomers getting it even worse though?
There are like 12-16 year olds saying
>glad I grew up with Minecraft and not fortnite
They’re still children and still growing up with fortnite, plus the Minecraft videos they watched were considered cringe back then too
I can’t imagine how children will turn out in 16 years, the ones from today who are watching those strange “learn colors” and elsa/spiderman and baby shark videos
>good Star Wars movies
He did not say 1980
Only good movies of the 80s were Indiana Jones
So Empire is worse than the prelogy?
Ok zoomer
But you can still watch them today?
I don’t get the music or movie argument about generations
80’s niggas still had to wait from 1980-1989 just for all their music to be made, and listen to it on shitty platforms
Good times.
It was, pretty nostalgic, but still consumerist nonetheless.
We thought 9 september 2001 was the historical beginning of the new century
Retrospectively it will probably be the covid19 lockdowns which will be remembered as the true one.
Buy dollars, show I know calculus, C programming and English already and look to get into University already.
I spent most of the early 2000's being autistic. I whittled and dried wood branches into staves, wands, and swords that I sanded and stained.
I wore capes and got into outdoorsy stuff just to I could LARP.
Clearly remember some extremely cringe memories of my dad being proud of me asking to go camping with him, and then him seeing me by the river in a cloak and shitty leather boots I made (that were very historical) swinging a cold steel hand and a half sword.
He never picked me up from the renaissance fair one summer and just didn't have it in him to hang out in the woods with me anymore. Fuck you, dad.
Here it comes
>ywn play og battlefront 2 on the PS2 again with the boys
I didn't ask for these feels.
Take me back!
But you will retake Jerusalem by joining the crusade
>crusader kings came out 16 years ago
Fuck I'm getting old.
But hey CK3 soon(tm)
GO full dowjones SP500 on 12th of september 2001
Fuck, local multiplayer was the shit
Literally did this a few weeks ago. Graphics on ps2 hasnt ageed well...
>will never live in the wild 60s
>will never live in the cocaine fueled 80s
>will never live in the comfy af 90s
>early 2000s was pretty comfy but those days are gone now
>the 2010s were absolute shit, 2020's look even worse
I'm hype for Ck3, the only damn thing I'm looking forward to desu
>Everyone in that video is dead now.
There's not a single period in the history of t his country when I'd like to be born
>you will never roll molly in a London club while dancing your ass off to youtube.com
why even fucking live
Oh, look at that. I am happy and like being alive again. I am in my old neighborhood with my best friend and my parents are still together.
>the matrix was released 21 years ago
If you're a privileged porkie it doesn't matter what decade or where you live.
It was called ECSTASY back then you zoomer.
fuck I miss those days, me and my friends used to have LAN parties like every other week
>spend all my day watching TV Cultura
For me it was Bear in the Big Blue House.
What would be the easiest way to travel back in time 20 years?
I'm sick of 2020.
Youtube and cheap bourbon
people born AFTER 9/11 can post on 4ch
Was that era a good or bad time for your nation politically?
In reality they pine for the simplicity of their personal lives, and so they pretend that they are pining for old media and the general state of the times
This im nostalgic for that era not the ads but the ads are like time capsules of that era.
>tfw i spend my time shitposting with people who can't even remember the early 2000's
This video makes me nostalgic for my teenage years, scaring my friends and their little brothers with the early internet
I can't remember the early 2000s too well but that's more so because of smoking crack when I was 16 and alcoholism lel
spend all my time living the dream as a 6 year old animator on newgrounds and call people on Yas Forums "newfags"
I started highschool in 2000, didn't become a full-scale alcoholic degenerate til a few years later
desu I started drugs when I was 13 (weed/ecstasy then LSD/cocaine/glue then eventually crack) and never really stopped (because I became alcoholic at 20 when I quit drugs).
So yeah...
>highschool in 2000
dad, you're to old for this website
Let's see the bald spot boomer
Yas Forums is a site for those born in the 80s
i redo literally every single decision in my life
shut up retarded zoomer red1tor.
Get the fuck out and never come back.
basically this.
What a beautiful sight...
That Reviewbrah webm hits right in the feels.