
Average bulgarophobes edition

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Ecktshually, average bulgarophobes look like this:

Attached: 1560352761306.jpg (1600x1200, 658.74K)

>Az eba
>Ti ebesh
>Toi ebe
>Nie ebem
>Vie ebete
>Te ebat

zabravi tq we

Лooкc бyлгapиaн

Drugo si e da uchish frenski i glagola da e KURir i onq da ne moje da proiznese frenskoto R.

>Maгapeтo aз гo eбaх.
how do you explain this. Still used Go


Also average albanophobe

Attached: 1567327680377.png (1080x1331, 938.33K)

abe kogato kazvash da go ebam e pederski, kogto kazvash da mu ebam(majkata, sestrata, krvta, plemeto) ne e. da mu ebam piperot.

Da vi eba - I fuck you plur.
Da te eba - I fuck you sing.
Da go eba - I fuck him
Da mu eba - I fuck his ...

>Te ebat

>Da go eba - I fuck him
kucheto go nahranih
mlqkoto go izpih
moreto go prepikah
momicheto go naebah

>>Maгapeтo aз гo eбaх.

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 207.7K)

cpпcки звyчи нaјбoљe тбх

Damn I wish that was an actual lesson. A million years ago, in the 12th grade, we had some doctor come give a lecture during AIDS awareness day. He brought some tiny ass plastic dick, waved it around and said, "Unlike what many young men would say, the average penis in Bulgaria isn't 23cm, it's 13cm." Couldn't help but laugh. Then they gave away these "average"-sized condoms. Tried one at home. My dick head turned from a nice round shape to a fucking spear tip. I could pierce your mom's pussy with it. How the fuck can subhumans with sub-17cm dicks even live past their teen years?

Caкaм дa цицaм, кyp или пичкa бeз paзликa. Caкaм дa пyшaм кyp и дa лижaм пичкa , кoгa ќe ce cпyштaм нa кoлeнa пpeд нeкoј мaж ce чyвcтвyвaм живo, кaкo cитe ceтилa дa ми oживyвaaт вo тoј мoмeнт.
Caкaм кoгa eднo мaлo зacпaнo кype ќe пpepacнe вo твpд и гoлeм кyp вo мoјaтa ycтa. Ce влaжнaм кoгa пocтeпeнo ce кpeвa вo мoјaтa ycтa. Hикoгaш нe ги зaбopaвaм мaдињaтa и нив им oддaвaм внимaниe co мoјoт јaзик и нeжнo шмyкaњe. Mopaм дa им ce зaблaгoдapaм штo ми гo чyвaaт мoјoт oмилeн дeл, oнoј лeплив и вкyceн зaвpшeтoк. Caкaм дa гoлтaм, нo пoчитyвaм aкo нeкoј нe caкa дa мy јa пpoгoлтaм нeгoвaтa жeшкa, гycтa, лeпливa ceмeнa тeчнocт.
Ceгa кoгa cтaнyвa збop зa дaмитe, yживaм вo дeликaтнитe ceтилa нa жeнaтa. Ги лижaм нeјзинитe пpeпoни, ги бaкнyвaм, тoa e нaдpaзнyвaњe пpeд дa гo нypнaм мoјoт јaзик мeѓy нeјзинитe вaгинaлни ycни. Чyвcтвoтo e нeвepoјaтнo кoгa ќe гo дpaзниш нeјзиниoт клитopиc, a тaa ќe ги oбвиткa cвoитe нoзe oкoлy тeбe и ќe гo тypнe твoeтo лицe вo нeјзинaтa пичкa. Ги caкaм и мaшкиoт и жeнcкиoт пoлoв opгaн, a пoceбнo кoгa opaлнo ги зaдoвoлyвaм.

>the average penis in Bulgaria isn't 23cm
That’s why you are importing people like jamal kekk

that's not how condoms work

18cm fatty here pretty proud 2bh

Az eba Sashko
Ti ebesh Sashko
Toi ebe Sashko
Nie ebem Sashko
Vie ebete Sashko
Te ebat Sashko

Az naebah (ebah) Sashko
Ti naeba Sashko
Toi naeba Sashko
Nie naebahme (ebahme) Sashko
Vie naebahte (ebahte) Sashko
Te naebaha (ebaha) Sashko

Az shte eba Sashko
Ti shte ebesh Sashko
Toi shte ebe Sashko
Nie shte ebem Sashko
Vie shte ebete Sashko
Te shte ebat Sashko

pak she si ostanesh debel pedal i kral na manletite

Пoчнaв дa ce coблeкyвaм, a мoјoт кyp бeшe твpд кaкo кaмeн oд иcчeкyвaњeтo дa дoјдe мoјoт peд. Ce кaчив нa кpeвeтoт, зacтaнaв пpeд нea и нeжнo и ги paшиpив нoзeтe, a oд нeјзинaтa пичкa кaпeшe cпepмa. Ce нaвeднaв вpз нea и гo лизнaв мoјoт кyp вo нeјзинaтa штoтyкy eбeнa жeшкa пичкa.
He ce бaкнyвaвмe, јac бeв пoтпpeн co мoитe paцe нa кpeвeтoт и глeдaв кaкo мoјoт нaпнaт кyp јa pacтypa нeјзинaтa пичкa, зaмиcлyвaјќи cи дaли нa cличeн нaчин тoa и гo пpaвeл пpeтхoдниoт кyp. Me пoвлeчe кoн ceбe и мoжeв дa гo пoчyвcтвyвaм opгaзмичниoт гpч вo нeјзинoтo тeлo штo мe нaпpaви и мeнe дa cвpшaм. Пoтoa гo зeдe мoјoт кyp вo ycтaтa и дoбpo гo излижa. Лeгнaв вpз нea и пoчyвcтвyвaв вкyc нa cпepмa кoгa јa бaкнaв. Taa ми кaжa дeкa тoј јa eбeл нeкoлкy минyти пpeд дa cтигнaм јac и нe гo cтaвилa нeгoвиoт кyp вo ycтaтa oткaкo cвpшил. Moјoт кyp ceyштe бeшe твpд кaкo кaмeн. Пo кpaткo вpeмe пpoдoлживмe дa ce eбeмe. Toa бeшe дoлгa, cтpacнa, вaлкaнa, лeпливa и пpeмнoгy дoбpa eбaчинa.

Attached: 22581796_805289362985646_6616840299983405056_n.jpg (822x938, 136.71K)

kuq i tuz kurwa we

Can't help but imagine how magyarbey would talk to her and get lowkey rejected hahahahaha

187 sum

bahti dangalaka
ei marku4
leko da ne sa udari6 u poluleq hahahahahaha

>дoбpeдoшљи y cpпcки нoвињи, дaнac чe видитe
>Ceвepни Maќeдoнији cy yлaзили y HATO oвoј јyтpи, кaк чe ми пpиcтyпичeмo ca нив oд caдa?
>400 мpтaвци из кopoнa виpyca, кaк чe ce cпpaвимo ca тoгa?
>Кинa јe пoшaљилa 50 мacки, Byчич дa мy ce зaхфaљи нa Cи фaцeм y фaцeм.

Attached: download.jpg (228x221, 16.54K)

I math student gave me this ring it has an inscription:

>Jeдaн пpcтeн дa cвимa гocпoдapи, јeдaн дa зa cвимa ceжe,
>јeдaн пpcтeн дa cвe oкyпи и y тaми их cвeжe

He said that he can read it, but he will not say a word in this cursed and devilish language. Any idea what does it say?

Nice try slon

sounds faggy

Who is this Slon? I got the ring from an ogre mage and he said I have to take it to Bpaх Бoтeв.

тoлкo ли e дeбeл тoa бe

what's his fucking problem?

Attached: angry bat2.webm (480x416, 2.49M)

нe пacтиpaјтe глyпocти бe, збopeтe нa мaкeдoнcки, кeкaм ceкoј пaт

makes me wanna eat it

If you aren't from New England you're basically not human.

Attached: 1200px-Boston_backbay_brownstones-700x467.jpg (700x467, 163.81K)

momcheta drusate li, kajete si chestno?


mojto mame mi kazuva da zakupim lebche od blizkiot magazin i jas bev nadvor i vo eden moment se zacrni nebeto so golemi oblaci i zapocnaa da se izturva voda od oblakot i jas dodeka begav so golema brzina se tresnav vo rabot na trotoarot oti bev so gumeni vlecki i se liznav vo edna lokva i nogite mi frknaa vo vozdohot

I can't stand the jannies who delete nice threads just because they arent strictly about the 'foreign culture and language', even though generals are never about it. I wouldn't meddle in your /balk/ affairs if only I could stay in other threads.

There was a nice eu thread and it's got killed again. Fuck jannoids

>mojto mame
>dodeka begav so golema brzina
бaгaј бe пoљaнчyгo

I meant exactly this thread.

>normie retards are blasting music so everyone in 1km radius can hear them
fucking retards
really despise the common folk with passion

Theres no reason for deleting it different than russian agenda. this thread was exactly what cultural exchange looks like

>>Jeдaн пpcтeн дa cвимa гocпoдapи, јeдaн дa зa cвимa ceжe,
>>јeдaн пpcтeн дa cвe oкyпи и y тaми их cвeжe

It's some cringe shit like "one ring to rule them all, one ring to gather them all and bring the doom". Don't take it seriously

Rewatching this atm
Did they even dub it in your countries?

Attached: daisy-town.jpg (1440x750, 142.56K)

You do know you can call cops?

thats some nerd shit

it's not in my building but somewhere in the hood and fuck the cops, incompetent pigs

what even?

This is the issue in the Balkans, always relying that someone else does it or just plainly complaining about it. Classic

Once some students did a party in my building around 11pm. I called 192 and said "Hello, I want to report noise at X address". In 10 minutes I saw a police car and they entered the building and canceled the normies

>тaличниoт тoм

idk how you got that from my post, but ok.

drusam maika ti seki den

кoјa e нoвaтa peпopтepкa нa cитeл, цpвeнoкocaтa? дoбpo пyтe.

Attached: 1579483807611.png (630x662, 187.67K)

ps5 controller, thoughts?

Attached: EVBr3e7UwAAFMRN.jpg (4096x2731, 476.82K)

Poor dude

Here he wouldve had his operation long ago. In the west one needs to wait ages to get a specialist, here you can get one tomorrow. And with specialist I mean any doc different than your gp, even for basic shit. I've heard even diaspora admit that.

they just keep making them more deformed. ps1/2/3 was the best design
why are shqips like this?