Sí, odio a los pochos y los negros, cómo pudiste decirlo?

>Sí, odio a los pochos y los negros, cómo pudiste decirlo?

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>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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>Sí, aprendí español de mis padres que nunca terminaron la primaria, cómo pudiste decirlo?

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>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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Pendejo imbecil analfabeto. Por eso se burlan de nosotros.

>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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Fucking chicanos i swear

>como pudiste decirlo

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>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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>i hate pochos
>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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Te apuesto que mi español es mejor que tu ingles cabron y hasta quizas mejor que tu español, inca mugroso quechua-hablante.

>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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Te apuesto que mi español es mejor que tu inglés, cabrón, y hasta quizás mejor que tu español, inca mugroso quechua-hablante.*

> cómo pudiste decirlo?

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Colonizing USA was a mistake.

kek, based

No puedo entender esto. ¿Es mi español malo, o OP es tonto?

Thats an olmec tho

Horrible fucking thread, the CHI autism is something else.

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Acabo mi español esta malo?*


i dont get it

At least there's something all Latin America and even Spain agree together. Chicanos must be exterminated.

And this is why nobody likes filthy chicanos.

No es justo wey. Simplemente queremos ser aceptados.

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>cómo pudiste decirlo?

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This retarded CHI tried to translate the gigachad 'how could you tell?' into spanish literally, which is wrong. It would have made sense if he had used supiste or has sabido but he used decir literally for tell, when decir means speak

1/16 Mexican, English speaking CHIs bee like: Arguing which mesoamericanid civilizationid racid they're part of.

>Yes I hate Chicanos and N words, how could you say that?

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OP is olmec just like you, he is not CHIchimeca

blabla bla eat shit and die retard nigger

>N words

t.bolivian olmec living in spain


bla bla olme chichi olkenchichihichci s
stfu retard no one knows what you're talking about plus you're none of those things retard fuck

To tell:
communicate ideas or information:
say , explain , state , communicate , make sth known, utter , speak ...

But also to tell:

discern or deduce:
see , notice , know , ascertain, find out, differentiate, discriminate, discern, distinguish , spot , detect , grasp , identify, recognize , recognise (UK), perceive , understand

You will always be an olmec subhuman

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You're American. Be American and stop larping as other nationalities, retard.

>op is American, he is not American
Is being mentally retarded a requirement to be schizophrenic?

I see, thanks for explaining.

no seria quechua parlante, en vez de "quechua-hablante"?
No creo que decir "hablante" es correcto en ese sentido. pero que se yo.

>American education

> Be American and stop larping as other nationalities, retard
LARPing as other nationalities is as american as jingoism

Google translate =/= CHI

t. CHI

animals > chicanos

You would get beheaded by a CHIchimeca irl you olmec subhuman.
Ops nationality is american but his ethnicity and race is olmec, he is your fellow subhuman.
If you are not from south mexico, you are CHIchimeca

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seething olmec

Op is an olmec or caribbean falseflagging, there is a caribbean who posts here

I know. There's no difference between Americans larping as Mexicans, or Americans larping as Irish, or Americans larping as Italians, etc.

im white

Many bolivians are racially olmec

>im white
Opinions of cucks are not valued by me

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what kind of coping mechanism is this?

Yes you are a half olmec half negro tranny
Yes you are subhuman
Yes you are a triracial mongrel
No you are not female
No you are not cute
No you will never be mexican
Yes you should kys

Attached: half olmec half negro tranny.jpg (1920x2383, 1.72M)

olmecs are central americans not mexican, cope harder

>odio a los pochos y los negros

basado y rojoempastillado


didnt ask weird race obsessed manlet

No ofendas a como se llame de forma racista tildandolo de ser un racista de foro de cuarta como este, sweatie.