>tinder plus is now free thanks to corona chan
which city has the best QTs hungry for SWC?
>tinder plus is now free thanks to corona chan
which city has the best QTs hungry for SWC?
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Do Norwegian girls really start convos like this ?
yikes, oof and cringe
I tried helsinki and berlin. I spammed right swipe to everyone i saw just to see what sort of matches i could get. After about a minute i had 3 matches. All the girls were brazillians from brazil, who also set their locations to europe. I also got a ton of matches in new zealand, but the time zones make it impossible to chat with them
Were they all 19 too?
who cares last time i tried i swiped for 2 week+ and got 2 likes and 0 matches
What's up with that?
Got a ton of matches in Pyongyang and Cape Town.
Haven't gotten as many in Europe probably because there's a lower percentage of fellow foreigners and people aren't swiping right on someone over 1,000 miles away unless they themselves are passportfags
Is it even possible to match with non passportfags?
I've been lurking on South America
tons of 18 year old whores showing off their ass in bikinis
it's paradise
why would I bother using tinder in another country when I cant even get a date in my own country with it?
To see what people are like elsewhere?
don't particularly care what women I will never meet that live halfway around the world look like
please fuck our women
don't you want to shitpost about them ehre? xd
whats with the normalfag threads
I've been getting 20+ likes from brazilian and indonesian girls over the past few days, it's fun talking to some but most barely understand english, let alone german
>>tinder plus is now free thanks to corona chan
I was wondering why I was suddenly getting swipes from skanky looking Russians and Brapzillians.
it can be easier in other countrie
Everyone on here is talking about Brazil and Sweden my opinion is this.
Brazil the attractiveness is incredibly tailed every girl is either a 9/10 or a 2/10. Once you get past the hot girls it goes downhill fast. The pro is they take the most bikni pics and have the best bodies overall the cons are there are lots of trans girls ad you if you get hit with girls from favelas it won't pretty.
Sweden the attractiveness is less spread out. There are very few girls I would consider unattractive but I would describe it like this
1/3 super hot
1/3 Mediocre
1/3 brittish slags if you dyed them orange
Then there's really no reason.
after using tinder for a week or two i realized that if their profile says they are 19, they are 18 and if their profile says 18, they are underage, because basically every girl there installs tinder before they are old enough to actually use it.
worst offender ive seen was one whos profile said they were 21 and then the bio was actually im 18
Brazil is clearly the best. The girls in Sao Paulo and Rio are pretty ridiculous, they have the nicest bodies and lots of bikini pics. I also get a stupid amount of matched there. I think there's less foreigners and the girls there like non Brazilian guys, because they message first and I've gotten nudes from a few chicks in the past 5 days.
Colombia is also really good. Surprisingly Peru is too.
Anybody could post the selection in Switzerland?
I want to know if the goods are better online or if it's the same merchandise as usual.
Where are the places with the most passportfags.
That's where I want to go next.
Venice and Berlin seem to be mostly locals, Cape Town was entirely passportfags.
I'd imagine a meme like Pyongyang.
i have not had this luck. i usually have to let my tinder sit in an area for a couple days before it starts matching me with girls (ive only done montreal so far)
how long was it before you started getting matches or did you have a tinder account before the free shit
>woke up to 50+ likes from third worlders again
Mexican goblinas
Brazillian fridge bodies
SEA gooks
Indian pajeetas
Slavic art hoes
Tinder is ruined as long as this passport bullshit is free. I've seen a lot of profiles that say they installed tinder specifically for the foreigners which makes me think they'll keep it free as long as it boosts popularity.
It is Minsk, hands down
Seriously ? That was the place I got the most matches by far
>Slavic art hoes
That's a treasure trove right there. Imagine the humiliation you could put them through
come on user. give some poor girl her greencard
don't know bros I'm just not into the Nordic look. I think Germany and Netherlands is better than Sweden and Norway imo
France was good as well, the UK was by far the worst place o europe. London was terrible all around
Also in my opinion california is the best all around. I don't care what race the girl is as long as she is hot, sunkissed white , latina and Asian girls is a plus for me. I don't want to see women who are carbon copies of one another
ducht women are incredible, i saw the best looking aryan when i was there month ago.
slavic art hoes are better than the average white girl
Made for nigger cock
I had my tinder account already before this
>foreigners trying to speak speak ebonics
Big fucking cringe boys don't do this
Do you swipe right on everyone or do you unironically have the premium version?
>what is the 2 mile trick
what IS the 2 mile trick
eastern european are fond of black culture for some reason, concordance of iq maybe
seriously. why do we have this thread everyday.
with your WHAT?
That explains their music...
>Why yes I do pay for premium user why wouldn't I
I probably would
Why bother if you can't fuck them? Don't tell me you guys actually enjoy talking to women.
I want some dude friend to play vidya with
Have seen so many profiles talking about skater boys
I think she meant beard.
what the fuck is a skater boy
Guys who skateboard
Swiped through probably hundreds in San Francisco and saw like 2. Much more talking about dogs, though not as much as in lithuania.
Looks like Hila.
Oy vey gimme likes and white bussy
b-but why does she call him a bitch??
>white bussy
You mean bbc?
reddit reaction
only if he has a cute face
Seems like she's horny and needs someone to lick, hence the desperation.
what's a read it?
Another one like this
Really, man? Any low hanging fruit?