Based or just stupid?
Swedes are totally ignoring the coronavirus
kill dem boomers
We'll find out eventually.
And I wouldn't really say we're ignoring it, that's an overstatement. Just no quarantine etc.
Has 5G been implemented there yet?
Only time will tell. 1 year from now we should compare Sweden to Norway and Denmark
Based Scandinavian scientists waiting for the relevant data to become available.
Sweden is taking one for the team so that we will be able to evaluate the results of the other countries more wisely.
We're not ignoring it we are really scared and I think we're gonna die so please stop bullying us for it
I'll be pissed if they don't get hit hard
>I think we're gonna die so please stop bullying us for it
Det är bara en liten flunsa din jävla tönt. Såvida du inte är gammal eller tillhör en riskgrupp så behöver du inte oroa dig. Se bara till att undvika folksamlingar etc så att du inte sprider smittan till andra ;)
Man kan faktiskt vara orolig för sin familjs skull om de är i riskgrupper....
they are mentally ill, the urban population for sure
ultra based
extremely based if they're doing it for the right reason, that being the preservation of the people's right for free movement and living a normal life. A global pandemic is not justification enough to infringe on individuals' freedoms.
If they're doing it just to preserve the economy or some shit they can all die of the coronavirus for all I care.
thanks for your sacrifice
we need a control group
Rude and we're gonna die it's not funny!
Based retards
blödhjärtade fegis bögäckel
Jag har faktiskt familjemedlemmar som är i riskgrupp så det så och det är inte roligt att massor av människor dör...
i suspect that in a week, there will be a reversal.
>Man kan faktiskt vara orolig för sin familjs skull om de är i riskgrupper
Se till att de isolerar sig bara. Om alla som är i riskgrupper håller sig inne så kommer det här att gå finfint.
Economically they're going to be fine since it kills mainly old people and they haven't restricted their economy yet but their "humanitarian superpower" attitude will take a hit
swedes arent human
Et tu, Italy?
It was always a lie anyway
we'll maintain the facade
i honestly always supported sweden
i buy ikea stuff
at the apex of the SWEDEN YES moments, i was one of the few who battled against the sistematic bullying your country suffered here
but what did i get from that? all swedoids here a month ago were laughing at us and even polite suggestions at not being retarded were liquidated
all of swedoids are like that? probably not, but you can get fucked for all i care
Once the rapefugees and other poc are dying they will take stronger measures
Welp that does it
I’m moving to Sweden
I understand why you hate us but remember Yas Forums posters don't represent a country
Eh, all Yas Forums posters are cunts
They are actually the ones dying because of poor hygiene and tight living spaces. It has been in our news for weeks. Somalis and Iraqis are the 2 most over represented groups in Corona deaths here apparently. It also has to do with vitamin D
>Once the rapefugees and other poc are dying they will take stronger measures
Top kek, the somalians are actually the ones dying :D
I never imagined that this country could be so BASED.
When swedish girls find out that bbc's are the ones who are suffering then things will change in Sweden
t. Karsten Nordal Hauken
They are confidient in their healthcare, clean habbits of population and worship scientific conduct towards new problems.
Nations who are doing carantine are either distrust their population, having poor healthcare or just simply incompetent corrupted shitholes.
Not completely ignoring it. Some one the local level is doing things about it. My university (I graduated a few months ago) shut down for example, but it's true that the government doesn't do much.
It's very stupid because the it will most likely overwhelm the hospital system. I'm a doctor and we're already having problems. The intensive care units are about 80% full at this point, so we're going to have to use one respirator on several patients and unfortunately take some off them.
Lots of scientists and doctors have been warning the government about this for months now, but they don't listen to us. They talk about "wanting data", but we already have data from other countries. The culture at lot of these government agencies are very toxic, but people on the local level are reasonable for the most part.
They have been hit the hardest.
Lots of Swedes disagree with these policies and to take what some Swedes say and imply that every Swede thinks so is dishonest. Some people seem to hate all Swedes become of Swedens policies even though there're many Swedes that disagree with them. It is what it is. You can't control what other people think.
I think the lesson for Swedes is to attack and not help Swedes that don't care about Swedes and not help anyone else. Why would you? Swedes have after all helped a lot of people at the expense of us (which I and many others disagree with) and all we get is hate - doesn't matter if you supported it or not.
My take away from all of this is to never help anyone unless that person is a nationalist Swede and I hope (and think) more nationalist Swedes will think like that.
Of course the situation is more complicated. The government and certain (((interests groups))) control much of the media and many have been indoctrinated for years. I was brainwashed too until my late teens, but I woke up and many others have and will.
fuck you, I am nice
I'm sure you are user :D
We should hang out and drink some absolut vodka sometime.
Are you gay?
based, thanks Sweden
>Are you gay?
Uh no, why are you asking?
The Swedish have always some weird kind of decadence over them.
>ingen, this virus is not for us because we are the good guys!
Fine, enjoy the virus.
>REEE why are we dying?
I am in desperate need of bf
What kind of bf?
cute, loving, caring bf
Hmm. I mean, I could definitely be that guy. How old are you tho?
Totally based.
I am legal if that's what you are asking
year 2020
Yeah no I'm just wondering about the age difference. I'm 20 years old and I obviously won't get a bf who's like 40 or something. That would be weird.
Based. Everyone else are cowards
Sometimes, Sweden is just based like that.
Well, I am 22, almost 23
Is he somehow connected to us or what's your point?
Are restaurants open?
That could work. Anything else you're wondering or want to know more about? We could chat somewhere else if you want to
>Are restaurants open?
Yes. Everything is open. Only gatherings with more than 100 people have been banned.
But yeah, r
All I wanna know right now is how I can contact you. Maybe a discord or an email?
Uhm I haven't used discord in a while so it's prob better if you give me yours and I could send you a message later.
Won't post email here cuz it has my personal name in it and I obviously dont want to doxx myself on 4chins.
>We'll find out eventually.
Nigger, we've already found out. Remember when China tried to shush the virus by doing nothing for at least a month? We know exactly what's going to happen and nobody will be surprised when it happens except the Swedes.