Why do British people hate the colour green?
Why do British people hate the colour green?
Why is there thrash on the street?
The Anglo hates nature and himself
silly houses, gypsies and albanians would break in in 30 seconds from those winfows
god save the queen
What's the point of these pathetic brick fences?
culture innit
Stop spamming you make these threads multiple times a day
The houses don't look bad. With a little more care this street could look nice.
in britain they can use the door desu
Looks like RDR2
That goes for almost anything in the world. The thing is, they don't care for it.
>That goes for almost anything in the world
I wish. Latin American houses look like shit. And our street pavement is worse than that, even in most wealthy areas.
Looks fine to me.
Looks like a concentration camp
Because it's the colour of Islam, duh.
Brits are the Amerindians of Europe
Why do the dutch revile the colour green?
I add 3 trees
England is very green
I unironically wouldn't mind living here. My neighbourhood is a row of 10 identical commieblocks facing a wall.
i can sort of understand the yank house spammer yanks generally live in wide detached houses (however you feel about mcmansions) i don't get where the dutch spammer is coming from. dutch suburbs are basically identical to ours
Lol no. The UK is third world country compared to the Netherlands.
that's the poorest place in the whole country mate
*cherry picks literally the poorest place in your country* got you
>poorest place in the whole country
>Houses without bars
>People have cars
>People can leave said cars in the street with no worries
>Paved roads
>Still looks somewhat tidy
Firstoid really have no idea man...
just go on google maps netherlands and click about i'm not doing your homework for you
Jaywick (where that is) is a really odd place, they live in houses that were set up as temporary holiday homes after the war, they don't have proper plumbing or anything. They've been offered proper housing but they all refuse to move out out of some weird sense of pride, I think they like being the centre of attention
This is Årjäng, the poorest place in Sweden by average income.
Just looks really depressing
I was watching a British movie where they walk around in actual Britain and I had to stop
Maybe it's the weather but it really looks so sad and downtrodden
It also smells like shit everywhere there. Can't even blame the muslims, at least ours have the decency to shit in the elevators of their commieblocks rather than in the streets
Wow a field, the poor in sweden are so downtrodden that they don't even have houses :(
Weather plays a big role, even in the sun it looks weird. Different lightning than on continental Europe.
commie blocks are better, at least you have enough space, not the same can be said about the UK, those brick houses probably have 1 room and a bathroom
I've noticed this too, it's weird how you can immediately tell if a pic is from britain even if it's just some random field or some shit
souless as fuck
reminds them of the irish
>implying those are some premium cars
those cars are probably like 1k-2k euros each, second hand trash
i did, and it looks better than uk in every way
>People stomping on your ceiling at night
>No garden
>Can't control your own heating
>Got to go up loads of stairs
>Built by commies and falling apart
this is the first and last reply a butthurt gypsy is getting out of me, you and the other two samefaggers are boring.
this is a random dutch street outside a leafy student city
looks no different to the postwar builds 5 minutes from me and i'm in a shithole in the northeast
green is favourite colour of mohammad
>trees, hedges, a lawn
>the skie is blue, not steel colored
i would much rather live there
Why are there so many people posting in these threads under different flags with the exact same writing style posting at specific time intervals?
Anyway here is the mightiest peak in the Netherlands.
>muh samefags
lmao seeth moar bong
>a field
It's somebody's front garden mate.
*Googles poor area sweden* lol owned wow the sky even looks horrible in sweden... your grass is dry and horrible everyones ugly too
You don't get it. It literally is the poorest area in Sweden. Their income is only $24k per year. Houses cost $100k or so. Nothing.
zuid limburg, home.
wow it's like magic.
now please go ahead and pretend you could totes tell the difference if they weren't named
*posts horrible looking commieblock*
Those areas are still richer than Årjäng.
*posts another picture and says sweden smells bad*
And now you must see my point: being poor is no excuse to be trash.
>People stomping on your ceiling at night
i agree
>No garden
you can go outside you know
>Can't control your own heating
false, everyone has pic related
>Got to go up loads of stairs
if you are a lazy fat fuck, yeah, also some of them have elevators
>Built by commies and falling apart
they will never fall apart, especially if you invest in them and renovate them, in case of an earthquake or someting
*posts a picture of a commieblock*
much better than UK in every way, you arent even trying lmao
These cost around £ 245.000,-. They look nicer on the inside.
holy fuck cherrypicking the thread